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Systematic Theology Volume 3

von Charles Hodge

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1721164,369 (4.9)Keine
Continuing on in the final book on his mammoth work on theology, Hodge finishes his thoughts on the work of Christ, Salvation and the Holy Spirit. He lines out the thinking and fallacies of many evangelical and Roman Catholic schools of thought while clearly explaining the Reformed way of thinking. He concludes this tome with the Calvinist teachings on the final days of both the earth and humanity when they die. Again laying bold arguments for the Reformed way of thinking, Hodge is able to articulate clearly and Biblically this way of theological thought while giving credence to the past.… (mehr)
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Have Vols. 1 and 3; do not have Vol. 2
  BillMild | Mar 6, 2021 |
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Continuing on in the final book on his mammoth work on theology, Hodge finishes his thoughts on the work of Christ, Salvation and the Holy Spirit. He lines out the thinking and fallacies of many evangelical and Roman Catholic schools of thought while clearly explaining the Reformed way of thinking. He concludes this tome with the Calvinist teachings on the final days of both the earth and humanity when they die. Again laying bold arguments for the Reformed way of thinking, Hodge is able to articulate clearly and Biblically this way of theological thought while giving credence to the past.

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