
Alanea AlderRezensionen

Autor von My Commander

27 Werke 636 Mitglieder 29 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 5 Lesern


Hard to describe. There were too many eye rolling scenes in this book. The romance wasn't really believable to me. I started skimming after halfway.
DebJack | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2023 |
DNF - Unmentioned beating with a belt, as part of sex.
COMPLETELY ruined a good story.

If there was a way to give less than a 1, I would do so.
LadyTi | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2022 |

if it were possible I would give more than five stars. a unique take on shifter dynamics. I love the humor and the sense of friendship and family throughout. if you're not up on pop culture references, beloved cartoons of the 80's and 90's, Dr Who references, and hit sci first films from the past 40 years or Sox you may not understand some of the humor. One of my favorite parts are the quips Aidans mate makes (fully confusing him in the process as he has no clue what she's talking about) in regards to hysterical Dr Who comments like weeping angels references, Tardis, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and other films of the ilk. what makes it that much funnier is how utterly clueless aidan is as he's never seen or heard of any of them. nor is he even remotely good at or interested in technology when his new love is a bona fide hacker who literally will rip your head off for coffee. she's sort of like a little sprite with the heart of She-Ra warrior princess. in other words she rocks!! She mY be small and human but she is mighty. she also has a tendency of instantly befriending and collecting the most amazing posse of friends. I can't wait to read more about this amazing world and all the awesome new friends that await. I'm crossing my fingers a new book is forthcoming SOON!!! the blend of paranormal romance and humor is perfect. the romance and unveiling of the new world to the "clueless human" is perfectly done and highly entertaining. my only complaint is I now want to read more .
txbritgal | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 6, 2021 |
Douchebags beware! Meryn and her posse will get ya....

I'm so sad that I've finished book 9 of this brilliant series... And so the waiting game begins again. Oh how I love seeing all the mischief our Meryn gets up to. If you haven't read any of this truly entertaining 'Bewitched and Bewildered' series yet, you might want to at least read book 1 first. That way you can learn the Genesis of how Meryn (our favorite little human lol) happened upon her hunka hunka yummy mate Aiden and all his friends/underlings *cough* I mean soldiers . Keep your eyes peeled for the infamous toilet scene... And TRUST me it's NOT what first comes to mind.... OK back to "My Angel BB #9"... as usual we find our sweet Lycaonia contingent still in Noctem Falls. The kiddies are all still succumbing to some strange virus. Meryn and her crew are determined to annihalate said virus by calling in someone who may very well help find the source of the cure... Enter Vivi. A kind, orphaned redhead who works wonders with curing illnesses. She grew up all alone save for her own growly squire Hal. Lots to unravel there, and nope not gonna tell ya. Suffice to say this is a true classic Meryn book where douche nozzels come out of the woodworks left and right.... Then we the readers get to thoroughly enjoy seeing them put in their places by Meryn and all her friends. Speaking of.... Our beloved and exhalted one... Meryn (heehee) is still pregnant.... Keep your eyes peeled as it seems Fate keeps bestowing things upon her (think magical abilities). In true form though all kinds of craziness is happening in Noctem... Blocked from all allies via the portals, kids and vamps both dropping from this mean virus.... You have a bunch of anxious/angry pregnant friends determined to end this virus and then kick the person who developed it in their private parts! There are also a few throwaway lines all throughout, that lead me to believe it's foreshadowing for future books... If you enjoy tons of funny, goofiness, awesome sidekicks, romance, mystery and suspence all rolled into serious LOL awesomeness then I HIGHLY suggest you read this! Keep in mind you may not have to read all the previous books, however it does help a great deal to keep everyone straight. Not to mention you REALLY see just how hard a life our cutie pie Meryn had before finding her REAL forever family! I never get sick of reading these books!! I've re-read them many times over. Guaranteed to make you laugh, smile and get great ideas for payback lol. Take the chance and read this series...
txbritgal | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 6, 2021 |
Jumping up and down with glee

Oh my lovely little Menace how I adore thee!!! Firstly, do NOT begin with this book..if you've not been blessed enough to have met Meryn and her merry band of goofballs, you MUST read from the start if this series. Otherwise you'd miss many of the details in this book. This story, like all the rest have soooooo many gifts of hilarity. Looks like this may be the final book in Noctem Falls and onto the land of Fae we go. I for one cannot wait!!! Will we FINALLY get to see why Meryn smells so familiar to the shifters? In this book we are one step closer to learning who the big bad is. I for one am loving each additional 'family' member that gets added. Just take a breathe and dive into this brilliant series.....lots of love, laughter, mysteries and intrigue.... all led by one fierce, loyal, determined an mighty little human. And she has everyone wrapped around her magic pudding loving fingers LOL.
txbritgal | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 6, 2021 |
My happy place!!!!

