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Novell's Guide to Troubleshooting NDS

von Peter Kuo

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Troubleshooting your network is part science, part art -- and part luck. Novell's Guide to Troubleshooting NDS removes luck from the equation. Written by two NDS experts, this indispensable guide delivers proven solutions and management techniques for preventing crashes, fixing sluggish performance, enhancing security, and rooting out other problems. Filled with diagnostic tools, disaster recovery tips, and real-world examples, it is the book you need to keep your NDS network running smoothly.… (mehr)
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Indeholder "Preface", "Acknowledgements", "Part I. NDS Foundations", " Chapter 1. The Four Basics of NDS Troubleshooting", " Don't Panic!", " Understand the Error Codes and NDS Processes", " Troubleshoot and Resolve the Problem", " Manage NS to Prevent Problems", " Summary", " Chapter 2. NDS Basics", " NDS Database Structure", " Classes", " Attributes", " Syntaxes", " Partition and Replica Types", " The System Partition", " The Schema Partition", " The External Reference Partition", " The Bindery Partition", " User-Defined Partitions", " Bindery Services", " Time Synchronization", " Single Reference Time Server", " Reference Time Server", " Primary Time Server", " Secondary Time Server", " Summary", " Chapter 3. Directory Information Base", " Netware 4 DIB", " PARTITIO.NDS", " ENTRY.NDS", " VALUES.NDS", " BLOCK.NDS", " Netware 5 DIB", " Locating the DIB", " Backup Up the DIB", " Summary", " Chapter 4. Don't Panic", " Dealing with People", " Dealing with Stress", "Part II. Understanding the Error Codes and NDS Processes", " Chapter 5. NDS Error Codes Explained", " Types and Causes of NDS Errors", " Transitory NDS Errors", " Recurring NDS Errors", " NDS Error-Causing Conditions", " Directory Services OS Error Codes", " Directory Services Client Library Error Codes", " Directory Services NLM Client Library Error Codes", " Directory Services Agent Error Codes", " Summary", " Chapter 6. Understanding Common NDS Processes", " Obituaries", " Background Processes", " Synchronization", " Schema Synchronization", " Janitor", " Flat Cleaner", " Limber", " Manual Object-Related Processes", " Create Object", " Rename Object", " Delete Object", " Move Object", " Manual Partition and Replication Processes", " Split Partition", " Merge Partition", " Move Partition", " Rename Partition", " Create Replica", " Delete Replica", " Change Replica Type", " Summary", "Part III. Troubleshoot and Resolve the Problem", " Chapter 7. Diagnosis Tools", " Server Tools", " DSREPAIR", " DSTRACE", " DSVIEW", " DSDIAG", " Third-Party Utilities", " Workstation Tools", " NDS Manager", " NWAdmin", " ODBC Driver for NDS", " Schema Manager", " Other Tools", " Information Tools", " LogicSource for NDS", " Novell's Technical Support Knowledgebase", " Internet Newsgroups", " Help Files", " Summary", " Chapter 8. NDS Recovery Tools", " SMS Backup and Restore", " SMS Architecture", " System Independent Data Format", " SMS Backup Session Example", " SBackup", " Importing User Objects with UIMPORT", " How UIMPORT Works", " Using UIMPORT to Recover Loss NDS Data", " Importing and Exporting Object Information", " Third-Pary Unitilies", " Recovering Lost Passwords", " Recovering a Lost Admin User", " Detecting and Gaining Access to IRF-Blocked Objects", " Creating Server-Specific Information Data", " Summary", " Chapter 9. Diagnosis and Recovery Techniques", " Using Diagnosis Tools with Other Diagnosis Tools", " Using Recovery Tools with Other Recovery Tools", " Using Diagnosis Tools with Recovery Tools", " Bridging Techniques", " Summary", " Chapter 10. Programming for NDS Disaster Recovery", " awk", " Why awk?", " How does awk Work?", " Example", " Using C or C++", " Other Programming and Scripting Languages", " Summary", " Chapter 11. Examples from the Real World", " Bindery Services Issues", " The Bindery Supervisor User", " Mail Directories and Bindery Queues", " Bindery Clients", " Performance Considerations", " Unknown Objects", " Schema Problems", " Stuck Obituaries", " Recovering a Crashed SYS Volume or Server", " Dealing with Stealth Objects", " Maximum Concurrent Logins Reached", " Group Membership Recovery", " Replica Ring Inconsistency", " Synthetic Time", " Summary", "Part IV. Manage NDS to Prevent Problems", " Chapter 12. Upgrading to NetWare 5", " NDS Differences between NetWare 4 and NetWare 5", " Transitive Synchronization", " ACL Inheritance", " Schema Changes", " Objects References", " Netware 5 Licensing", " Moving Licenses", " Site Licenses versus Unique Licenses", " Netware 5 Licensing Types", " Migration Tools and Methodologies", " Premigration Checklist", " NetWare Licenses with a Nine-Digit Serial Number", " Upgrade Options", " Postmigration Checklist", " Renaming a Netware 5 Server", " Upgrading in a Single-Server Environment", " Upgrading in a Multiserver Environment", " Tree Merges", " Bindery-to-NDS Conversion", " Summary", " Chapter 13. NDS Management Tools", " NetWare Administrator", " NDS Manager", " Partition and Replica Management", " Partition Continuity", " Other Features", " Server Management", " UIMPORT", " NLIST", " ConsoleOne", " OIMPORT/OEXPORT", " Third-Party Tools", " ScheMAX", " DS Expert", " BindView EMS", " Summary", " Chapter 14. NDS Management Techniques", " Strategies", " Planning Ahead", " Saving Time", " Knowing Your Tools", " A Secret Fourth Idea: Multitasking", " Single-Object Modification", " Netware Administrator", " NETADMIN and Other DOS-Based Tools", " Multiple Object Modification", " Maximum Login Name Length", " Resolving Naming Clashes", " Indtifying Multiple Accounts for the Same User", " Netware Administrator", " Tips and Tricks", " Standards", " NDS Replication and Partitioning", " Summary", " Chapter 15. Effectively Setting Up NDS Security", " Physical Security", " Console Security", " Security Policies", " Principles of Good Security", " Protecting Administrative Accounts", " Protecting the Schema", " Protecting Login Scripts", " Protecting Logical Portions of the Tree", " Evaluating Security Equivalences", " Accountabilit and Auditing", " Keeping Hackers Out", " Hidden Objects", " Setting Up NDS Security Access for a Help Desk", " Summary", "Appendix A. NDS Error Codes", "Appendix B. DS Verbs", "Appendix C. NDS Classes, Objects, and Attributes", "Appendix D. NDS Resources", "Index".

En slags missimg manual til en tidlig udgave af Novell's Edirectory og Novell Directory Service. ( )
  bnielsen | Jun 30, 2017 |
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Peter KuoHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Henderson, JimAutorCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Troubleshooting your network is part science, part art -- and part luck. Novell's Guide to Troubleshooting NDS removes luck from the equation. Written by two NDS experts, this indispensable guide delivers proven solutions and management techniques for preventing crashes, fixing sluggish performance, enhancing security, and rooting out other problems. Filled with diagnostic tools, disaster recovery tips, and real-world examples, it is the book you need to keep your NDS network running smoothly.

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