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Why Flip a Coin: The Art and Science of Good Decisions

von H. W. Lewis

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1171241,286 (3.2)Keine
"It is rare to come across a book that can truly be called fascinating, but here is one."-New Scientist Why Flip a Coin? What's the best way to choose the right spouse? . . . How can I increase my chances of winning the office football pool? . . . By what process should I choose a candidate in the Senate race? . . . Could I possibly make more money playing poker instead of the stock market? Using examples gleaned from everyday life, noted physicist H. W. Lewis explains what science has discovered about the rules that govern good-and not-so-good-decision making. Full of provocative insights into human psychology and behavior, Why Flip a Coin? will leave you laughing-even as you're learning. "Should you read this book or not? If you don't read it you will surely miss out on Lewis's flinty wit and sharp sense of irony. The choice is clear. You needn't even flip a coin."-The Sciences "Lighthearted but far from flippant." (Science Editor's Recommended Book)… (mehr)
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Interesting topic. The author is very funny at times. The start is quite good, however, out of nowhere, it turns into a political rant. ( )
  SpaceyAcey | Sep 23, 2013 |
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"It is rare to come across a book that can truly be called fascinating, but here is one."-New Scientist Why Flip a Coin? What's the best way to choose the right spouse? . . . How can I increase my chances of winning the office football pool? . . . By what process should I choose a candidate in the Senate race? . . . Could I possibly make more money playing poker instead of the stock market? Using examples gleaned from everyday life, noted physicist H. W. Lewis explains what science has discovered about the rules that govern good-and not-so-good-decision making. Full of provocative insights into human psychology and behavior, Why Flip a Coin? will leave you laughing-even as you're learning. "Should you read this book or not? If you don't read it you will surely miss out on Lewis's flinty wit and sharp sense of irony. The choice is clear. You needn't even flip a coin."-The Sciences "Lighthearted but far from flippant." (Science Editor's Recommended Book)

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