
Randall ArthurRezensionen

Autor von Wisdom Hunter

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WBCLIB | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2023 |
WBCLIB | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2023 |
From the heights of fame, the first scene in the book to the completely unexpected ending, the novel had me spellbound. The writing is superb, immersing the reader into the story with vivid imagery and realistic emotions. Randall does not tell the story, but shows it in third person POV.
The Author sakes some challenging questions, that each reader must answer for himself. The one that has resonated in my mind since I finished reading the book is why does the younger generation feel that God's grace is evident in your life if you are successful? The story alludes to the fact that some churches teach that, but I think that even if they do not, young parents seem to feel that is how you know you are right with your Maker.
Cole's story clearly shows the error of this thinking, and though I would think that whoever reads this would also see that, I believe that only those who are open to the Holy Spirit's leading will take this truth to themselves. I unquestionably recommend this to my friends.

I received this book free from Fred at The BookClub Network, the author Randall Arthur and publisher LifeImage in exchange for an honest review. A positive critique was not required. The opinions are my own.
mbarkman | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 20, 2014 |
Title: Forgotten Road
Author: Randall Arthur {}
Pages: 596
Year: 2012
Publisher: Life Image Publishers
Note: I received a complimentary copy for an honest review of this book from
It is well worth the time taken by readers to read and enjoy this novel. I believe that many who enjoy a novel that grabs the mind along with the heart will relish some of the themes presented here. One of the encouraging thoughts of the book is the way some characters talk honestly about their walk with the Lord and health of the church. Secondly, I enjoyed the writing because it showed how tragedy can come in the believer’s life along with some of the consequences of making incorrect choices, as well as how to handle the deep pain and grief, but also how God uses it for His glory.
There is also within the pages the truth of giving to others like Christ and not living with an entitlement mentality. Along with this theme is the challenge to acknowledge how the entitlement teachings have contaminated the church. Some may think that once a character receives wrong instruction there can’t ever be redemption through true Biblical teaching, but in this work of fiction we see a character learn to do just that and more.
It was good to see how being saturated in the Word and surrounded by believers can bring about healing along with a new direction in life. To me, this is what God can do: He can take something Satan or life means to take out of believers and instead raise them up to do what, without that lesson, they would never imagine being able to accomplish. The main idea I found encouraging while reading is how we need to live, giving our lives away, doing what God has blessed us with instead of using it to serve the flesh.
The more I read, the more I pondered what the author was sharing through various scenes and characters. While parts were hard to read because they brought heartache, other parts showed God healing the pain and bringing new life to the heart of His children. Here is a novel that does reflect some of the real situations and feelings I have experienced in my walk with the Lord and as a member of the Body of Christ. I sure hope people take the time to read, enjoy and ponder the themes gleaned from Forgotten Road, then give a copy away so others can take the worthwhile journey through the pages!
My rating is 5+ stars.
Note: The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility. Other reviews can be read at Also follow me on Twitter @lcjohnson1988, FaceBook at
lamb521 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 12, 2013 |
What an amazing novel! Its gut wrenching honesty is very hard to take at times and refreshing at others. It is a story about a musician, Cole Michaels, and his life from fame and fortune to the depths of self-destruction when Christ gets a hold of him.

It poses the questions of how far are we willing to go, as Christians in the comforts of the USA, to obey God? What is wrong with our churches? How do we follow God when He seems to be silent and far away?

This is not a farfetched story but one that holds many truths and very plausible. In fact parts of it come from lives of those who have touched the author’s life. The spiritual truths he shares are remarkable. God has used Randall Arthur in a very powerful way through this story.

Note: I received a complimentary copy for an honest review of this book. The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility. Other reviews can be read at . Also follow me on Twitter @TMWoodsBook, FaceBook at .
TMWoodsBooks | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 8, 2013 |
Well written and believable
zebraannie | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 20, 2010 |
As a believer who has struggled with legalism from early on in my Christian life, I found the promised premise of Randall Arthur’s Wisdom Hunter intriguing. As the story of a legalistic preacher who is forced to reevaluate his beliefs and rebuild his faith from the roots up, I was excited to read about a novelized struggle between legalism and love. Initially published in 1991, over 125,000 copies have now been sold over the years, remaining in steady demand and justifying a reprinting this year.

At the time of its initial printing, Wisdom Hunter resulted in the loss of Arthur’s job and much of his financial support for his European church planting. Readers today may find that surprising, as a greater understanding of legalism has developed in the church since that time. The exciting back cover blurb and glowing testimonials from notable Christian recording artists and from those in ministry had me fired up about reading the title, and it jumped to the top of my to-be-read pile. I spent 20 minutes explaining my excitement and reading from the testimonials to my husband – a very rare occurrence despite the number of books I read annually.

