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Whiskey and Philosophy: A Small Batch of Spirited Ideas (Philosophy for Everyone)

von Fritz Allhoff

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421615,295 (3.75)Keine
Thoughtful essays on the history, significance, and pleasures of whiskey Everyone becomes a philosopher with a drink in hand, but Whiskey & Philosophy takes this natural pairing to a new level. It explores a range of philosophical topics related to whiskey through engaging reflections written by philosophers, whiskey writers, and others. You will learn things that are both practical (how do tasting notes vary across guides and whiskey brands?) and thought provoking (why is there the popular conception that drinking whiskey makes people mean, and is it true?). Whether your interest lies in the drink itself or in the philosophical issues surrounding it, you'll find something to interest you in this unusual book. Covers subjects ranging from geographical origin to stylistic differences between whiskey and Scotch Explores philosophical ideas such as the aesthetics, metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics of whiskey and whiskey drinking Includes contributions from academics, journalists, and whiskey specialists, all written in an engaging and accessible style Whether you prefer your whiskey neat or in a Manhattan, from the United States, Scotland, or elsewhere, Whiskey & Philosophy is your perfect drinking companion.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonbeezeedubs, zhuazhua88, KevinHohn, philosimp, RabbitHole
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I liked this better than the others in the series. This despite (because?) me not drinking whiskey/whisky (and not going to either)

The 1st 100 pages are interesting for everybody who's into whisky.The rest is for the more philosophically inclined.
  TheoSmit | Feb 7, 2010 |
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Thoughtful essays on the history, significance, and pleasures of whiskey Everyone becomes a philosopher with a drink in hand, but Whiskey & Philosophy takes this natural pairing to a new level. It explores a range of philosophical topics related to whiskey through engaging reflections written by philosophers, whiskey writers, and others. You will learn things that are both practical (how do tasting notes vary across guides and whiskey brands?) and thought provoking (why is there the popular conception that drinking whiskey makes people mean, and is it true?). Whether your interest lies in the drink itself or in the philosophical issues surrounding it, you'll find something to interest you in this unusual book. Covers subjects ranging from geographical origin to stylistic differences between whiskey and Scotch Explores philosophical ideas such as the aesthetics, metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics of whiskey and whiskey drinking Includes contributions from academics, journalists, and whiskey specialists, all written in an engaging and accessible style Whether you prefer your whiskey neat or in a Manhattan, from the United States, Scotland, or elsewhere, Whiskey & Philosophy is your perfect drinking companion.

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