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Photography of Natural Things

von Freeman Patterson

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1442196,477 (3.94)2
Photography of Natural Things is Freeman Patterson's internationally acclaimed instructional book on photography and visual design. From a moon over a winter landscape to a starfish in an intertidal pool, or a bird in flight, this essential guide demystifies the techniques of photographing nature. The book is now updated to include technical guidelines adapted for both film and digital photographers. It features new photographs from Patterson's collection and extended captions that include valuable technical information and personal commentary from one of the world's most celebrated nature photographers. AUTHOR: Freeman Patterson has published twelve books and won numerous awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the North American Nature Photography Association. Freeman lives at Shamper's Bluff, New Brunswick, an ecological reserve of over 200 acres, which he recently donated to the Nature Conservancy of Canada. REVIEWS: An easily understood book that provides as much inspiration as it does technical instructions. --Toronto Sun ILLUSTRATIONS: colour photographs… (mehr)
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this was really about taking pictures rather than about the pictures. ( )
  mahallett | May 31, 2020 |
My copy of this book well pre-dates the digital camera revolution; I assume newer editions include discussion of that, but I didn't really *miss* it.

This is a good, cogently written introduction to the basic principles of photography, as art and science, as directly applied to nature. It has me really desperately wanting a proper photographer's camera rather than my little auto so that I can apply some of what I've learned about exposure and depth of field and lenses - but there's plenty in here that I *can* do even with my camera, and I've loved doing it.

Composition, light, color, suggestions of when and where and what to photograph and practice on (even, if you can find no other nature, a piece of moldy bread in your kitchen--) fill me up with inspiration. And the loads and loads of full-color examples are beautiful without being so intimidating they frighten me off. ( )
  melannen | Aug 20, 2008 |
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Photography of Natural Things is Freeman Patterson's internationally acclaimed instructional book on photography and visual design. From a moon over a winter landscape to a starfish in an intertidal pool, or a bird in flight, this essential guide demystifies the techniques of photographing nature. The book is now updated to include technical guidelines adapted for both film and digital photographers. It features new photographs from Patterson's collection and extended captions that include valuable technical information and personal commentary from one of the world's most celebrated nature photographers. AUTHOR: Freeman Patterson has published twelve books and won numerous awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the North American Nature Photography Association. Freeman lives at Shamper's Bluff, New Brunswick, an ecological reserve of over 200 acres, which he recently donated to the Nature Conservancy of Canada. REVIEWS: An easily understood book that provides as much inspiration as it does technical instructions. --Toronto Sun ILLUSTRATIONS: colour photographs

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