Oh happy, happy, joy, joy indeed!!! I've been waiting on pins and needles for this book to finally come out, and boy oh boy does it deliver!!!! ::::Bouncing up and down with glee::::: If you've not read any of this series DON'T start here. Please start from the beginning, you WON'T regret it 😊💗!! This book is filled with typical Meryn-isms , hijinx, adventure and a few MASSIVE reveals!!! My goodness, my jaw is still on the floor!!!! I'm oh so happy!!!!! Only downside is we now have to wait for the next installment muahahahaha. Run, don't walk to the start of this book. I for one may just re-read from book one again as each book brings me pure joy! I for one am 100% #TeamMenace 😊😊😊
txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
txbritgal | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 6, 2021 |
Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!!

Knocked it out of the park yet again. If you haven't yet read book 1 and 2 of this series, I suggest you run not walk to read them. Filled with hysterical dialogue, lots of love, hijinx and mystery. It's paranormal romance, but with a twist. Anyone who is a fan of Dr Who, Stargate, Monty Python and others of the like will love the quips and dialogue throughout this series. Warning: don't read in public unless you don't mind people looking at you oddly. You WILL laugh out loud, and not be able to stop. It's great fun to read. Only downfall is I already am desperate to read the next book which isn't released yet. If you like J.R. Ward and Black Dagger Brotherhood...imagine that with oodles of quirky humor and you have this brilliant series. I highly suggest you check it out!!! You won't stop grinning
txbritgal | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 6, 2021 |
If you haven't read any of the Bewitched and Bewildered series, this gives you a good glimpse into the banter, love and sense of family that awaits you in the rest of the series. If you *have* read at least the first book, this is just a further view of the love between Aiden's parents, and Adelaide's devotion to her son's happiness in his future mate.
Sam.Everard | Jan 3, 2021 |
While I didn't enjoy this quite as much as the first book in the series (which I most definitely recommend reading before delving into this one), it was still an enjoyable read.

Our resident vampire, Gavriel, meets his mate while in the midst of a very miserable transition in the vampire lifespan. Beth is a clumsy yet poised match for him, and the perfect role model for dear Meryn as well, helping her to navigate some of the messier political minefields she has to face. As the ferals continue to band against the Alpha unit, the two women attempt to refresh some of the training methods each unit uses in order to keep their men safe.

There's definitely still some humor, but the instant connection between Beth and Gavriel (as opposed to Meryn's stubbornness towards Aiden in the first book) did feel like it was missing a little something in the telling. Still, I enjoyed the book and look forward to uncovering more of the mystery of these new, highly aware ferals.
Sam.Everard | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2021 |
I loved this almost as much as I loved the first book. Colton is such a sweetheart, while so protective of those he cares about, and I couldn't havr imagined a better mate for him than Rheia. She herself is a fierce protector of her adopted daughter and takes her new role within Alpha unit alongside Colton much better than would be expected of a normal human.

Also, this book included more hilarious antics at the local store than you can help but die laughing at. Honestly, the naivety of these warriors gets me each time.
Sam.Everard | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2021 |
While I absolutely adore Amelia and loved seeing her stubbornness at play against Darian's will, my favorite part of this book was uncovering all of the unknown connections that no doubt lead to the larger plot down the line.

As it became clear that Darian's choices had inadvertently led him towards the darkness, I was worried that he would choose to hide the reasons behind not wanting to mate with Amelia (as deception is so often the plotline in stories such as this). However Alder instead made it so Darian trusted Amelia with his reasoning, and instead of brushing him off, she accepted his trust and never tired in trying to save her mate.

I laughed, and I cried... this was another great book in the series.
Sam.Everard | Jan 3, 2021 |
Kendrick is my favorite of all of the males in this series. He is humble (considering his level of power) but confident, protective, and quirky in his own way of doing things. In so many ways, he is the male equivalent of Meryn... although much, much sexier.

I also like Anne, and I think she makes for a great partner in helping care for Keelan.

