

This is an overall view of the papers of the Oglander family collected at Nunwell in Isle of Wight. Although covering a lot of previously published material of Sir John Oglander 1585 -1665 (Oglander Memoirs & Royalist's Notebook qv. ) it also includes parts of his correspondence. The letters of Sir William (1611 -1670) his heir, and Sir John 2nd bart. (1642-1683) are of some value but thereafter the Oglander letters become, in general, fairly vacuous.

I will now give you an account of what has befell Mr Cook and Mrs since I left that part of the world. Mrs Mather, the good maid that lived with them, is gone! She said, as for her mistress, she could live with her very well, but she could not live with her master and the housemaid, and that she had seen her master kissing Nancy in every room in the house. Mrs Cook, she thought, would have died just after her lying in. She’s now better, but does not look well, according to my brother who was there to the christening. He says that while Mrs Cook’s breasts were suckling on one side of the bed, Mr Cook was kissing and putting his hands in Nancy’s bosom on the other.
There was at this christening of the son and heir seven dishes in V the first course, and the top dish a turbot, very fine soles, plaice, whiting and trouts ; and seven dishes in the second course, and a very handsome pyramid in the middle, and not a bit ol` butcher’s meat at the table....
None of the Beaminster folk were there but Tom Fox and his wife, and Barrah and his wife, who I hear is with child again. The rest, I suppose, were not great enough. They’ve got a coach and four, and if they live on their income they must be good managers. ...
I've nothing more to add, but that I will pay you for my lottery ticket by any way you shall cause.

1753. Cath: Hunt. to Mrs Haldane at Sir John Oglander's, Nunwell
14183A | May 28, 2009 |