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Further Undertakings of a Dead Relative Collector

von Laverne Galeener-Moore

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Here she comes again our aging Joan of Arc, mercilessly stripping away the veneer covering the serdid world of genealogy; teeth bared, mop & blender at the ready-motherhood & America on the line-shets out to do battle with the dragons of genealogy. Disguised as an ordinary person, she penetrates the inner sanctum of American genealogy, smoking out baloney & quackery in the lecture halls, exposing hidden meanings & dark purposes at wingdings in such innocent-seeming places as Ohio & California, confronting Armageddon itself in the streets of San Francisco, & generally raising doubts about the sanity of the universe. With a swipe at foreigners, computer freaks, reluctant letter-writers, & certain best-forgotten ancestors, our good lady is uncompromising in her single-minded devotion to flushing out flummery & humbug. But does she succeed? Does good triumph over evil in the garden of genealogy? Or all the dark forces of earnest endeavor gain the upper hand?… (mehr)
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"Collecting Dead Relatives" the pre-quel to this one, was hilarious. This one continues in the same vein. This is not exactly a "how-to" book, although there are tidbits of advice sprinkled throughout, rather it's a book for those of us already hooked on genealogy. Ms. Galeener-Moore shares anecdotes of her adventures in genealogy--some touching, some informative and all are funny to different degrees.

If you know someone already involved in genealogy, this would be a good gift for them. If for no other reason, they'll be reassured that someone else knows their frustrations and feels their pain. ( )
  BMK | Nov 25, 2009 |
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Here she comes again our aging Joan of Arc, mercilessly stripping away the veneer covering the serdid world of genealogy; teeth bared, mop & blender at the ready-motherhood & America on the line-shets out to do battle with the dragons of genealogy. Disguised as an ordinary person, she penetrates the inner sanctum of American genealogy, smoking out baloney & quackery in the lecture halls, exposing hidden meanings & dark purposes at wingdings in such innocent-seeming places as Ohio & California, confronting Armageddon itself in the streets of San Francisco, & generally raising doubts about the sanity of the universe. With a swipe at foreigners, computer freaks, reluctant letter-writers, & certain best-forgotten ancestors, our good lady is uncompromising in her single-minded devotion to flushing out flummery & humbug. But does she succeed? Does good triumph over evil in the garden of genealogy? Or all the dark forces of earnest endeavor gain the upper hand?

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