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"Non sai Asclepio, che l'Egitto e' un'immagine del cielo? Oppure, per essere piu' precisi, che in Egitto tutte le operazioni dei poteri che governano e agiscono nel cielo sono state trasferite sulla terra che si trova al di sotto?" (p. 99)

"E io - disse Ermes - rendero' gli esseri umani intelligenti, conferiro' loro la saggezza e faro' conoscere loro la verita'. Non cessero' mai di trarre beneficio dalla vita degli esseri mortali; e poi colmero' ciascuno di benefici, quando la forza della natura che agisce in lui e' in armonia con il movimento delle stelle al di sopra". (p. 172)

- La nostra mente ha perso la sua acutezza, stentiamo a capire gli antichi. - Gregorio di Tours, VI sec. d.C.

Le stelle sbiadiscono come il ricordo nell'istante che precede l'alba. Il sole appare basso a est, dorato come un occhio aperto. Cio' che puo' essere nominato deve esistere. Cio' che viene nominato puo' essere scritto. Cio' che e' scritto deve essere ricordato. Cio' che e' ricordato vive. Nella terra d'Egitto va errando Osiride. (p. 345)

NewLibrary78 | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 22, 2023 |
It's been several years since I last read, or tried to, this book. At the time of its release, the subject very much interested me and I hoped the book would be as good as one of his other books, The Orion Mystery. Sadly... it's not.

Secret Chamber is, in my opinion, heavy to get through. The small printing and thickness of the paperback/"pocket" isn't helpful either. It feels like a thick brick and pages are hard to turn (affects the cover and spine).

Plus, Bauval's writing style here is a drag. The book advances very slowly, you have to keep your mind and attention to it all to understand what he's talking about, which links are made, etc... I might start reading it again later, but now I don't have the time or energy for it.
TechThing | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 22, 2021 |
It's all in the details

This book is full of a vast amount of detailed information. It wasn't a quick read but it kept my interest. I truly appreciate the search for truth especially in a field of study where many have gone out of their way to remove Egypt from the rest of Africa...especially in a society that has actively denied & attempts to hide the contributions of Black Africans to civilization.
rukiyafaizah | Aug 28, 2018 |

Como culminación de su trabajo en El Misterio de Orión y Guardián del Genesis, Robert Bauval nos leva a la búsqueda de un tesoro cuyo inicio se remonta en el tiempo más de 4.000 años y que está a punto de alcanzar su momento culminante.

Existe una cámara secreta en la Gran Pirámide o una Sala de los Archivos bajo la Esfinge de Gizeh, que todavia no han sido descubiertas? ¿Cuando se abrirán? ¿Y. quién lo hara?
Qué vínculos existen entre el vértice de la Gran Pirámide, la estrella Sirio, la estrella de Belén y las ciudades de Paris, Washington y el Nuevo Orden Mundial propuesto por la Francmasoneria? Qué tiene que ver la Segunda Venida de Cristo con la apertura de la mítica Sala de los Archivos? Que hay más allà de la "puerta" del canal de la Gran Pirámide? &Y cuál es la verdadera historia que subyace detrás de su descubrimiento? En qué consiste la misteriosa profecía del Monte Libico? Y qué extraña magia se desprenderá de ella?
La Cámara Secreta es la revelación de la verdad que hay detrás de estos misterios, realizada por un hombre que ha estado en el centro de los acontecimientos de Gizeh durante más de quince años Robert Bauval nació en Egipto en 1948 Desde 1982 ha estado investigando el culto estelar y astronómico de los antiguos constructores de pirámides egipcios. Bauval fue quien elaboró la mundialmente famosa Teorla de la Coreelación de Orión y Gizeh, generando una airada polémica a
fechar el origen de la Esfinge hacia el 10.000 aC. Es coautor de tres grandes libros de éxito mundial: El Misterio de Orión (1995), Guardián del Génesis (1997) y Misterio de Marte (1998).
FundacionRosacruz | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 20, 2017 |
Le tesi di Bauval e di Hancock sono note, affascinanti ed accattivanti. Sostengono che la sfinge esiste da migliaia di anni prima di quanto sostengono gli archeologi e che le piramidi non sono soltanto tombe di faraoni ma la ricostruzione sul terreno di una costellazione stellare.

