92 Werke 17,312 Mitglieder 144 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 2 Lesern


This is probably one of my absolute favorite books. I know, it's a kids book. But I loved this book when I first read it about ten years ago, and it is one of those that stays with you. Humphrey is a witty and genius hamster who is going to live in a classroom. The rambunctious children learn how to take care of Humphrey, and he in turn helps them with their own problems, especially when he spends each weekend at a different child's house, and eventually the teacher's as well. The characters are hilarious, and the story is touching. It is a sweet chapter book which will warm your heart and put a smile on your face. Good for established but still learning chapter-book readers.
JanaHenderson | 48 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 24, 2024 |
Book for primary. Classic Winnie the Pooh characters help to teach the readers about the importance of sharing. Rabbit grew this beautiful garden, and worked hard on it, so he didn't want to just share all his hard earned vegetables. So when his friends asked him to share, he said no because he worked hard on his vegetables. But then a cold wind came and his crops were going to be ruined so his friends all came to help him save his crops. This taught rabbit about the importance of kindness and sharing.
Brianna.phelps | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 21, 2024 |
BooksInMirror | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2024 |
I remember that this was the book that taught me don’t judge it by it’s cover or even first fifty pages.
sophia.magyk | 21 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2024 |
Individual Reading Level: 3-5 Grades
Awards: Rhode Island Children's Book Award and Pennsylvania's Keystone to Reading Award
sopthomas | 48 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 7, 2023 |
Jon rates this 5 stars and his review is, "It was pretty good."
filemanager | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 29, 2023 |
2.5 stars because of the minor appearance of a danger noodle.
filemanager | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 29, 2023 |
filemanager | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 29, 2023 |
Tigger and Roo discover that one kangaroo's trash is another owl's treasure when they accidentally litter a bunch of tin pots that Kanga wanted them to take to the garbage tree -- a literal hollow tree stuffed with trash from the Hundred-Acre Wood. When the duo backtracks to find where they dropped the pots, they discover that what they thought was trash has been repurposed into a second life by their friends.

It's a nice little ecological message that unfolds in a slow and obvious but satisfying manner. The clean, simple art helps it succeed over the very similar Winnie The Pooh: Somebody's Treasure that I panned a while back due to its silly artistic choices.

(Pooh Project: Phase 2! I've managed to catalog all the shorter Pooh books my family owns (see the list here). While I work through few remaining longer Pooh books we own, I'm missing my daily dose of Pooh, so I'm going to start seeking out some of the Pooh books I don't own – yet – from libraries IRL and online. See the reviews here.)
villemezbrown | Aug 29, 2023 |
After a morning when he cannot find any acorns on the forest floor, Piglet jumps into some catastrophic thinking and assumes there will never be acorns again because they are obviously all being stolen by voracious heffalumps. His unwarranted panic results in him becoming an advocate of nature conservation.

It's not a bad message, but the convoluted way Piglet comes to his epiphany and his subsequent fervor and virtue signaling is a bit off-putting -- not to mention it's going to require a pie tin different from the one he is shown using.

(Pooh Project: Phase 2! I've managed to catalog all the shorter Pooh books my family owns (see the list here). While I work through few remaining longer Pooh books we own, I'm missing my daily dose of Pooh, so I'm going to start seeking out some of the Pooh books I don't own – yet – from libraries IRL and online. See the reviews here.)
villemezbrown | Aug 17, 2023 |
PBEBOOKS | 48 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 10, 2023 |
PBEBOOKS | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 20, 2023 |
Open up your ears and listen very clear. Follow all directions and never fall behind. Show support to your friends and don't make mistakes!
leilanig | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 2, 2022 |
hcs_admin | 21 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 31, 2022 |
This was such a great book! Perfect for reading aloud to my six year old (one of our first real chapter book read). Humphrey is a great main character who leads us through classroom and different family situations with humor and a bit of adventure. We are looking forward to reading more Humphrey books!
MBTC | 48 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 9, 2022 |
This book felt familiar as I read it, and a quick search of my LibraryThing tags for "kangaroos" and "messiness" immediately brought up Oh, Bother! Someone's Messy! by the same author and illustrator. I pulled that off the shelf and a comparison shows that Roo's Messy Room is an abridged version of the same work produced a couple years later. Sentences have been dropped, chopped in half and rearranged. Some pictures have been discarded, and large pictures have been cropped into two or three smaller pictures. And poor Eeyore was completely removed.

Since Disney recycled, I'm just going to recycle my rating and review too:

Roo's room is messy, so Kanga does the old let-him-soak-in-his-filth-till-he's-sick-of-it trick. Since this is a fantasy, Roo learns the error of his ways, and since this is a Pooh story, all the Hundred-Acre friends come over for a book-ending cleaning-up party.

I tried this with my daughter's playroom for a while, and we ended up with two-foot drifts of papers and toys against the walls and a three foot diameter circle in the middle where she could actually play.

