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The Happy Hollisters and the Sea Turtle Mystery

von Jerry West

Weitere Autoren: Helen S. Hamilton (Illustrator)

Reihen: Happy Hollisters (26)

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2752100,116 (4.25)1
"One day Pete and Pam Hollister rescued a Seminole Indian named Charlie Tiger Tail from drowning in Pine Lake. But they never dreamed that their heroic act would lead to a new, exciting mystery and a vacation in Florida. Within a few days, all the Hollisters were enjoying the beach at Turtle Point in the Everglades. And they were eager to help Charlie catch a gang of thieves who were illegally killing giant sea turtles and stealing their eggs! ... There were many ... thrilling adventures--including Ricky's capture by the thieves--before the Hollisters finally traced the poachers to their hideout and solved the sea turtle mystery."… (mehr)
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The Happy Hollisters and the Sea Turtle Mystery (Happy Hollisters, #26)
This story starts out with the airboat at their lake. There are problems and the kids and their dad help Charlie fix it as they learn more about his area in FL.
He's a Seminole Indian and he lives there with his daughter and other relatives.
As the family journey there they also realize Joey is there visiting friends and he gets them into trouble, as usual.
So many educational things I enjoyed learning about: the huge sea turtles and the seashell and their names.
So many scary parts also and sketches help to tell the story.
Can't wait to find out what other mysteries they will uncover... ( )
  jbarr5 | Apr 30, 2021 |
It is great. I may be older and am a little startled at how often their parents can get off work, but I don't care. I love this series. ( )
  Wanda-Gambling | May 9, 2020 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Jerry WestHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Hamilton, Helen S.IllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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"One day Pete and Pam Hollister rescued a Seminole Indian named Charlie Tiger Tail from drowning in Pine Lake. But they never dreamed that their heroic act would lead to a new, exciting mystery and a vacation in Florida. Within a few days, all the Hollisters were enjoying the beach at Turtle Point in the Everglades. And they were eager to help Charlie catch a gang of thieves who were illegally killing giant sea turtles and stealing their eggs! ... There were many ... thrilling adventures--including Ricky's capture by the thieves--before the Hollisters finally traced the poachers to their hideout and solved the sea turtle mystery."

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