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The Witch Hitch by Elizabeth Bass is a story with annoying characters. I found the characters to be superficial. The author did not take the time to develop the characters. Bailey Tomlin got on my nerves. I found her to be immature. I quickly tired of her running away from what she did not wish to deal with. Bailey’s wedding is quickly approaching, but I did not feel a twinge of emotion for her for her fiancé. Seton enters the scene and there are sparks of attraction between them (literally). I never felt any emotion from the pair. The romance was lacking in this story. There is drama and silly antics throughout the story. Bailey learns about her birth family and her powers. There is a bad guy who is coming after Bailey, and she needs to learn how to use her special gifts. The scene with the bad guy was anticlimactic. I found it to be a letdown. I was expecting a fun, entertaining witchy tale, but that is not The Witch Hitch. There was too much going on (too much in my opinion). Despite the various activities, the book seemed to drag. I did like that Bailey discovered that she could be herself and stop trying to be what others expected her to be. That is something everything individual needs to learn (took me fifty years to get there). The Witch Hitch is the second book in A Cupcake Coven Romance series which I did not know when I requested it. The Witch Hitch can be read as a standalone, but I believe it is helpful to read A Letter to Three Witches (gives you the background on Bailey’s biological family and their witchy history). The Witch Hitch is a rom com without the romance or the comedy. I was very happy when I turned the last page of The Witch Hitch.
Kris_Anderson | Oct 6, 2023 |
A lightweight romance with a fantasy element, 3 sisters must deal with the threat posed by their adopted sister who now threatens their relationships.

library book read 9/19/2023
catseyegreen | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 19, 2023 |
So, this book was longer than it should have been. The story was cute, and the ending was not bad. But it dragged out far longer than it needed to. I assume this is a series based on the ending. It was fun at the end and the beginning, but the middle was so dry.

Thank you, NetGalley, for this ARC
Tay318 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 1, 2023 |
While this was not a book I would ordinarily choose to read, I’m glad I was one of the winners of a Goodreads contest. The practice of magic is banned in Zenobia, but someone has discovered that there are witches who still are conjuring. Love lives are upended, spells are failing disastrously, and surprises are around every corner. A fun and lighthearted read! Thanks to Kensington Publishing and Goodreads! #ALetterToThreeWitches
2skl | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 27, 2023 |
**I received an advanced listening copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

What could one letter from a not much loved cousin do to a family? In this story, quite a lot! Gwen and her cousins have a few days to track down exactly what will happen to one of their significant others, without using magic. But, of course, magic does come into play, creating situations of stress, humor, and ultimately, big discoveries.

This is perfect for those looking for a light read filled with magic and witches. There is humor thrown into the narrative, and quite honestly some of the situations the group gets into are a bit embarrassing. It was great fun to listen to, and I greatly appreciated the dual narrations that included the perspective of the story from two of the main characters. A fine, breezy read.
librarybelle | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 10, 2022 |
A Letter to Three Witches by Elizabeth Bass
Contemporary paranormal romance. On the lighter side of the genre.
From a family of witches, Trudy, Gwen and Milo are prohibited from practicing magic. But a letter sent to them from Tannith threatening to run away with their significant other, has the three using magic for the first time in their lives. With staggering and unpredictable results.

Funny situations, family eccentricity, and unique pets.
It was a bit of a slow start for me but the addition of the housebound family member added some quirkiness and interest to the story.

🎧 I listened to an audiobook copy of this story narrated by Emily Durante and Nick Morelli.
The majority of the book was from Gwen’s POV which was performed by Emily. She did a great job with voice variance, pauses, emotions and characters talking to each other. The conversational laugh, comment, pause made each character stand out clearly. 4 chapters were by Gris, the cat / Nick. Those were amusing and a fun POV.
I listened to the recording at 1.25 speed for a comfortable conversation speed. I started with 1.0 for the first two chapters for nuance and clarity but the higher sped was preferred.
The overall sound quality seemed a little tinny. Hoping that was just my preview copy.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley and Dreamscape Media.
Madison_Fairbanks | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 31, 2022 |
3.5/5 stars!

The group of cousins featured in this book comes from a long line of witches. However, their ancestor caused a major catastrophe that banned his descendants from practicing witchcraft for a set number of years. The cousins were content in their lives until a letter was sent to them. Thus ensues a chaotic time in which their paranormal and romantic lives are forever changed.

This is an enjoyable Elizabeth Bass book. The book has a group of entertaining characters with the focus on the viewpoints from one cousin and a feline character. The story flowed smoothly and has a satisfying ending. As per my preference it would have been nice for more details in certain parts of the book and the romances featured were not shown equally within the story. Overall, still an enjoyable Elizabeth Bass read.

**Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions and thoughts in the review are my own.**½
DilowRosas | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 26, 2022 |
A Letter to Three Witches is a truly charming confection. Fast-paced, funny, and unendingly lighthearted, this cheery tale of witchcraft, family, love, and self-discovery is the perfect armchair romp for a quiet afternoon.

One major high point of this novel is that the quality of Elizabeth Bass's prose is a cut above what's often found in paranormal romances. Her fluid, well-paced sentences and effortlessly breezy style kept me happily engrossed in the story's world for its duration. Good writing combined with loveable characters and a zippy, just-complicated-enough plot is all I could ever want in a witchy romantic comedy; this book does not disappoint.

I would recommend this title to anyone looking for a sweet, entertaining, undemanding read that truly delivers on its promise of magical, mood-lifting entertainment.

I received a free e-ARC of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
inquisitrix | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 10, 2021 |
I decided this story was a bit of a soap opera even before Becca said it was. Of course, I was attracted to the cover and the premise sounded good. All in all, it wasn't too bad and fortunately clean for a book in it's genre.
eliorajoy | Jun 28, 2019 |
Wish there was a 3 1/2 star because this was an enjoyable book but not a "I can't put it down" kind of book. The Way Back to Happiness is an easy, delightful read about sassy, street-smart, orphaned Alabama, who is forced to live with her somewhat nerdy, Aunt Bev. Throughout the book, Alabama tries to piece together the missing pieces of her life with the help of her friend, Stuart, and adapt to a new way of life. A sequel to this book would be great and I will definitely look for other books written by Elizabeth Bass.

I received a free copy of The Way Back to Happiness through Goodreads Firstreads.
emkemi23 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 23, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I won this as a First Reads book and thoroughly enjoyed this book. Two estranged sisters and too late to fix but there's a chance for Bev to help her niece, Alabama, after the death of her mother. But, Alabama was raised not hearing anything good about her aunt. A coming of age story for the teenager and also for her aunt. A very good story about a small town and family trying to do the best they can with the circumstances they've been dealt.
Dianekeenoy | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 14, 2013 |
I was fortunate to have won The Way Back to Happiness by Elizabeth Bass through a Goodreads Giveaway. This review consists of my unbiased, honest thoughts and opinions.

I enjoyed The Way Back to Happiness. It was engaging and there was a quirky charm to the story, sometimes a little too quirky. It was an easy and quick read, making this a good choice to bring along to the beach or while relaxing by the pool.

The novel was about the relationship, dysfunctional at best, between two sisters, Bev and Diana. Bev was the older, more reliable, steady sibling that could be counted on. She was a worrier and presented herself, at least at the beginning of the story, as an older, stodgier character than her actual age. Diana was the free-spirited, selfish and self-centered sister. However, Diana's love for her daughter, Alabama, was undeniable.

When the story began, Bev and Diana were estranged from one another. Diana, who had been down on her luck for some time had borrowed money from her mother to send Alabama for a week of summer camp. Before the week ends, Diana will be dead, and Alabama will be sent to live with the Aunt that her mother appeared to have despised.

There were several characters in the book that I loved. Stuart, Alabama's kind and only friend, being one of them, a boy who came from an ideal family, according to Alabama, and possessed confidence and cared little about what others thought of him. Gladdy, Bev's mom and Alabama's grandmother, was fiery and outspoken, and although I found her insensitive to Bev, I grew to like her, as well as unconventional Wink.

Bev was a very misunderstood character. Her intentions were always good, but very often they backfired. She tried to see all sides of a situation, and tried to do right by Alabama. Bev even stood up for those who couldn't or wouldn't stand up for themselves, despite jeopardizing her own job security and safety. Bev wanted to find a real romantic love. She didn't want to settle. As a result, she chose the wrong man and subsequently was left very lonely. As much as I came to respect Bev, it took a very long time to feel that way. Bev appeared old fashioned and outdated. She tried her hardest but it often missed the mark. But, I did come to like Bev, very much in fact. I only wish that she would have had more support from family and friends from the beginning. Bev picked herself up, time and time, again, but it was not easy for her, and often she was isolated and ridiculed. She deserved neither.½
2LZ | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 5, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Overall, I really enjoyed The Way Back to Happiness. I found the characters were realistic and the story was interesting and enjoyable, but a little bit predictable.
aeisen | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 3, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
The characters were all very well developed and very unique. I enjoyed watching the dynamics of the relationship between Bev and Alabama grow and change over time, and I liked how the narrative switched between each's perspective throughout the story. I thought the friendship between Alabama and Stuart was fantastic. Overall, a very sweet story that demonstrates the struggles and triumphs of family.
Mrs.Scholey | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 18, 2013 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I enjoyed this book. All families have secrets and all relationships can cause pain. This is a story of a family with all of its flaws trying to find its way back to each other.
brandymcdonald | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 13, 2013 |
I just finished reading this book, and I must say that I loved it. When I started reading Wherever Grace is Needed, I didn't know what I was going to find in those pages. It was the first book by Elizabeth Bass I read and I didn't know if I was going to like the book or not, or If I was going to enjoy her writing style or not. But I'm glad to say that I really enjoyed it.

