
Mark Bierman

Autor von Vanished

1 Werk 4 Mitglieder 2 Rezensionen

Werke von Mark Bierman

Vanished (2012) 4 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen



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I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Vanished" by Mark Bierman, a story of love, hope, despair and redemption. Two Americans, John and Tyler come to Haiti to help missionaries hoping that the distraction will help them get on with their lives.; John's daughter, who was married to Tyler recently died of cancer and both are devastated.

When the seven-year-old daughter of their housekeeper is kidnapped and possibly sold into slavery, the two Americans vow to find her and bring her home. Since human trafficking is a major business in third world countries, few want to get involved in fear of reprisal. Setting out on their own in a foreign land becomes a major undertaking for the two men, who are pulled into the criminal underbelly of that trade market.

The two encounter major roadblocks, twists and turns, and both have to fight for their lives on several occasions. Their quest finally leads them to a mine on the other side of the country, and with help from the inside locate the missing girl.

The author does a great job in his descriptions, especially in showing the squaller in which these children slaves live. There are different subplots in the story which all come together at the end. I do have mixed feelings about the ending and think it could have been shortened. - unless, of course, the author is contemplating a sequel.

Even if this is a work of fiction, I've learned more about human trafficking and how widespread it is. I'd recommend "Vanished" to anyone interested in an edge of your seat roller coaster ride. Great job, Mark!
… (mehr)
JPodlaski | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 1, 2020 |
A harrowing tale of love, loss, and redemption. Walk with Mark as he takes you on a twisting ride deep into the depths of humanity's depravity. This is not a light read, nor is it meant for those who wish to stay ignorant of the way things truly are in this world. A beacon of hope in all too often tragic world, 'Vanished' isn't afraid to tackle what many in more privileged countries consider taboo, even today.
LilyRoseShadowlyn | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 10, 2016 |

