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Politics in Francophone Africa

von Victor T. Le Vine

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The fourteen countries in west and equatorial Africa that formed the heart of what was once France's African colonial empire - all independent now for more than four decades - still retain French as an official language, remain attached to French culture, and maintain political links with France. Each country, however, has developed its own distinctive brand of politics. Victor Le Vine traces the political evolution of these countries, exploring the elements that have shaped their particular political dynamics while allowing them to remain part of a unique francophone sociopolitical community. Le Vine's provocative discussion of topics ranging from the colonial context, political culture, and religion to redemocratization, informal politics, and international relations offers a comprehensive, unique perspective on the workings of this relatively little-known group of states.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonjkellner, dianahelwink, AfricaCari, durrant, DorsVenabili
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  AfricaCari | Sep 12, 2012 |
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The fourteen countries in west and equatorial Africa that formed the heart of what was once France's African colonial empire - all independent now for more than four decades - still retain French as an official language, remain attached to French culture, and maintain political links with France. Each country, however, has developed its own distinctive brand of politics. Victor Le Vine traces the political evolution of these countries, exploring the elements that have shaped their particular political dynamics while allowing them to remain part of a unique francophone sociopolitical community. Le Vine's provocative discussion of topics ranging from the colonial context, political culture, and religion to redemocratization, informal politics, and international relations offers a comprehensive, unique perspective on the workings of this relatively little-known group of states.

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