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Ein Tagebuch im strikten Sinn des Wortes : Neuguinea, 1914 - 1918

von Bronisław Malinowski

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931300,828 (3.45)1
When it was first published (in 1967, posthumously), Bronislaw Malinowski's diary, covering the period of his fieldwork in 1914-1915 and 1917-1918 in New Guinea and the Trobriand Islands, set off a storm of controversy. Many anthropologists felt that the publication of the diary--which Raymond Firth describes as "this revealing, egocentric, obsessional document"--was a profound disservice to the memory of one of the giant figures in the history of anthropology. Almost certainly never intended to be published, Malinowski's diary was intensely personal and brutally honest. He kept it, he said, "as a means of self-analysis." Reviews ranged from "it is to the discredit of all concerned that the diary has now been committed to print" to "fascinating reading." Twenty years have passed, and Raymond Firth suggests that the book has moved over to a more central place in the literature of anthropological reflection. In 1967, Clifford Geertz felt that the "gross, tiresome" diary revealed Malinowski as "a crabbed, self-preoccupied, hypochondriacal narcissist, whose fellow-feeling for the people he lived with was limited in the extreme." But in 1988, Geertz referred to the diary as a "backstage masterpiece of anthropology, our The Double Helix." Similarly in 1987, James Clifford called it "a crucial document for the history of anthropology."… (mehr)
  1. 10
    The Diary of Geza Csath von Géza Csáth (meggyweg)
    meggyweg: Although these men were very far apart geographically and held different careers, they were writing during the same time period and both were fairly obsessed with their health and their sexual lives.
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Although Bronislaw Malinowski was a famous anthropologist, don't expect to find out anything about anthropology from his diary. He hardly ever wrote about his work, focusing instead on his loves and lusts, books he read, and obsessing over his health. (He was a hypochondriac who regularly dosed himself with arsenic, the turn-of-the-century aspirin.) I think this book better teaches the reader about the opinions and way of thinking of the European man during that time.

Frankly, I couldn't stand Malinowski. He was pretentious and bigoted and half the time I wanted to slap him. As an anthropologist you would expect he would be less prejudiced than the average person -- and perhaps, scarily, he was. But he consistently referred to his research subjects as "brutes" and "savages" and by a certain unprintable racial slur. He found their women attractive and occasionally "pawed" them, but actually sleeping with them was out of the question -- he seemed to equate the idea with bestiality. He had a fiancee back in Poland, but that didn't stop him from lusting after every white woman he met, and sometimes acting on it.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, but I didn't get much out of it other than a bad taste in my mouth. However, I think it is a valuable historical document, and people studying the period would find it useful. ( )
  meggyweg | Jul 16, 2009 |
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When it was first published (in 1967, posthumously), Bronislaw Malinowski's diary, covering the period of his fieldwork in 1914-1915 and 1917-1918 in New Guinea and the Trobriand Islands, set off a storm of controversy. Many anthropologists felt that the publication of the diary--which Raymond Firth describes as "this revealing, egocentric, obsessional document"--was a profound disservice to the memory of one of the giant figures in the history of anthropology. Almost certainly never intended to be published, Malinowski's diary was intensely personal and brutally honest. He kept it, he said, "as a means of self-analysis." Reviews ranged from "it is to the discredit of all concerned that the diary has now been committed to print" to "fascinating reading." Twenty years have passed, and Raymond Firth suggests that the book has moved over to a more central place in the literature of anthropological reflection. In 1967, Clifford Geertz felt that the "gross, tiresome" diary revealed Malinowski as "a crabbed, self-preoccupied, hypochondriacal narcissist, whose fellow-feeling for the people he lived with was limited in the extreme." But in 1988, Geertz referred to the diary as a "backstage masterpiece of anthropology, our The Double Helix." Similarly in 1987, James Clifford called it "a crucial document for the history of anthropology."

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