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True North (2009)

von Bethany Brown, Ashlyn Kane (Autor)

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654418,308 (3.43)Keine
Lost Boys and Love Letters: Book One Small-town engineer Jackson Strange has been clumsy his whole life, so it doesn't surprise him when an accident at work sends him to the local clinicâbut his attraction to Julian Piet, the charming doctor charged with stitching him up, catches him completely off guard. Julian has just returned home after finishing his residency a few provinces over. Now he has to make his tiny Alberta town fit again. When his path crosses Jack's, he gets an idea of how to do that. Unfortunately, Jack's reluctance to be open about his sexuality and Julian's shattered confidence make taking that first step difficult. It takes a push from Julian's meddlesome sister to send them stumbling into romance. Happily wrapped up in their fledgling relationship, Jack and Julian think they may have found their way. Then Julian's job, Jack's family connections, and dangerous illness threaten to send them spinning apart. The only way to get to happy-ever-after is to believe and trust that together, they can find true north.… (mehr)
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How can you resist a man in scrubs? Years of watching ER, Chicago Hope and now Grey’s obviously has me well conditioned. heh.

This book starts with promise, two guys meet and are attracted to each other, always a bonus in a romance novel. Bit of the whole caretaker hero doing his taking care thing, it was good. I liked Jackson, he was sweet and had me imagining warm plaid shirts. Not sure why, just did! Julian is a nice foil of slender goodness with much fiesty sexiness. There is a beautifully described small town in winter, interesting secondary characters and it was nice and long. (long is good!)

The only problems I had with the book were a few moments with awkward plot devices that had my suspension of disbelief working overtime. I also found some of the explanations about backgrounds and where the boys came from a little confusing, but the rest of the book read reasonably smoothly.

Despite these problematic moments I’ll be interested in seeing what their next book is like. It is coming soon from Dreamspinner Press in March. ( )
  sharrow | Sep 21, 2013 |
How can you resist a man in scrubs? Years of watching ER, Chicago Hope and now Grey’s obviously has me well conditioned. heh.This book starts with promise, two guys meet and are attracted to each other, always a bonus in a romance novel. Bit of the whole caretaker hero doing his taking care thing, it was good. I liked Jackson, he was sweet and had me imagining warm plaid shirts. Not sure why, just did! Julian is a nice foil of slender goodness with much fiesty sexiness. There is a beautifully described small town in winter, interesting secondary characters and it was nice and long. (long is good!) The only problems I had with the book were a few moments with awkward plot devices that had my suspension of disbelief working overtime. I also found some of the explanations about backgrounds and where the boys came from a little confusing, but the rest of the book read reasonably smoothly.Despite these problematic moments I’ll be interested in seeing what their next book is like. It is coming soon from Dreamspinner Press in March. ( )
  sharrow | Jan 6, 2010 |
Small-town engineer Jackson Strange has been clumsy his whole life, so when an accident at work sends him to the local clinic, it's no big shock. The surprise is his magnetic, heated attraction to the enigmatic Julian Piet, a charming doctor with killer good looks who pulls Jack off his lonely course. Now that their paths have crossed, Jack and Julian head off in a new direction - but between Jack's reluctance to be open about his sexuality and Julian's shattered self-confidence, they can't seem to decide what direction that is. It takes a push from Julian's meddlesome sister to send them stumbling headfirst into romance.

Happily wrapped up in their fledgling relationship, Jack and Julian think they may have found their way when unexpected roadblocks appear on their path to forever. Wrathful storms, dangerous illness, family connections, and broken hearts threaten their tenuous balance. Will the trials send them spinning apart - their love scattered to the four winds? Or will Jack and Julian learn to believe and trust that together they can find true north.
From Dreamspinner Press.

How can you resist a man in scrubs? Years of watching ER, Chicago Hope and now Grey's obviously has me well conditioned. heh.

