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Blues All Around Me: The Autobiography of B.B. King (1996)

von B. B. King

Weitere Autoren: David Ritz

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1942145,222 (3.82)7
Riley B. King grew up amidst the cotton farms of Mississippi, picking in the fields. At age 21 he wrecked a tractor and took it as a sign that a brighter future awaited him as a musician in Memphis. The rest is history. Recounting his days as a disk jockey and pioneering bluesman on the rhythm and blues circuit, B.B. dramatizes his whirlwind adventures, from the Memphis of the forties to the Moscow of the nineties, in a voice that is both raw and real. A deeply sensuous and sensitive soul, he discloses his complex relationship to women and sexuality, and chronicles his first-hand experience with racism, the Civil Rights movement, and the shifting politics of show business.… (mehr)
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This is one man whose music speaks to me like no other. When I found this book, I was so excited to read it. This book reads like B.B.'s own personal diary. So frank and honest. It's like B.B. was sitting there talking to me. ( )
  Spoo | Dec 19, 2007 |
If you want to know B.B. King, read this book. He really bares his soul and is very forthcoming. An amazing person and musician. An American treasure. ( )
  ck2935 | May 18, 2007 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
B. B. KingHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Ritz, DavidCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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Riley B. King grew up amidst the cotton farms of Mississippi, picking in the fields. At age 21 he wrecked a tractor and took it as a sign that a brighter future awaited him as a musician in Memphis. The rest is history. Recounting his days as a disk jockey and pioneering bluesman on the rhythm and blues circuit, B.B. dramatizes his whirlwind adventures, from the Memphis of the forties to the Moscow of the nineties, in a voice that is both raw and real. A deeply sensuous and sensitive soul, he discloses his complex relationship to women and sexuality, and chronicles his first-hand experience with racism, the Civil Rights movement, and the shifting politics of show business.

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