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Ice Age 3 - die Dinosaurier sind los (2009)

von Carlos Saldanha (Director), Peter Ackerman (Screenwriter), Michael Berg (Screenwriter), Yoni Brenner (Screenwriter), Jason Carter Eaton (Screenwriter)1 mehr, Mike Reiss (Screenwriter)

Weitere Autoren: Eunice Cho (Actor), Karen Disher (Actor), John C. Donkin (Producer), Maile Flanagan (Actor), Lori Forte (Producer)18 mehr, Bill Hader (Actor), Queen Latifah (Actor), Denis Leary (Actor), John Leguizamo (Actor), Clea Lewis (Actor), Jane Lynch (Actor), Devika Parikh (Actor), Josh Peck (Actor), Simon Pegg (Actor), Christian Pikes (Actor), John Powell (Verfasser), Ray Romano (Actor), Seann William Scott (Actor), Tara Strong (Actor), Randy Thom (Actor), Chris Wedge (Actor), Frank Welker (Actor), Kristen Wiig (Actor)

Reihen: Ice Age (Blue Sky Studios) (3)

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409464,073 (3.17)Keine
Scrat is still trying to nab the ever-elusive nut and in the process may find his true love; Manny and Ellie await the birth of their mini-mammoth; Diego, the saber-toothed tiger, wonders if he's growing too 'soft' hanging with his pals; and Sid the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some dinosaur eggs. On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into a mysterious underground world where they have some very close encounters with dinosaurs, battle flora and fauna, and where they meet a relentless, one-eyed, dino-hunting weasel named Buck.… (mehr)
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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Despite a wonderful new character with the voice of Simon Pegg and one of the better Scrat-subplots of the entire series, this is a middling film with a weak, nearly non-existent plot and very heavy-handed character arcs (which are, of course, still better than no arcs at all). But it has some fun moments, and I have a soft spot for Hollow Earth theory nonsense. ( )
  Lucky-Loki | Aug 22, 2023 |
I think that this was the first of the Ice Age series that I sat down with the kids and watched all the way through, so I might not be as tired by the repeated tropes as I might if I had seen the other movies. It was okay. I mean, it's a kids movie in a series to sell movies and keep children entertained. And my children were entertained. There was almost some internal conflict and character development with the sabre-toothed tiger, but I think that was lost by the end. ( )
  renardkitsune | Oct 8, 2018 |
Tus amigos prehistóricos favoritos de La edad de hielo y Ice Age 2: El deshielo regresan en esta nueva y espectacular aventura animada para TODAS las edades. En esta entrega, Manny y compañía descubren un mundo perdido poblado de peculiares dinosaurios, entre ellos un tiranosaurio con muy malas pulgas que tiene una cuenta pendiente con Sid. Mientras tanto, Scrat pierde la cabeza por la hermosa Scratte. Pero, ¿cuáles son las auténticas intenciones de Scratte, hacerse con el corazón de Scrat o robarle la bellota?
Con un reparto que incluye las voces de grandes estrellas como Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary y Queen Latifah, Ice Age 3: El origen de los dinosaurios ofrece más emoción, más tensión y más carcajadas para toda la familia..
  bibliotecadaroca | Mar 16, 2010 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Saldanha, CarlosDirectorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Ackerman, PeterScreenwriterHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Berg, MichaelScreenwriterHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Brenner, YoniScreenwriterHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Eaton, Jason CarterScreenwriterHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Reiss, MikeScreenwriterHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Cho, EuniceActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Disher, KarenActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Donkin, John C.ProducerCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Flanagan, MaileActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Forte, LoriProducerCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Hader, BillActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Latifah, QueenActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Leary, DenisActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Leguizamo, JohnActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Lewis, CleaActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Lynch, JaneActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Parikh, DevikaActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Peck, JoshActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Pegg, SimonActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Pikes, ChristianActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Powell, JohnVerfasserCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Romano, RayActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Scott, Seann WilliamActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Strong, TaraActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Thom, RandyActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Wedge, ChrisActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Welker, FrankActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Wiig, KristenActorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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Scrat is still trying to nab the ever-elusive nut and in the process may find his true love; Manny and Ellie await the birth of their mini-mammoth; Diego, the saber-toothed tiger, wonders if he's growing too 'soft' hanging with his pals; and Sid the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some dinosaur eggs. On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into a mysterious underground world where they have some very close encounters with dinosaurs, battle flora and fauna, and where they meet a relentless, one-eyed, dino-hunting weasel named Buck.

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