This book starts with promise, two guys meet and are attracted to each other, always a bonus in a romance novel. Bit of the whole caretaker hero doing his taking care thing, it was good. I liked Jackson, he was sweet and had me imagining warm plaid shirts. Not sure why, just did! Julian is a nice foil of slender goodness with much fiesty sexiness. There is a beautifully described small town in winter, interesting secondary characters and it was nice and long. (long is good!)

The only problems I had with the book were a few moments with awkward plot devices that had my suspension of disbelief working overtime. I also found some of the explanations about backgrounds and where the boys came from a little confusing, but the rest of the book read reasonably smoothly.

Despite these problematic moments I'll be interested in seeing what their next book is like. It is coming soon from Dreamspinner Press in March.
Check out more reviews on my blog. ( )
  sharrow | Feb 22, 2009 |
True North is one of that typical story setting in a small town, where everyone knows what his neighbor is doing; the only difference, and maybe what made it so nice, is that is setting in Canada, and so Julian and Jack's love, even if not totally in the open, it's at least accepted and also facilitated by relatives (Julian's sister and Jack's mother).

Julian is originally from the small town, but he went to study medicine in the big city, and for a period he lived there. The life and some bad experiences, and his sister, convinced him to come back in small town, since life is easier and love is more available. Jack is not from there, but he is from another similar small town in Canada, and he likes this type of life, with its slow rhythm and the easiness which you make friend: everyone is out to give an hand if necessary, and Jack is not less than the other, he carpools the sons of his friends, he plays on Saturday in the only pub of the town, he is famous as a gentle man but prone to accident.

And so, when for a countless time, he ends in hospital, Julian patches him up and not only; since everything is simpler, it doesn't pass too much time that Julian and Jack are a steady thing, even if at first there are some misunderstandments. Julian doesn't hide the fact that he is gay but neither flaunts it; Jack instead has no problem to admit that he prefers the company of men, but he is still in the closet with his mother, and so he prefers to be very discreet. Jack is not a bad guy, but Julian needs to be accepted in all he is and he needs to 'hear' those words of acceptance, since he was scarred in the past. Overcome this problem between them, there is still one question or two, but all in all their story is settled and fated for an happily ever after.

The really original touch in the story are all the female characters, some with very important roles, like Roz, Julian's sister, or Flo, Jack's mother, and someone else with lesser roles, but not less interesting, like Brenda, the owner of the pub, or Bella, Jack's aunt, or Hallie, one of the kid Jack carpools around... if you think well at it, this book, even if it's about two men, it's full of women! But in this way I have no problem, they didn't interfere with the two men... or at least, if they interfere is to bring the two men together. At the end, Julian and Jack have to share the scene with all these women, and sometime the women stole them the scene.

True North is a really nice book, tender and easy, without too much angst but with a very comfortable feeling.
  elisa.rolle | Jan 27, 2009 |
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Bethany BrownHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Kane, AshlynAutorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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For Alina, Melissa, and the rest of the girls' night crew; and for Brandon:
Without your relentless encouragement and support, this book could not have been written.I love you all.
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"Jackson Strange," the nurse read out, her eyes meeting his across the nearly empty waiting room. She checked something off on her clipboard. "The doctor will see you now."
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Lost Boys and Love Letters: Book One Small-town engineer Jackson Strange has been clumsy his whole life, so it doesn't surprise him when an accident at work sends him to the local clinicâbut his attraction to Julian Piet, the charming doctor charged with stitching him up, catches him completely off guard. Julian has just returned home after finishing his residency a few provinces over. Now he has to make his tiny Alberta town fit again. When his path crosses Jack's, he gets an idea of how to do that. Unfortunately, Jack's reluctance to be open about his sexuality and Julian's shattered confidence make taking that first step difficult. It takes a push from Julian's meddlesome sister to send them stumbling into romance. Happily wrapped up in their fledgling relationship, Jack and Julian think they may have found their way. Then Julian's job, Jack's family connections, and dangerous illness threaten to send them spinning apart. The only way to get to happy-ever-after is to believe and trust that together, they can find true north.

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