
Nicole BlanchardRezensionen

Autor von Anchor

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The description of this book sounded too good to pass up, so I gave it a shot. And I'm glad that I did. While it was an emotional roller coaster, it was one that was worth the ride. The story kicks off with the two main characters already married. But Tana gets into a car accident that causes her to lose her memory. She can't remember her husband, Alec, or their two children.

Alec was desperate to get Tana to remember their lives together and how much they love each other. Which was part of what made his character one to remember. The amount of love he held for Tana and their children was truly beautiful. He was a man willing to do anything to put his family back together.

While this is a love story, there was plenty of sadness and angst thrown in there as well. Everything went together and created one beautiful story that will probably have you tearing up at least once. So I definitely recommend having some tissues handy. This is not the first book I have read by Nicole Blanchard and it certainly won't be the last. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good romance. I received a free ARC of this book from HiddenGems in return for my honest review and opinions.
SarahCudlipp | Aug 8, 2023 |
Good story.
No intimate scenes with anyone other than the Hero and heroine.
Best to read book 1 1st ax it sets the scene and we are updated on progress of previous characters and couples.
Ends leading into the next book, a new couple.
izzied | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 29, 2020 |
Good story.
Both are reluctant mates.
Best to read books in series order as previous characters and couples appear and their stories continue.
Breadcrumbs dropped for future books in series.
No intimate scenes with anyone other than the Hero and heroine.
No cheating.
No other woman or man drama.
izzied | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 29, 2020 |
Gallops along over some plots holes

Presented from dual points of view, which seems almost de rigeur with romances, but which can be quite confusing if you lose track of who the current “I” is.

Not a great deal of characterisation, other than the two protagonists, but written with a great deal of pace. There are some plot holes which leave you with a bunch of question marks hanging over your head, as for example when the hero is seeking information about the hostage-taker from a third party whilst said hostage-taker is standing right next to him. Despite such it is a quick, entertaining read.

3.5 stars½
Kindleifier | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 20, 2020 |
I've read just about everything that K. Webster has written and a few of Nicole Blanchard's books, so I was totally jazzed for this one. And with very good reason. It was so good. I mean, just soooooo good.

Breccan and his morts are the last 10 beings left on their planet until 2 of his morts bring back 5 human women in stasis. And miracle of miracles, they are compatible. Then Aria wakes up and Breccan goes a little crazy.

I felt so bad for Breccan and his morts. I mean, they totally broke my heart. The situation that they have found themselves in, through no fault of their own, is just devastating. I couldn't do what they do. And then Breccan and his UV addiction. Oh man.

I also feel so bad for Aria. I mean, she's been stuck in stasis with no clue as to what's going on and she wakes up in pain, and then some alien wanting to be with her. It has to be so terrifying for her to try and figure out what she needs to do. I don't blame her for being sad, scared, angry, or whatever else she may be feeling. She has every right to those feelings.

A lot of the problems that go on in this book are because two cultures are trying to get together and that is never easy, but they don't even really have a common place to start from, so it's even harder than it would be for 2 humans getting together from 2 cultures. So, there's a lot of problems around that.

This story is sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes incredibly joyful, and sometimes incredibly frustrating, but always incredible.
tetisheri | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 15, 2020 |
I have decided that I want to go to Mortuus and find myself a mort. I think that Nicole Blanchard and K Webster need to make it so.

Calix has been watching over Emery, his lilapetal, and is worried because she's sick and she doesn't seem to be getting better. He's going to do everything he can to make her better, including stealing her away from her quarters and taking her to his lab to do what he can to cure her.

I really like Calix. He's caring and protective, and willing to stand up to anyone and anything to make sure that the people he cares for are safe. He's also got a strong sense of responsibility and duty, and he wants to make sure that all his people are going to be safe from any diseases.

I felt for Emery so hard. Asthma may not seem like a terrible thing, unless you have it and you can't breathe and you don't have your medication, then it is pretty much the scariest thing ever. And she's feeling herself slowly suffocate. But, she's strong and brave and determined. She isn't willing to let anything stop her.