Pastor Jason Faircloth is a man who’s driven his daughter into fleeing from her family home, and contributed to the emotional collapse and death of his wife. Seeking to redeem himself, he plunges headlong into a worldwide search for the granddaughter he’s been forbidden to meet. Along the way he seeks to cast aside the attitudes that led to the collapse of his family, and allow God to remake him into a gentler, more authentic expression of God’s love for him.

I read rapidly through the pages of Wisdom Hunter, digging for the gold that would most certainly be hidden within if the praise I’d read was to be believed. Confronted by shallow characters for whom I felt little, surprising and not entirely explained shifts in character, lengthy passages of sermonizing and reflection, and more telling than showing, I persevered.

Through stock characters – an elderly Asian pastor who speaks like the mystic Karate Kid sensei transplanted into a Christian setting – the stiff-necked legalistic minister suddenly transformed into a free-wheeling wanderer, and so on, I found Wisdom Hunter soon becoming a painful reading experience. Though I expected a well-written book from the glowing reviews, I soon discovered that this novel is what I call “teaching fiction” (which I’ve never found to be well written).

While I truly appreciate Arthur’s heart for the church, and resonate with his desire to see believers reaching out with the love and compassion of Jesus into a hurting world, to see believers humbly ministering to each other in honest, transparent relationships, I wish his message had been packaged in a subtler, well-written package. My Sister Dilly by Maureen Lang is an excellent, yet underappreciated example of such an approach; a touching, message-driven, yet well executed novel.

It’s times like this that I’m reminded of the tendencies in the Christian reading community to elevate message over style. I firmly believe that the two can be skillfully combined; Christian readers shouldn’t have to settle for less.

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jenniferbogart | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 20, 2009 |
I've read so many books lately that they've all seemed to kind of run into one. Shortly after reading one I loose some of the intricacies of the story. This book, was definitely not one of those. I was completely blown away by this story. I wish I would've heard about this one years ago, when it originally came out. But I'm glad that I was given the chance to read it, even if it was 18 years late.

While there is alot going on in this story I felt that the main idea was that Jason, a pastor, questions his faith when his life is thrown into a chaotic string of events. So many things that Jason questioned about his faith are things that I have too questioned. This one just really resonated with me as I could relate on almost every level with Jason.

The story not only has a great premise, but there are some pretty action intense scenes, as well as some very emotional scenes. I was literally drawn into this story from the opening line and was hooked till the end. I didn't want to put this book down. It was a fast read, but it really made me think. Character development was great, dialog was realistic, descriptions were perfect.

I have already recommended this, and will be recommending it many many times in the future. I normally will lend my books out to people, however I think this one will not leave my possession. I can see myself reading this many times over.

I think this is one that just about anyone can read. It does deal with a few difficult subjects, but the struggling with religion was (at least in my opinion) the basis of the story.
Justjenniferreading | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 8, 2009 |
Wisdom Hunter is truly a great book that I can honestly say it forever impacted my life. This adventurous novel brilliantly written by Randall Arthur is action packed and immediately draws you in from the beginning, as a good book should and then you find that you've arrived at the last page within a day or two. Wisdom Hunter will reach your mind and your heart! It truly is a powerful read and a heart changing experience.

I thought about how I could add to others description of this book since the reviews I've read are top notch in my book regarding Randall's amazing novel. I decided that through the emotional events of family crisis' that transpired with the main character of the book, Pastor Jason Faircloth, it is here that I felt my heart burst forth with cries out loud. Page after page Randall Arthur paints lives of people who have been hurt by their afflictions.

It is here that the author sounds the warning of uniformity in the church that destroy one's need of individual thinking and of truly accepting our differences. Randall's thoughts on this subject are very profound. Then we discover grace is ushered in and the work of change begins when one admits sincerely before others and their creator the need for a heart change.

If you are on the journey of searching for what is true and want to know why you believe then this book is for you. Having arrived at a place in one's life where you are reviewing your life versus regretting your life, then I most respectfully recommend this book to you. A heart that has been rebuilt, seeks wisdom and understanding and I especially love how Randall so appropriately named his book, Wisdom Hunter. Funny thing is that when you come along side the characters in this book and you've been touched by genuine humility and compassion for them, you just might find yourself being drawn to be more sensitive to the hurts of others.

I am so appreciative that this was book was provided for review by WaterBrook Multnomah. Wisdom Hunter, a must read... 5+ stars
LadyD_Books | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 3, 2009 |
Loved this book. First fiction novel with so much wisdom I highlighted passages. Excellent for those coming out of abusive churches.
heartofwisdom | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 20, 2009 |
Novel about religious legalism.
lgaikwad | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 20, 2007 |
Jordan's Crossing by Randall Arthur (?)
journeyguy | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 2, 2013 |
Wisdom Hunter by Randall Arthur (?)
journeyguy | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 2, 2013 |
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