

With the increase of those in the LGBTQ community living openly and being allowed to legally marry in record numbers a book of this type has long been needed; although at the same time it’s a little disheartening there’s even a need for it. Last time I checked everyone dies the same way regardless of sexual preference so they shouldn’t be treated differently just because of who they’re in love with.

I felt the author provided unique insight and guidance into how to provide appropriate care when the time comes for this level particularly in best how to address someone such as the proper pronoun or relationship status. I like how she pointed out that the community doesn’t need “special care” as if they’re different from heterosexuals but instead need to be treated more inclusively.

She provides some very astute questions to ask yourself as the caregiver, discussion questions and perspectives from caregivers who provide their vast experience. Those in the field can learn a detailed process on how to provide the best patient interaction as well as educate themselves on practically everything to do with sex, gender, and its applications in the health field including how to ask about assigned birth gender, their true gender and the proper pronouns. She discusses the barriers the community historically has had in accessing proper care, how to take a comprehensive history, coordinate family meetings and how those dynamics can play out in decisions. You learn how to set goals, receive an overview on ethics and legal issues, and learn a variety of strategies on patient care, disease progression, pain and medication management, and signs of death. You’re also given a view on mental health related topics along with spiritual issues.

You can’t leave this book without learning something thanks to her in-depth objectives, key terms, summaries, points to remember, discussion questions and activities. All of which are great to use in team exercises to educate staff and fellow caregivers. She even provides additional resources to show the EXTREME amount of time, attention and detail that went into creating this and how the reader/student can find additional information.

It was still hard to read a quote by a professionally educated medical caregiver who openly declared their Christian faith with firm black and white beliefs which “dictate marriage is solely between a man and a woman.” Even if the nurse does claim she had an epiphany after caring for someone in a lesbian relationship which made her realize their relationship really wasn’t that different from any other couple. As someone with a deep and irrevocable tie to the community it was hard to feel happy that regardless of what her faith dictates the nurse claims she can still provide care for a community she openly admits to hold a prejudice towards. It’s like the separate but equal doctrine: it’s okay to discriminate against those you deem unequal to yourself as long as you provide the ‘same’ standard of care and say you are doing so out of ‘love’.

In some ways it’s people like that who need this book the most; those who are literally defining the quality of life for people who they don’t see as equals. Like I said, I’m bias when it comes to the LGBTQ community since I believe a person deserves quality care tailored to their medical needs and a caregiver’s belief system shouldn’t be a factor in what kind of care is administered.

This is the kind of book every hospital, nursing home, home health, hospice center, etc needs to have on hand, it should be required reading for all caregivers.
ttsheehan | Jun 5, 2017 |