Libro affascinante e più intriganti di un romanzo.
Maistrack | 9 weitere Rezensionen | May 28, 2016 |
First, an explanation of my bias. I loved Zahi Hawass from his first appearances on Nat Geo, because he's so charismatic and he reminded me of my father. Like him, I hated von Daniken and those Ancient Aliens guys, in my case because they have so deficient a sense of the relation between claim and evidence that even if their claims were true I couldn't accept them, because they haven't really been argued. I'm reminded of trying to submit algebra homework with the right answers but no proofs.

Then, down with flu and napping through HuluPlus, I clicked on The Pyramid Code. Episode one, still skeptical. Episode two, socks knocked off. Remaining episodes, becoming skeptical again about some bits but moved to inquire further into others. Found one lecture by Bauval and one by Hancock, also on Hulu. Then, still bedridden, I ordered Laird Scranton's The Science of the Dogon for my Kindle. As soon as I could get up, I headed for the library and borrowed Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods and The Message of the Sphinx, co-authored by Hancock and Bauval.

There's a lot of astronomy in Message, more than even I needed, so to me it's a less breathtaking read than Fingerprints. But both writers present compelling--I mean that literally--evidence for their claims, enough evidence in fact to make orthodox archaeology look about as scientific as the Ancient Alien guys, to make it look less like a theory than like a belief system.

As for claims, Hancock and Bauval are restrained. If they believe in alien visitations, they're careful not to show it. But if you would like to consider the possibility of an antediluvian culture that got lost, here are some facts and arguments.
adeeba_zamaan | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 25, 2013 |
Bauval will be remembered, perhaps forever, for bring the Orion Correlation theory to the world. This book is sober, but it's been all downhill with the theory since there. Alternative history has run amok with the theory, but it does make sense. Look at it!
tuckerresearch | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 10, 2013 |
ShanLizLuv | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 20, 2011 |
De geheimen van de grote piramide (een perfect wiskundig model van de hemelbol) en de sfinx van Gizeh blijven verbazen. De Engels-Egyptische amateur-egyptoloog, bouwkundig ingenieur Bauval en schrijver-socioloog Hancock beweren dat 10.500 jaar geleden de bouw is begonnen. Ze bevatten een mystiek sterrengeheugen en kennis over de oorsprong van onze beschaving na de zondvloed en zijn zeker geen koningsgraven, zoals door orthodoxe Egyptologen wordt aangenomen. Hoe kwamen die honderden massieve steenblokken van gemiddeld 100 ton op elkaar gestapeld? En met een deklaag van blokken met een voeglaag van 0.05 cm.? Het zijn kennelijk sporen van een ver ontwikkelde, verdwenen en vergeten cultuur, die architectonisch niets aan enig toeval overliet en met de precisie van een 'atoomklok' kon werken. Alle afmetingen (o.a. de waardes van Pi) en posities hebben betekenis. Nader wetenschappelijk onderzoek wordt helaas door de Egyptische autoriteiten tegengehouden. Wie eerdere publicaties van deze auteurs kent, leest niet veel nieuws. Jammer. Bevat veel schematische afbeeldingen. Gouden belettering en kleurenfoto van een sfinx op het omslag.
leestgraag | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 16, 2010 |
Pseodoscience can be identified by the aggrieved tone of the author whose theory is not accepted by academia. Not all of this is demonstrably wrong: there are unanswered questions about why the flanks of the sphinx bear anomalous weathering but the authors' assertion that it is water from a pre-Ice Age climate seems less likely than those proposed by more orthodox scholars. The openess of my mind towards Bauval's theories snapped shut when he deduced the age of of the Great Sphinx to be the time when the Mesopotamian zodiacal symbol of Leo (unknown in Egypt until over a millennium after the pyramids were built) was rising on the eyeline of the statue some 12.5 millennia ago. I admire the creativity behind this book but there is too much defensive argument here and I find that I do not know what to trust.
TheoClarke | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 6, 2010 |
This is the second book on Egypt that I have read by Robert Bauval. I would recommend reading the first, The Orion Mystery, before starting this as it occassionally references back to topics written there, and I found it very helpful to have the background on the pyramids discussed in The Orion Mystry.

