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Dreams of Dark and Light (1986)

von Tanith Lee

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
841330,676 (4.33)4
A collection of short pieces that effectively combine horror, science fiction, and often the elements of fantasy.
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Overall score on this collection is 5.4 (out of 10) so not very good. I seem to have a love-hate thing for Tanith Lee. She's written some of my favorite books/stories but also at least a couple that I couldn't even finish they were so painfully bad. I read this collection of the last 3 years and finally finished it this morning.

Because Our Skins are Finer (5.0) - Just having someone be a lycanthrope does not constitue a plot.

Bite-Me-Not, or, Fleur de Fur (7.0) - Cool ending, good writing, but why no red? Interesting plot but just kind of waiting to find out what's going to happen at the end.

Black as Ink (1.0) - Suucked, no plot, no magic

Bright Burning Tiger (6.0) - Story about Blake's poem. Why is everyone so obsessed with this poem. Some cool imagery. Hunter turns into tiger.

Cryion in Wax () - This story is in 'Cyrion'

A Day in the Skin (or, the Century We Were Out of Them) (6.5) - Not enough living bodies so some
made. (not sure what that means, can't read my own writing).

The Dry Season (6.5) - Not bad, no big surprise, very atmospheric.

Elle Est Trois (La Mort) (3.0) - No plot. 3 guys die.

Foreign Skins (5.5) - Ok but too long. I like the Naga city but the plot was lagging.

The Gorgon (7.5) - Heavy, distrubing, original

La Reine Blanche (7.0) - Fairy tale like, sad and then happy

A Lynx with Lions (6.0) - Forgot to review, best guess

Magritte's Secret Agent (7.5) - Interesting twist on old myth, but kinda long.

Medra (5.0) - Not very exciting. Kinda surreal.

Nunc Dimittis (2.0) - Boring emo crap.

Odds Against the Gods (6.0) - Kinda wandering around with a bad ending but cool retro fantasy pulpiness.

A Room With a Vie (4.5) - Guy rents a room a couple months a year, makes it his own. Then he dies and the room is living. New tenant stabs it to death because it freaks her out. Kinda dumb.

Sirriamnis (6.5) - Weak ending, too long, good writing, scary

Southern Lights (6.5) - Fantasy story, not bad. Village of automatons built by a blind alchemist. Kinda freaky.

Tamastara (2.0) - Very confusing. I do get the main plot and it seems like it could be good but just wasn't. If you die badly your next incarnation is scared. They make a machine to go back in time and help avoid that.

When the Clock Strikes (6.5) - A dark version of Snow White where she's evil and the prince dies.

Wolfland (6.5) - Kind of Little Red Ridinghood except she becomes a werewolf.

Written in Water (5.0) - Very strange. Not sure where the title came from or what the story meant but at least it was short. ( )
  ragwaine | Jan 1, 2017 |
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A collection of short pieces that effectively combine horror, science fiction, and often the elements of fantasy.

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