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The Accidental Vegetarian: Delicious Food Without Meat

von Simon Rimmer

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When Simon Rimmer bought a small vegetarian restaurant, he had no idea how to cook. Armed with two cookbooks and heaps of enthusiasm, he and a friend created the best vegetarian restaurant in Manchester, famous for its unusual food and lovely atmosphere. A confirmed meat eater, Simon had to rethink his cooking and has created vegetarian recipes to please even the most dedicated carnivore. This book is a collection of some of his recipes that are quick to prepare but totally delicious. From his more exotic fusion creations to good old favourites. The Accidental Vegetarian will kill the Jentil and sandal Image of vegetarianism forever!… (mehr)
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This book promised some yummy sounding food, N got particularly excited by it, because none of it sounded too much like vegetarian food. As a result I tried recipes from it with a great deal of enthusiasm.

Unfortunately, I have had a few problems.

Firstly: The instructions are not especially helpful, it lacks details where details would be really helpful. And when I say "lack of detail" I may be seeking a more charitable way of saying, "gets stuff wrong" or "misses stuff out". Example: I made some onion gravy to the letter of the recipe, but had to fiddle with it a lot to make it edible (i.e. something one pours rather than slices - this coming from someone who likes thick gravy)

Secondly: A lot of the recipes require you to deep fry, and even where it says one can shallow fry, you would need to be a better man than me to get a satisfying result. (As opposed to an oily mess) Generally speaking shallow frying is rarely a good replacement for deep frying, as I haven't got a deep fat fryer that closes a lot of doors to me.

Thirdly: One can kind of tell it is a restaurant cookbook, there is a feel to a lot of the recipes that they would be quite practical if you had a restaurant kitchen, but someone with a small range of high quality domestic apparatus might struggle a little. So for instance I have had to discount most of the recipes that require a deep fat fryer, the recipes are not designed to be easily scalable, and even simple dishes have relatively complex recipes.

Finally: The dishes themselves sometimes tended towards a trap all too common with vegetarian food, especially as found in restaurants. Chefs seems to panic, and worry that vegetarian food is too boring, sometimes they are right to do so, but that does not mean one needs to layer flavour upon flavour. A good meal should have three or four good flavours, no more than two very rich ones, with a couple of more subtle background notes. So pasta, with a rich tomato sauce, basil and cheese is, from a flavour perspective, perfect. Something swimming in a rainbow of Jus is not. ( )
  OwenGriffiths | Jun 27, 2008 |
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When Simon Rimmer bought a small vegetarian restaurant, he had no idea how to cook. Armed with two cookbooks and heaps of enthusiasm, he and a friend created the best vegetarian restaurant in Manchester, famous for its unusual food and lovely atmosphere. A confirmed meat eater, Simon had to rethink his cooking and has created vegetarian recipes to please even the most dedicated carnivore. This book is a collection of some of his recipes that are quick to prepare but totally delicious. From his more exotic fusion creations to good old favourites. The Accidental Vegetarian will kill the Jentil and sandal Image of vegetarianism forever!

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