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Suzinari!, Volume 1

von Shōko Iwami

Reihen: Suzunari! (1)

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372685,210 (3.36)1
Kaede Takamura's teenage life swerves to the brink of insanity when she comes face to face with her twin...or does she? Suzu is practically the mirror-image of Kaede - except for having cat ears and a tail and being far more well-endowed than Kaede thinks any teenager ought to be. But the Takamuras have no qualms about bringing this strange, happy-go-lucky catgirl into their home. With Suzu completely ignorant of the ways of modern society, it's going to be a very long year for poor Kaede.… (mehr)
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I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed this. I really am! It's super adorable and quirky and weird and it totally works in its 4-koma format. Plus, it's yuri-slanted manga that's not porn, which is always a plus for me (although it's a bit ecchi, thus the 'older teen' warning). I think I'm most like Kaede of all the folks in this series, yikes. Luckily, I got both volumes of this manga at the same time; no wait between books for me! ( )
  sarahlh | Mar 6, 2021 |
Suzunari is a silly story with surprising comedy and drama. The manga is done in a 4 panel strip style, which is uncommon but will appeal to fans of Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star. ( )
  ErlangerFactionless | Feb 8, 2013 |
Whether it’s nauseating or amazing that a single manga manages to combine fantasies of twincest, narcissism and bestiality in a cuddly-cute pandering fashion, Suzunari is undeniably well-executed and cutely drawn.

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Kaede Takamura's teenage life swerves to the brink of insanity when she comes face to face with her twin...or does she? Suzu is practically the mirror-image of Kaede - except for having cat ears and a tail and being far more well-endowed than Kaede thinks any teenager ought to be. But the Takamuras have no qualms about bringing this strange, happy-go-lucky catgirl into their home. With Suzu completely ignorant of the ways of modern society, it's going to be a very long year for poor Kaede.

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