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Free Speech: A Very Short Introduction (2009)

von Nigel Warburton

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1444196,477 (3.69)Keine
From the Publisher: Voltaire's comment-"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"-is frequently quoted by defenders of free speech. Yet it is rare to find someone prepared to defend all freedom of speech, especially if the views expressed are obnoxious or obviously false. So where do we draw the line? How important is our right to freedom of speech? In this accessible and up-to-date Very Short Introduction, Nigel Warburton covers a wide range of controversial free-speech issues, from Holocaust denial and pornography to the status of modern copyright law. The book offers a concise guide to many of the vexing issues concerning our right to speak freely, including: Should a civilized society set limits on freedom of speech? How can we balance free speech with the sensitivities of religious and minority groups? How have digital technology and the Internet changed the debate?… (mehr)
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This book can fairly be judged by the cover: it is indeed short and only an introduction. Not at all badly done for that. But I guess I'm looking for more. So my rating (like for all books I review here) is a rating for ME not the whole universe of possible readers. ( )
  steve02476 | Jan 3, 2023 |
This book is excellent. Nigel Warburton has done us a favor by writing this book. This is a contentious topic and is not as simple as people like Elon Musk may want it to seem.

He has outlined the foundation of the theorem of free speech - it is still what John Stuart Mill has stated. However, society has become much more complex since then, and the issues surrounding free speech are fraught with contradictions. He has done an excellent job of discussing this topic systematically and in a neutral tone. ( )
  RajivC | Aug 27, 2022 |
Contemporary debate on Free Speech vs Hate Speech is tangled with dogma, emotional sentiments, acrimonious arguments about religion.

Most of us don’t know where to draw the line.

One approach would be to take, meat of this book in Chapter 2.

It talks about Mill’s Harm principle. Concisely — Mill takes a consequentialist approach for freedom of speech i.e greater the outcome of an action ought to be chosen eg: liberty, the best idea in society would automatically win, and get to truth. Does this mean, you’d allow, “Flat Earth.” Mill says, yes — why? Because, it would not be good to silence minority view, in doing so, would be tyranny.

Although, I am not sure how Mill defines truth. His theory of truth, could be debate, and his premise might hinge upon it.

Nigel takes a tour on famous cases on Free Speech, his example on famous Holocaust denier, brought lights to me on legal rights. English Courts declared, the historian as, “Holocaust Denier.” Thus discredited his academic credentials.

I’d recommend reading this to anyone interested in legal laws, liberty, utilitarianism.

You’d spend few hours in this book.

I'd suggest work of Roger Williams on Liberty of Conscience. He was, the founder of State of Rhode Island, U.S.

Nigel Recommends popular author, John Locke’s work on Toleration and John Stuart Mill’s work on Liberty.

Deus Vult,
Gottfried ( )
  gottfried_leibniz | Jun 25, 2021 |
La discussione sulla libertà di parola assume sempre un ambito di grandissima attualità e di estremo interesse. Warburton offre in questo breve libro importanti spunti di analisi, partendo dalle riflessioni di Stuart Mill nella metà dell’ottocento sulla libertà di espressione come presupposto per il pluralismo culturale. Nei primi capitoli l’autore riesce ad essere estremamente lineare; molto interessante ad esempio la ricostruzione della questione del negazionismo basata sulle tesi di David Irving che portò in tribunale la storica Deborah Lipstadt: Warburton dimostra che la possibilità di accedere ad un confronto su un tema così sensibile ha, comunque, rafforzato le responsabilità dei nazisti, evitando che uno storico debole come Irving si trasformasse in un martire. Ma mentre i primi capitoli, come detto, hanno una oggettiva forza di ricostruzione storica, gli ultimi due, dedicati alla pornografia ed alla libertà di espressione su Internet non sono in linea con la qualità di quelli precedenti, in quanto sembra a volte l’autore perda la bussola. Comunque un libro importante e meritevole per la sintesi che l’autore riesce a mantenere.

Recensione del 03 settembre 2021
In occasione di un lavoro sull’Areopagitica di Milton riprendo in mano questo testo, letto qualche anno fa che mi incuriosì davvero. E la memoria non era fallace, anzi, tante davvero le riflessioni di Warburton sulla libertà di parola, con un lavoro che spazia dalla storia alla filosofia, dalla politica all’economia. Partendo dalle riflessioni di Stuart Mill sulla funzione di sviluppo della libertà di espressione, in quanto in grado di dare forma alle diversità e, di conseguenza, alle opportunità, Warburton non dispone di risposte ma pone domande interessanti. Partendo dal celeberrimo dibattito nato con la pubblicazione delle tesi negazionisti di David Irving, fortemente contrastate da Deborah Lipstadt, l’autore analizza i casi limiti, come la pornografia, per cercare di individuare il limite tra libertà e responsabilità e per trovare, quindi, il corretto ambito in cui collocare la politica pubblica in termini di censura. In alcuni punti il libro, purtroppo, perde mordente, l’autore sembra aderire alla fiera della banalità ma ogni volta soccorre la citazione al punto giusto che torna a rendere la lettura interessante. ( )
  grandeghi | Mar 21, 2016 |
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From the Publisher: Voltaire's comment-"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"-is frequently quoted by defenders of free speech. Yet it is rare to find someone prepared to defend all freedom of speech, especially if the views expressed are obnoxious or obviously false. So where do we draw the line? How important is our right to freedom of speech? In this accessible and up-to-date Very Short Introduction, Nigel Warburton covers a wide range of controversial free-speech issues, from Holocaust denial and pornography to the status of modern copyright law. The book offers a concise guide to many of the vexing issues concerning our right to speak freely, including: Should a civilized society set limits on freedom of speech? How can we balance free speech with the sensitivities of religious and minority groups? How have digital technology and the Internet changed the debate?

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