Elizabeth Bass tells the story of two different families, two broken families, two dysfunctional families, and how they need to work together to overcome their problems and find solutions, and keep living.

At the beginning the reader can think that this is like any other dramatic book, but I think that it is more than that. We will see real life problems, and how those problems affect the life of a family. We will see how their relationships deteriorate, and we will see sadness and depression. Topics like death, dementia, forgiveness, love, new opportunities and guiltiness are discussed in this story.

There are a lot of feelings in this novel, and I'm sure a lot of readers will feel some kind of connection with the main characters, maybe because they had the same problems, they were in the same situation, or because those characters are so real, that you think about them as real people and not as characters of a fiction book.

Like I said before, I really enjoyed this book. Bass' writing style is amazing, sweet and realistic. There were a lot of lovely, funny but also heartbreaking scenes in this novel, and the characters were no exception. (If you want read a tiny excerpt, read my Teaser Tuesday 10

I don't want to talk to much about the plot because I think that the best way to enjoy this novel is reading it. Highly recommended to adults and young adults!

Happy Reading!

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Thank You.
idroskicinia | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 26, 2011 |
This is the story of a family and the love that holds it together. The adage, “Grace under pressure” applies here.

Grace Oliver goes home after thirty years, to assist her father who is recovering from an auto accident. Unexpectedly, it is also revealed that he has Alzheimer’s disease. This prompts Grace to remain longer than she initially planned.

Unfortunately, the previously distant Grace finds herself confronting her past within the family, including her relationship with her siblings. She finds it difficult to reconnect as they disagree over not only the past, but their father’s future. She realizes that all must be resolved.

Amidst her own family crises, she learns that a tragedy that neighbor and his family are going through. Especially affected is the teen-aged daughter, Jordan. Grace tries to help this family, as well as her own. What she does not expect is how in giving care and support, she learns to receive and accept it. In reconnecting with her past, she finds new connections to her future. Grace learns the value and real definition of home.

Elizabeth Bass writes with comfortable warmth. Her characters feel genuine and their lives true. Grace is a blessing.½
nightprose | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 23, 2011 |
This novel had me at "Sassy Spinster Farm". I'd give it 3 1/2 stars really. The farm is run by two sisters in their thirties who cobble together a CSA (community supported agriculture) and agri-tourism B&B to make ends meet at their family farm in Texas. Laura is the very cranky, tart tongued sister, and Rue is the sweet tongued one with a heart of gold and a preteen daughter who is adjusting to her mom's recent divorce and bad bout with cancer. When an old family member turns up unexpectedly at the farm - Heidi the former and despised step sister - the summer starts off with a little family rivalry, a little romance (a handsome farm hand inexplicably has a thing for Laura), some intrigue (just what is Heidi running from?), and lots of laughter and tears. Overall a two thumbs up, though a bit draggy in parts - could have used a bit more trimming, I think.
amanderson | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 13, 2011 |
How can you resist a book set on a farm called Sassy Spinster Farm? Rue and Laura are sisters who live on the farm where they grew up, taking in guests who want to experience working the farm life for themselves. They are working hard to not only make the farm pay but to live their lives to the fullest and to understand what matters most in life. Rue is exhausted and drained from her latest round of chemo for advanced breast cancer. Laura is prickly and anti-social, resenting the presence of the guests at the farm. Erica, Rue's pre-teen daughter, is faced not only with a mother battling cancer and a father who has invited her twee former fifth grade teacher to move in with him but also with all the hazards and pitfalls of being young and figuring out friendship. Webb, who is working the farm for the summer, is an old friend who has been in love with Laura, despite the fact that she ignores him and his good-hearted loyalty, just about forever. Into this mix comes Heidi, Rue and Laura's former step-sister, the bratty little baggage who left the farm without a backward glance so many years ago when her mother left the sisters' father. Laura doesn't want to let Heidi stay but Rue is adamant that family is forever. And Heidi's presence changes everything, helping each of the characters to examine herself and her choices much closer.

The characters in this are delightful and quirkily human. They make mistakes and are stubborn but they are warm and good-intentioned and the book is all around charming. There's joy and humor and deep sadness here but ultimately it is an uplifting read that leaves the reader feeling good. Some of the plot is a little far fetched and there really aren't any surprises to be had (and in certain cases, this is absolutely the right thing) but there is something luminous and sweet and appealing here. Perhaps it is the sense of love that pervades the book. Whatever it is, this is a book that leaves the reader sighing with pleasure when the back cover finally closes. It is like the best life lived, complete with ups and downs, laughter and tears, but on the whole, worth every minute. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a well-written feel-good novel (plus one cathartic cry).
whitreidtan | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 26, 2010 |
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