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Lore of The River...The Shoals of Long Ago

von William Lindsey McDonald

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Information can be found on the pages of this newly revised and expanded book about the first white settlers in this area. Rare and hard to find facts such as lists of names of men who with government land grants settled their families in Lauderdale County and where. Filled with old pictures and photographs of paintings done by Dorothy Carter McDonald, the author's wife, this book is sure to please, inform and add to you knowledge base. Lore of the River The Shoals of Long Ago is a great addition to a history/genealogy collection or a fabulous start… (mehr)
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  WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
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Information can be found on the pages of this newly revised and expanded book about the first white settlers in this area. Rare and hard to find facts such as lists of names of men who with government land grants settled their families in Lauderdale County and where. Filled with old pictures and photographs of paintings done by Dorothy Carter McDonald, the author's wife, this book is sure to please, inform and add to you knowledge base. Lore of the River The Shoals of Long Ago is a great addition to a history/genealogy collection or a fabulous start

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