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Published on the occasion of the 1990 exhibition "Christian Boltanski: Reconstitution," at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, The Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven and at The Musee de Grenoble.

Box contains a catalogue with an essay by Lynn Gumpert in English; Catalogue with chronology and bibliography; an interview with Georgia Marsh. Reprints of 5 artist’s books by Christian Boltanski: Reconstitution de gestes effectues par C.B. entre 1948 et 1954; 10 portraits photographiques de C.B. 1946-1964; Recherche et presentation de tout ce qui reste de mon enfance 1969; Inventaire des objets ayant appartenu a une femme de Bois-Colombes; Saynetes Comiques; and reprints of 10 pieces of ephemera by Boltanski, including a colour poster, 3 colour postcards, 2 letters, 2 photos, and 2 other items. List of contents pasted to the inside cover of the box.
petervanbeveren | Nov 12, 2023 |
This massive book has for sections: Menschlich - Sachlich - Örtlich - Sterblich. [Human - Factual - Local - Mortal] In 2022 the cheapest copy on the internet was Euro 85,-.
FlipBool | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 8, 2022 |
After the title page we read the following text: 'Ces images ont été découpées pendant l'année 1972 dans un hebdomadaire spécialisé dans les faits divers criminels; elles présentent inexorablement melées les visages assassins ou victimes, de ces drames oubliés.'
Published on the occasion of an exhibition of Boltanski at the church Saint-Martin du Méj́an d'Arles from 3 July - 3 September 1889/
FlipBool | Dec 22, 2021 |
Insurance value around Euro 75,-
FlipBool | Dec 21, 2021 |
A very early example of re-enactment. Containing photographs made in June 1972 by Annette Messager. This copy contains two separate typewritten sheets with captions in German and French. Moreover a copy of the invitation card for the exhibition 'Christian Boltanski description des 34 règles et techniques utilisées en juin 1972 par un enfant de 9 ans', Galerie Sonnabend, Paris, 20 April - 11 May 1974
The value is around Euro 350,-
FlipBool | Dec 21, 2021 |
Publié à l'occasion de l'exposition Boltanski-Monory, 15 octobre-2 décembre 1974, Festival d' Automne à Paris.
Compare 'Alle Kleider einer Frau' by Hans-Peter Feldmann from 1999.
A rare catalogue with a value of about Euro 350,-
FlipBool | Dec 20, 2021 |
In the introduction Boltanski writes: 'Now fifty year have passed, and when I look at the faces of these lost children I find myself trying to imagine what has become of them. They have become part of the post-war history of Germany with all its changes. Has fate brought them happy or unhappy lives, made them rich or poor? I should like to find them again. They are about my own age, and their history is similar in some ways to mine, to ours. We too are in search of our parents.'
This publication accompanied an exhibition with the same title in the Museum Ludwig, Cologne, 28 November 1993 - 28 January 1994
Added one original photograph by Martien Coppens, showing a poster 'Diese Kinder suchen ihre Eltern' for the German Red Cross, district Hamburg.
FlipBool | Dec 20, 2021 |
J'adore l'univers de cet artiste et ce livre nous permet d'y entrer
liveanne | Feb 13, 2009 |
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