Part of what I liked about this book, and what made it so different from the others in the series, was the slow-burn nature of the storyline. They both felt so much confusion over their situation that it made their coming together all the more satisfying. The book definitely rivals the first as my favorite in the series.
Sam.Everard | Jan 3, 2021 |
This was the first book to take place outside of Lycaonia, as some of our main characters headed off to Noctem Falls at Prince Magnus' request. We were introduced to a whole new unit of warriors, including the unit leader, a vampire named Adriel... and his new mate Eva Mae.

Neither character is at the top of my favorites list, but with so much exposure to Meryn, Aiden et al in this book, that didn't take away from the enjoyment of the story. Having said that, I do wish there would have been a bit more development into our new characters. With Alpha Unit, we were brought into each of their stories - warrior and mate alike - and truly felt like we knew them, but that seemed to be lacking a bit here. Again, not upset at the inclusion of our previous main characters, I just can't help but feel like I would have liked the newbies more if they had been a little more developed.

The plot didn't progress much further this time around, as it was focused more on an understanding how the units and politics work in the vampire city. Still, it was an enjoyable read with just as much hilarity as the previous books, especially in any scene involving Meryn and Magnus together.
Sam.Everard | Jan 3, 2021 |
This is, without a question, one of my favorite books of all time.

If you're looking for the next masterpiece brimming with words of eloquence, hard-hitting politics or a breathless romance that leaves you pining for Mister Right, this is probably not your book.

For everyone else, this book (and all of the others in the series) is full of fierce warriors, a spunky fireball of a female you can't help but utterly adore (and find elements of yourself in, let's be honest), and a strong, impenetrable sense of belonging. There is not a single character, main or sideline, that you won't love. Meryn remains, to this day, one of my favorite book heroines, and that only becomes more and more evident as the series continues on.

There is so much wrapped up in such a relatively short story. There is romance, and a fair amount of heat for those who enjoy that, but beneath all of that is a well-hidden mystery that is uncovered simply with a fresh - and curious - set of eyes. There is family, one built from strength and blood and committment... and fate. There are moments of utter hilarity (the first time our dear warriors trek to the store ranks as my favorite scene of the series), true enlightenment and maybe a touch of inner understanding. If everyone chose to look at the world as Meryn does in her so-called "immaturity", it's possible a great many things we all struggle with would be solved.
Sam.Everard | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2021 |
While I've enjoyed the previous few novels that took place in Noctem Falls, I felt like the story really picked up in Vivian and Etain's tale. Between the political tensions on each level, the virus beginning to plague vampires alongside the shifters, and the multiple family mysteries that came to light, it was an action-packed book that was hard to put down.

And of course, there was Meryn. I honestly believe that if you don't love, and empathize, with all that Meryn is, you probably can't connect with these books in the same way as so many do.

"You are not normal, Meryn, that is what makes you so unique and special. When people conform, they make themselves fit a cookie cutter mold, and when that happens, they become interchangeable and replaceable." [...] "Basically I'm a Fruit Loop in a bowl full of Cheerios."

My love for this series is no secret. The author has a clear overall goal in mind for the story, and each book brings us closer there. Definitely enjoying the ride.

Sam.Everard | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 3, 2021 |
I'm a huge fan of this series. At the beginning of Covid, I dove into a reread from the beginning (my third or fourth time) and even convinced a friend to pick them up, knowing that Meryn's antics and the rest of the group would provide the escape I so desperately needed. I was thrilled when Alanea announced the release day for this one, since it felt like such a long time since we first traveled to Eire Danu. But I'll admit, this was not a favorite of mine.

First off, there are *so* many new names. Yes, there have always been a lot of side warriors, and their presence served a purpose here, but it became such a data dump that I honestly stopped trying to keep track of the new faces.

Second of all, it seemed like very little attention was given to Brie's description. There was a single one-liner about Ari wanting to lick her milk-chocolate skin... but then nothing until midway through the book where we finally got a description of her hair (which may seem like an odd thing to be concerned about, but when it seemed like every warrior she came across had ruffled her hair, but we hadn't actually gotten a description of said hair, it was off-putting). Later on, she described the differences of her skin against Ari's, but it all seemed rather late in creating a picture.

I'm not even going to discuss their mating, other than to say that everything about that scene seemed out of character and came across as rather cringe-worthy as a result. It made me want to go back and reread Kendrick's mating scene with Anne (whew, talk about heat!).