I can't wait for the next book.
tetisheri | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 15, 2020 |
I was worried about our remaining Morts after all the other human women were mated off, especially Hadrian. He was positive that he was in love with Aria, even though she is mated to Breccan, the mort he considers his father. And after the events of the last book, where we get an MMF group, Hadrian is just positive that Aria could choose to add him to her mating with Breccan. It doesn't matter that she has made it quite clear that she only sees him as a little brother, that thought is still there.

I think that this shows just how very young that Hadrian is. He's really only a young man, one who is just starting out in life and trying to figure out what is going on with everything in his life. And Aria, who is a really pretty woman, is the first woman he has seen in his teenage and adult life. So, of course, he's going to feel a certain way about her.

And then we have Lyric. She is Aria's younger sister. She looks like Aria. But she is much fiercer than Aria, I think. Hadrian calls her a feral woman, and I'm pretty sure that's a good description of her. She has come looking for Aria, and ended up in a prison on the same planet. Aria and Breccan have sent two of the morts, including Hadrian out to find her. And find her they did.

I think that Lyric and Hadrian are actually quite perfect for each other. They are both leaders, they are both strong, and they both feel responsibility to their people. I think that they are going to really complement each other well.

I have to wonder about something that one of the women said when the morts first started contacting them. They said there are more of those monsters. Does that mean that there are still more morts hiding that we don't know aobut? Interesting.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
Theron is sure that he is the best thing since sliced bread. Or maybe sliced rogcow. He's charming, he's special, he's talented, and he's definitely the best looking mort, just ask him. He'll tell you. Now, he's with Willow, flying in his precious ship in between the prison and the facility. Theron is pretty sure that Willow is the woman for him, but she's pretty sure that he's not the mort for her.

I love how Willow is always needling Theron and doesn't immediately fall down at his feet like he thinks that she should. I don't know why he thinks he would be such a player, since he hasn't been around any females or anything, but you know, there it is.

I love how Theron keeps referring to the book about mating that they've written. I think it's so funny, and I think that it's great that the morts are trying to do what they can to understand people who are so far different to them.

I can't wait to see what happens next.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
I love this series, and I really love Jareth, Sayer, and Grace's story. And it's not just because Jareth's name is Jareth, and I love Labyrinth or anything. The series is just wonderful, and it keeps getting better with each and every book.

So, Grace is one of the women who has been in stasis, but now the morts and other human women have decided that they need to take her and the other woman out of stasis. When they do, they find out that Grace is pregnant, it's Sayer's, and oh yeah, she's a virgin. Whoopsie.

Sayer and Jareth have been in a relationship for a very long time. They've been keeping it hidden, because they don't think that any of the other morts would understand it. But when it turns out that Grace is pregnant with Sayer's kid, a spanner is tossed in the mix.

I love the way that everything works out. I mean, it's not easy in any way, shape, or form, and there's a whole lot of anger to work through, and I mean a whole lot of anger. The characters though, they are all so real, and you can really get how they are feeling. I cried along with Grace at times. And I wanted to be mad at everyone too. It was just so great.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
I love the Morts, and the overall storyline is just getting better and better. So many Kevins to have to get rid of.

I really liked Oz, and how he was talking to his Whisper, well before she was awake. It was really sweet. I think that it probably helped her too. Quinn knew what she wanted, and she really took good care of Oz when he needed it. I think that he got really focused and would just keep going without Quinn to help balance him out.

Great book, wonderful series, and I can't wait for the next one.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
I really like all of the Morts, and have always felt sorry for them. I mean, only 10 males left of their entire species? That would be so hard to have to deal with.

But of all of them, Draven has a special spot in my heart. He has gone through so much, more than any of the others I think, and he is so broken. There's just something so vulnerable and fragile about him, even as he works to be so strong and do his duty.