(My Pooh Project: I love Winnie the Pooh, and so does my wife. Having a daughter gave us a chance to indoctrinate her into the cult by buying and reading her every Pooh book we came across. How many is that? I’m going to count them this year by reading and reviewing one every day and seeing which month I finally run out. Track my progress here: )
villemezbrown | Jun 3, 2022 |
I'm astonished at how much I enjoyed this book -- Humphrey is a charmer, and the book is full of sweet, funny moments.
jennybeast | 48 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 14, 2022 |
Anitostenes | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 4, 2022 |
The Pooh friends want to have a party for the first day of spring, but when rabbit reads out a list of things for each one to bring, well, um, "Oh, bother! No one's listening!" And how many tablecloths might they end up with if everyone thinks, "That's what I'm supposed to bring," as they rush to the party?

Very funny, with a wonderful supporting part for Eeyore.

(My Pooh Project: I love Winnie the Pooh, and so does my wife. Having a daughter gave us a chance to indoctrinate her into the cult by buying and reading her every Pooh book we came across. How many is that? I’m going to count them this year by reading and reviewing one every day and seeing which month I finally run out. Track my progress here: )
villemezbrown | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 17, 2022 |
Roo's room is messy, so Kanga does the old let-him-soak-in-his-filth-till-he's-sick-of-it trick. Since this is a fantasy, Roo learns the error of his ways, and since this is a Pooh story, all the Hundred-Acre friends come over for a book-ending cleaning-up party.

I tried this with my daughter's playroom for a while, and we ended up with two-foot drifts of papers and toys against the walls and a three foot diameter circle in the middle where she could actually play.

UPDATE 6/3/2022:
I discovered today that an abridged version of this book was released in 1999 under the title Roo's Messy Room as part of the My Very First Winnie the Pooh series.

(My Pooh Project: I love Winnie the Pooh, and so does my wife. Having a daughter gave us a chance to indoctrinate her into the cult by buying and reading her every Pooh book we came across. How many is that? I’m going to count them this year by reading and reviewing one every day and seeing which month I finally run out. Track my progress here: )
villemezbrown | Feb 20, 2022 |
Tigger introduces a new bouncing game but becomes sulky when it turns out someone else is better at it. His friends have to massage his ego and find something else he's good at to feed his brittle ego. I can't decide if its snowflake maintenance or diva duty.

Update: I'm 50 books into the Pooh Project and a visual guesstimate says I'm not even a quarter of the way through all the books on the bookshelf yet. Onward!

(My Pooh Project: I love Winnie the Pooh, and so does my wife. Having a daughter gave us a chance to indoctrinate her into the cult by buying and reading her every Pooh book we came across. How many is that? I’m going to count them this year by reading and reviewing one every day and seeing which month I finally run out. Track my progress here: )
villemezbrown | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 19, 2022 |
Piglet breaks one of Pooh's honeypots and lies about it, saying a Heffalump broke into Pooh's house and stole it. Next thing you know the Pooh friends form a raging mob plotting Heffalump genocide.

Too dark and too true for these troubled times.

(My Pooh Project: I love Winnie the Pooh, and so does my wife. Having a daughter gave us a chance to indoctrinate her into the cult by buying and reading her every Pooh book we came across. How many is that? I’m going to count them this year by reading and reviewing one every day and seeing which month I finally run out. Track my progress here: )
villemezbrown | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 17, 2022 |
Meeting Humphrey may just change your mind if you think hamsters aren't a good pet. He's an adventurous guy that will really work his way into your heart. His journey from pet-store animal to class-pet is explained from his point-of-view and he does get to see a lot of interesting things! The story if filled with humor, adventure, and a lot of great life lessons about really getting to know people!
LectricLibrary | 48 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 16, 2022 |
When Piglet invites Pooh to a sleepover at his house, even a bear of very little brain can suss out that all the jumping at shadows and sounds means that Piglet is afraid of the dark. A solution involving constellations seems unlikely, but, hey, whatever gets you through the night, Piglet.

(My Pooh Project: I love Winnie the Pooh, and so does my wife. Having a daughter gave us a chance to indoctrinate her into the cult by buying and reading her every Pooh book we came across. How many is that? I’m going to count them this year by reading and reviewing one every day and seeing which month I finally run out. Track my progress here: )
villemezbrown | Feb 15, 2022 |
A stiff riff on the fable of the ant and the grasshopper has rabbit refusing to share the bounty of his garden until a frost threatens to destroy his harvest and his friends share their labor to save the crop. Rabbit shares his veggies out of gratitude, but then Pooh starts pushing for the honey that is sitting in the pantry also.

Pooh, you Commie ol' bear!

Are you pushing for a socialist redistribution of income and wealth? What about emphasizing instead that the Hundred-Acre Wood is in need of a system of currency so rabbit can profit from sales of his surplus and use the proceeds to hire minimum wage day laborers and purchase crop insurance?

Republicans, forget about Maus and get on this ASAP!

(My Pooh Project: I love Winnie the Pooh, and so does my wife. Having a daughter gave us a chance to indoctrinate her into the cult by buying and reading her every Pooh book we came across. How many is that? I’m going to count them this year by reading and reviewing one every day and seeing which month I finally run out. Track my progress here: )
villemezbrown | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 11, 2022 |