Finally, the editing wasn't what I'd expect from this series, making it feel rather rushed. Incorrect word usage, missing words, missing page breaks in dialogue that often made it confusing to tell who was speaking... None of that is something I'd expect from this series I love so much.

It's hard when you put a series up on a pedestal, which I know I've done here, but regardless, I was definitely a little disappointed here. It was still an entertaining read as part of the whole, just not up to the caliber that I expected.
Sam.Everard | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2021 |
This novella made for a sweet addition to the B&B series. Caspian and Broderick have always been favorites of mine, so to watch them meet and to watch the change to come over Noctem Falls due to Beth's arrival was a welcome treat. Now, if we could just add a mating story for Magnus...

Either way, this was a short but very enjoyable read, and one that anyone who has read the series will love. Highly recommend.
Sam.Everard | Jan 3, 2021 |
I loved it! this book has everything. Hot shifter alpha males, lots of humour and a funny female character. What's not to Love
StephanieVee888 | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 18, 2020 |

Yet another awesome book by Alanea. I can't get enough of this series. This has to be one of the best paranormal series that I have ever read. I would recommended this to anyone.
StephanieVee888 | Dec 18, 2020 |
It was too silly for me. This was my first attempt at reading this book.


I am doing a reread as everyone raves about this series and sometimes it's just my mood, another day you read something and feel differently.

Okay so my reread review....
This book is really good, very funny in parts.
I think the reason I found it hard to get in to on the first read is that everything is instant. I felt as though I had joined the story part way through.
But the insta is often used in shifter stories as they feel the 'mating pull' or scent their mate, so these to get together very quickly.

Aiden and Meryn.

Aiden is very important in the shifter world and as a result is all about duty and is very serious.
Meryn is human so the shifter world is all new to her. This results in lots of humour and misunderstandings esp the scene about Aiden learning about a human women's cycle.
The author has based this book around those culture differences and not them fighting their 'pull'.
There are lots of references to Doctor Who and other shows and films which can be very funny.
I can understand how this book is not for everyone but at the same time it is very good if you stick with it.
There is a enemy plot running through the book so there is a bit of mystery and battling through shifter politics.
There are lots of secondary characters that add to the humour but also lay the basis for stories in the rest of the series.

"I won't become part of the collective. I refuse to have your babies. Resistance isn't futile!"

"Is your name Alfred?"

"Balls, like with poofy dresses and dancing and tiny sandwiches that don't fill you up?"

"Stay here."
"Yeah, fuck that. I'm sticking to you like glue. I've seen this horror movie, the person waiting in the hallway dies."

"I think my mate may be mentally retarded, either that or she has a severe inner ear imbalance. Every night it's as if I watch her from afar, I have never seen a more accident prone person in my life. I fear she will get herself killed before I can find her."



izzied | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 29, 2020 |
Good story.
Each book builds the series though couple per book.
izzied | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 29, 2020 |
MissEllie80 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 18, 2020 |
I don’t really know how to rate this... overall composition it wasn’t very good. A lot of grammar mistakes (one of the worst was her pasta in a bowel.. >.
NerdyHousewifey | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 1, 2019 |
Oh.My.Gosh how did I not know about this book sooner?!? Seriously, there are so many things to love:
1. Probably my all time favorite heroine. She's a self professed nerd. She makes Doctor Who references, Star Wars references, and more. When she busted out the 'don't blink' I nearly spit Diet Coke across the room. And she uses a Mac, which is infinitely cooler than a windows device. Her job? She is basically a hacker. Smart, nerdy, and hilarious!!! Seriously, I loved this character.
2. Her name is Meryn. My middle name is the same, but spelled different (Maren). Automatically cool for having an AWESOMELY unique name
3. Aiden is adorable. He doesn't know what the heck to do with Meryn because he hasn't lived in the human world and he doesn't understand 1/2 of the things she says or does. Its actually super cute. He is endearing and not an alpha-hole even though he is an Alpha!
4. Great plot. So many things are happening-Meryn's apartment getting trashed, invisible attacker, bitchy society ladies, and love at first sight. So many things I love all in one story.
5. Its a series. I love series because even if the other books focus on different couples, you get to live in the 'world' longer and I love that.

Ok, I could go on longer about how amazing I found this, but I am saving it for my blog (plus its like 1:30 in the morning. I stayed up to finish the book!). So, my totally awesome review will be up on the blog soon.
HEA: Yes
thebookdisciple | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 9, 2018 |