Molly was very brave, I think. She had all this stuff just fall on top of her, and yet she managed to do what she needed to do, and even to come to grips with her own past. She and Draven were really good for each other, and it was just so fantastic to see them together.

I can't wait for the next book in the series, because I think that they are getting better and better.
tetisheri | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 15, 2020 |

So I do love a bit of alien romance and this one for me delivered a really great start to this new series.
Such a highly imaginative endeavour this was: I adored the descriptive world building and overall alienness of the Morts they for me had almost a reptile feel to them with there forked tongues and paralysing venom.
I also really liked the unique vocabulary used throughout: it really added a nice touch to the whole story, made everything seem just a tad more exotic.
So this is the story of Breccan and Aria: Breccan Aloisius, the forgotten commander of the planet Mortuus: because of a past disaster his race and planet is all but decimated in numbers, down to only ten Morts and none of these survivors are females.
Aria of earth former party girl and actress: when Breccan's Morts intercept five cryo chambers from a passing vessel they feel like there prayers for salvation have finally been answered.
So Aria awakens in a strange place with no idea of where she is and it becomes very evident she is not on earth any longer.
Aria then realises that these scary looking aliens have an agenda and she along with the other females still in cryosleep are the sole hope for this dying planet's future.
So "The Forgotten Commander" is a breeding trope alien romance and I didn't even know that was an actual thing until I embarked upon this book.
its told from dual pov Breccan and Aria.
Aria though a tad highly strung at times seemed a highly pragmatic sort: making the best of things and able to see the bigger overall picture.
She will do what's necessary for her survival and I liked the fact she wasn't really despite her situation a whiner.
Breccan for me came across as such a sweetie he really was adorable in all his interactions with Aria and I couldn't help but warm to the sweetly protective vibe he outwardly portrayed.
This was also equally amusing and scorching hot in temperature.
I really enjoyed myself here and will definitely be reading the next in this series.
An observation though before I finish up here: Aria didn't seem to know how she had ended up in cryosleep at least that's the impression I got.
I was surprised this wasn't elaborated on further, maybe I just missed something or this is one explanation for a later date it just struck me as odd.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of The Forgotten Commander (The Lost Planet, #1).
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |

This is reverse harem and loosely based on the wizard of Oz.
Being a bit of an addict when it comes to anything fairytale retelling I had to read this.
I know that Wizard of Oz isn't technically a fairytale but I thought it close enough you would have to be living under a rock not to have heard of it.
This didn't work for me how I was originally expecting.
Reverse harem can be a bit hit or miss for me and I struggled to feel a connection here with two of the males involved Tin and Lev.
I had no issues with Crow and he redeemed things here slightly for me without him I may have thrown the towel in.
As it was I did finish and if I had to describe this it was a bit like a mad runaway train.
On the plus side, this was very different and unusual.
It's really going to come down to what type of reverse harem you like.
I prefer mine with a tad more emotional connection than what we are given here
This being the first in a new series it may be that emotional connection just needs some further developing.
This is most definitely hot and heavy that I can not fault it on.
Finally, that finish was certainly unexpected.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of Desiring Dorothy (Men of Oz #1).