The Message of the Sphinx moves away from the Great Pyramids a bit and centers on the meaning, purpose and age of the Great Sphinx. Newer theories (1996) suggest that the Sphinx is much older than originally thought and also suggest a new purpose for the anciet monument. These discoveries are based in science and lead to a very compelling argument for the writers' theories.

If you are interested in Egyptology, this book should be on your must read book. Even if we choose not to believe the authors' theories, it shows a new picture of the ancients that helps piece together how and when they lived, specifically their religion and funeral rites. The writing gets a littel overly scientific for easy reading so I've been picking it up on and off all year.

1 abstimmen
jasmyn9 | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 27, 2009 |
Like Egypt but confused by who's who in the Pharoah's Alist - then this is the book for you ! Stick with it you'll find it fascinating
CoffeewithZooly | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 7, 2009 |
Even though some parts of his theories may be shown to be incorrect - all merit careful study & review. This is not 'new age' or 'beings from space' stuff. His observations are exact and accepted by many astronomers. Egyptologists must leave their pride behind and work openly with the other sciences. We constantly are forced to rewrite the history of the 20th Century based on new observations and discoveries. Why should we think that we have no need to do the same for things that happened over 4 millennia ago?½
millsge | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 25, 2009 |
Bauval's work is based on sound observation and logic. It is obvious that astronomy and astrology were much more central to Egyptian thought and belief than Egyptologists believe. Furthermore, I am sure that some time in the future we will discover that Giza was sacred to some forgotten people long before the Pharaohs placed their pyramids there.½
millsge | Apr 26, 2009 |
"Un libro assai più avvincente di molti romanzi" così la copertina de "L'enigma di Marte" anticipa il suo contenuto. Irriverente, audace, rivoluzionario così Graham Hancock ,Robert Bauval e John Grigsby hanno concepito questo libro. Il tentativo di dare risposte
a quelle domande che la cosiddetta "versione ufficiale" non può o non sa dare. Cosa celano le sabbie del pianeta rosso? Questo libro
entusiasmerà tutti gli appassionati delle teorie "alternative". Esisteva una civiltà evoluta su Marte migliaia di anni fa ? Leggete
e lo scoprirete! Ma se un tempo il pianeta rosso era vivo e florido come la nostra amata terra, cosa lo ha ridotto nelle terribili condizioni in cui si trova adesso? Lo stesso destino potrebbe essere destinato al nostro Pianeta? "Catastrofismo", di questo è stato accusato questo autore. Infatti viva è l'ipotesi che in qualsiasi momento senza preavviso un asteroide di grandi dimensioni possa distruggerci in ogni momento. Forti anche le ipotesi da parte degli autori, circa l'attività di oscuramento da parte delle istituzioni in merito alle vicende appena descritte. Un buon libro per coloro che amano fantasticare e sognare, un ottimo libro per coloro che adorano pensare con la propria testa! LEGGETELO!
porficlya83 | Nov 23, 2008 |
Probably one of the most believable and brain-altering books you can read about Egypt. Hancock and Bauval will no longer let the old paradigm of Egypt take over this new generation of Egyptologists.
Even if you don't agree with it, it's fascinating reading. Not a UFO in sight.
bastet | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 27, 2007 |
Not quite as good as Sign or Fingerprints, but interesting nevertheless. Hancock begins to get kooky with this book, culminating in the rancid Mars Mystery. He is rich though.½
tuckerresearch | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 19, 2006 |
gnostics, freemasons, conspiracies...great fun
readinnut | May 18, 2006 |
aphutton | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 14, 2005 |
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