
Steve Bell (6)

Autor von Grace For Muslims?

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4 Werke 63 Mitglieder 2 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Steve Bell lived in the Middle East where he studied linguistics at the American University in Cairo. He also studied theology at Clifton College, Nottingham (UK) and the Coptic Evangelical Seminary (Cairo), and cross-cultural studies at All Nations Christian College (UK) and Southern Cross College mehr anzeigen (Sydney). He is a speaker at Spring Harvest and Keswick Convention and has directed Action Partners Ministries (SUM). He is currently National Director of Interserve. weniger anzeigen

Werke von Steve Bell



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This is a very practical book written in an attractive, easy-to-use magazine style and its target audience is the 'ordinary Christian' who wants to reach out to the 'ordinary Muslim'. Bell explains the basics of Islamic faith and practice, but clearly points out the diversity that there is within Islam worldwide. The sections on barriers to Muslim's receiving the Gospel include several helpful tables comparing western and eastern culture, and Christian and Muslim theology. Other barriers are historical - from the Crusades through the State of Israel to the Gulf War - and semantic. The last part of the book includes many anecdotes and presents ideas and advice for building relationships with Muslims and for discipling believers from a Muslim background. The appendices include a useful glossary and a more in-depth discussion of whether Allah can be considered to be the God of the Bible.… (mehr)
drrichmccallum | Jul 31, 2023 |
Bell strongly believes that the presence of Muslims in the West is part of God's sovereign plan and represents not a threat but a significant opportunity for the church in Britain. This increasingly influential book is partly autobiographical and recounts the author's time in Egypt and his subsequent work in trying to educate British Christians in the need to extend grace to Muslims. Christians need to understand Islam as an Arabised form of Judaism which can in fact prepare Muslims to receive the Gospel. He sees the real enemy to faith in the West as being godless secularism and believes that Muslims can be allies for Christians seeking to restore Judeo-Christian values. He finishes the book with advice on how to form grace relationships with Muslims and tells of his dream for a multicultural church in Britain.… (mehr)
drrichmccallum | Jul 31, 2023 |

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