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 7, 2019 |

So I do love a bit of alien romance and this one for me delivered a really great start to this new series.
Such a highly imaginative endeavour this was: I adored the descriptive world building and overall alienness of the Morts they for me had almost a reptile feel to them with there forked tongues and paralysing venom.
I also really liked the unique vocabulary used throughout: it really added a nice touch to the whole story, made everything seem just a tad more exotic.
So this is the story of Breccan and Aria: Breccan Aloisius, the forgotten commander of the planet Mortuus: because of a past disaster his race and planet is all but decimated in numbers, down to only ten Morts and none of these survivors are females.
Aria of earth former party girl and actress: when Breccan's Morts intercept five cryo chambers from a passing vessel they feel like there prayers for salvation have finally been answered.
So Aria awakens in a strange place with no idea of where she is and it becomes very evident she is not on earth any longer.
Aria then realises that these scary looking aliens have an agenda and she along with the other females still in cryosleep are the sole hope for this dying planet's future.
So "The Forgotten Commander" is a breeding trope alien romance and I didn't even know that was an actual thing until I embarked upon this book.
its told from dual pov Breccan and Aria.
Aria though a tad highly strung at times seemed a highly pragmatic sort: making the best of things and able to see the bigger overall picture.
She will do what's necessary for her survival and I liked the fact she wasn't really despite her situation a whiner.
Breccan for me came across as such a sweetie he really was adorable in all his interactions with Aria and I couldn't help but warm to the sweetly protective vibe he outwardly portrayed.
This was also equally amusing and scorching hot in temperature.
I really enjoyed myself here and will definitely be reading the next in this series.
An observation though before I finish up here: Aria didn't seem to know how she had ended up in cryosleep at least that's the impression I got.
I was surprised this wasn't elaborated on further, maybe I just missed something or this is one explanation for a later date it just struck me as odd.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of The Forgotten Commander (The Lost Planet, #1).
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |

This is reverse harem and loosely based on the wizard of Oz.
Being a bit of an addict when it comes to anything fairytale retelling I had to read this.
I know that Wizard of Oz isn't technically a fairytale but I thought it close enough you would have to be living under a rock not to have heard of it.
This didn't work for me how I was originally expecting.
Reverse harem can be a bit hit or miss for me and I struggled to feel a connection here with two of the males involved Tin and Lev.
I had no issues with Crow and he redeemed things here slightly for me without him I may have thrown the towel in.
As it was I did finish and if I had to describe this it was a bit like a mad runaway train.
On the plus side, this was very different and unusual.
It's really going to come down to what type of reverse harem you like.
I prefer mine with a tad more emotional connection than what we are given here
This being the first in a new series it may be that emotional connection just needs some further developing.
This is most definitely hot and heavy that I can not fault it on.
Finally, that finish was certainly unexpected.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of Desiring Dorothy (Men of Oz #1).

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 7, 2019 |
"Anchor", a fast-paced romantic suspense tale featuring a smart-strong heroine, is Book #1 in author Nicole Blanchard's "First to Fight Series". When Chloe McKinney steps forward without hesitation to save a frightened young girl from an unknown terrorist, her life will be forever changed. Saving the little girl places Chloe's life in danger as the enraged madman takes her hostage instead. Gabe Rossi, former Marine, now Coast Guard, is beyond grateful when his daughter is spared, and he's determined to save the heroic woman at any cost. When the kidnapper's agenda becomes all too clear, Gabe is far more personally involved than he ever imagined, and he also finds himself more and more drawn to the brave and beautiful Chloe. To say the least, having an awesome man-of-action come to her rescue when she least expects it is an all-new experience for Chloe, and she can't help but be attracted to Gabe's imposing looks and masculine bravado. Too bad they have met during a life-threatening terrorist crisis! If Gabe's military training and Chloe's natural savvy can help them save the day and save each other, is there a chance for a new beginning for the two of them together? Be sure to also read the other books in this action-packed romantic suspense series from author Nicole Blanchard.
gincam | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 26, 2019 |
Action packed but lacking in a bit of character development.
thebookdisciple | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 9, 2018 |
This is Ben and Olivia's story. And boy, do they have a story to tell. When you start reading the book it seems like a run of the mill romance. Boy meets girl, they have a fight and then make up and live happily ever after..... But not this time. This time it is all but a smooth ride. Huge misunderstandings, attempted murder, abduction... all this and more are thrown into the mix. These odds seem insurmountable, but even worse Ben is his own worst enemy. It just seems that they cannot move past Ben and his issues. But I am happy to say there is a happy ever after.

I really enjoyed this book. The characters were 3 dimensional and the story line flowed really well. I was sucked into the book and ignored everything just to see what will happen next. I love the fact that both characters were human and flawed, but with everything thrown at then they still made it through stronger than ever.

Thank you to the author for adding Warrior to Instafreebie. It was a great read. I will be adding more of her books to my to read shelf.
Emmie217 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 27, 2018 |
When a deranged mad man goes on a rampage, one man is there to save everyone.
wndy2011 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 28, 2017 |
This action-packed romantic suspense had me on the edge of my seat. It grabbed me right from the start when a man with a gun was trying to take a little girl hostage. When Chloe talked him into letting the girl go, the girl's father, who was ex-military, had to save the woman who was now being held at gunpoint.

This wasn't a typical hostage/ransom story by any means. I have never heard of a story where a ferry is hijacked. And why was the man doing that anyway?

It was very dangerous for Chloe to attempt to talk the gunman into letting the girl go but she couldn't stand back and do nothing. I really liked Chloe and so did Gabe (the girl's father). The attraction between Chloe and Gabe was instant but continued to grow slowly. This was an exciting book with great characters. Gabe couldn't be better. He was a strong, competent man with the skills to save Chloe. And he was a great dad who would do anything for his daughter. I love strong military heroes with a soft side for women and children.

I liked this thrilling story. It was filled with danger and hot romance.
JoAB | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 17, 2017 |
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Nicole Blanchard has written a Skeleton Key novella. Included is an odd yet exhilarating mix of love and hate, loyalty and betrayal, life and death. The title suggests a story about robots or Artificial Intelligence of some kind. The concepts were well defined, the language clear and very convincing. The author’s imagination seemingly having no limits, the ideas developed. When Caroline Abernathy finds the skeleton key, she’s thrown into an unknown and dangerous world ultimately meeting Ezra Castle. As they find themselves reluctantly relying on each other for survival, they start to develop tender feelings. The storyline, though a bit predictable, did have a twist at the end that may surprise you. I enjoyed this novella and recommend it to all Fantasy fans. This is one of 26 books in the Skeleton Key Book Series. Do yourself a favor and pick up this read, you won’t regret it. This ARC was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review.
Stephanie.L.Herman | Jul 5, 2016 |
I was given this ARC in return for an honest review and I loved Ben and Olivia's story! Ben Hart was home in Nassau, Florida where his best friend was giving him a farewell party as he would soon be shipped out to fight in a war he never started and he saw Jack's little sister all grown up he couldn't believe the girl he'd kissed a long time ago would morph into the beauty she'd become and he couldn't take his eye's off of her the entire night. When she agreed to drive his truck to help him take Logan home, just looking at her soft lips he knew Jack would kick his butt.

Olivia Walker had been abandoned when she was five years old by parents that didn't want her and she was glad that the Walkers adopted her and gave her a good home. She was a teacher in her small town. She'd dreamed of Ben every since the night he'd kissed her and now that he was shipping out for a year she just wanted one night alone with him before he was gone.
Linda.Bass | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 10, 2016 |
A story about Rue and Jamie meeting again after 4 years. I enjoyed the story and would recommend it.
LasVegasNan | Feb 24, 2015 |
4 stars

Sera Flaherty would rather take lumps of coal and be committed to the naughty list for life than admit that she has a role to play in her failing marriage. She deludes her way into a negative bank balance and is left with no chance of getting her husband Spencer a present. When faced with the reality of their relationship, Sera finds she’s willing to sacrifice anything to fix her mistakes and find her husband the perfect gift…even if doing will cost more than she bargained for.

I Loved the story line behind this one. It is sometimes an everyday struggles for couples with money, love and their relationship. Being Christmas time can sometimes be the greatest struggles with money for any family. Nicole brought us an amazing story about realizing that love can withstand struggles. All you have to do is admit your wrongs and work to fix the struggles together. I thought the story was going to go the way it did with the gifting and I was happy to see it all end the way it did.

This book was recommended by Miss Construed

Miss Construed's novella she wrote for the Unholy Nights anthology.
Chris.BlogEmporium | May 6, 2014 |
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