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Lindsey P. Brackett brings readers back to Edisto, SC with a story built around broken relationships. While The Bridge Between can be read on its own, readers will get so much more out of this book if they’ve read Brackett’s debut novel, Still Waters, first.

Through the eyes of three characters and the here and now mixed with their earlier lives, Louisa, David, and Grace are granted second chances in friendships, families, and love. This story about people is beautifully set against the Edisto setting that gives readers an insider’s view of the town—both the positives and the negatives.

The triplets are a great addition to the book, and I loved catching up with Cora Ann and Tennessee. The three-generations of family represented give The Bridge Between wonderful depth as each of the characters determines what’s worth holding onto and fighting for in their lives.

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Suzie27 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 21, 2019 |
Lindsey Brackett is definitely an author to watch and read! My book club read her debut novel, Still Waters, last year and loved it. It was a great blend of Southern, romance, and women’s fiction that appealed to the varying ages of my group. So when Brackett released a book that takes the reader back to Edisto Island, I knew I needed to make the trip. The Bridge Between has some of the same elements of the first book in the series — wonderful setting, characters that capture your heart, and emotional issues that resonate with the reader — yet it has a more mature feeling. And that is a good thing! The characters are not twenty-somethings, but have a few years on them and the baggage to go along with a longer life. And while I believe The Bridge Between will still appeal to all ages, I found more common ground with the characters that filled the pages. This one is definitely a recommended read.

Lou is back in her childhood home after years of being away. She returned to Edisto with triplet middle school-aged boys, a ton of regrets, lost dreams, and some bitterness she can’t seem to let go of. Her life is definitely not what she thought it would look like when she left. Things have changed on the island as well, but familiar people and landmarks make her come to terms with events and choices from the past. Add wedding plans for her older daughter, an ex-huband who won’t go away, and reminders of what could have been, and you have a complex novel of life and love. As I said, the main characters — Lou, David, and Grace — are a bit older than many you see in contemporary fiction. They have insight from the many mistakes made along the way. I liked that they didn’t have it all together (very realistic), yet they didn’t settle for what had always been. The Bridge Between is a novel of beginnings and endings and beginning again. Its portrayal of marriage is refreshing. Often books end with the mains heading into the sunset for their HEA. This novel looks at what is on the other side when the newness and the excitement dissipate and hurt feelings and rash actions and words take over. I won’t spoil the ending for you, but I think you will love how Brackett brings all things together.

The Bridge Between starts where Still Waters leaves off and can be read as a standalone. But why would you want to? LOL! Pick up both and settle in for a glorious trip to the world of Edisto Island.


Audience: adults.

(Thanks to the author for a complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
vintagebeckie | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 3, 2019 |
Thank you to Lindsey P. Brackett for an ARC of The Bridge Between in exchange for an honest review. This was the first novel I read by this author, and I really enjoyed it. It is a tale of forgiveness, love, and starting over. There are a few storylines running through the book. One thing that would have made this book better for me is to have read the other”Edisto” novels, so I could have a better understanding of the characters and their lives up to now.
This story follows Louisa and David as they struggle with their divorce, and whether they should trust each other again, and forgive each other for past hurts. It also follows Grace, widow of Patrick, and Lou’s first love.
This is a heartwarming book, with a sweet and touching moment or two. At one point, I cried over the visual of a scene in the waiting room of the hospital. Very touching.
I will look for this author’s other books, so I can read more about these families.
#bridgebetweenbook #edisto #lindseypbrackett
rmarcin | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 25, 2019 |
The Bridge Between takes us back to beautiful Edisto Island in South Carolina. The descriptions are so real that you can almost smell the salt air and the pluff mud while you are reading this later life coming of age novel. NOTE: Even though this book is a continuation of the 2017 book Still Waters, it can be read as a stand alone.

Louisa lives in her old family home on Edisto Island with her triplet sons. Her daughter lives nearby as does her ex-husband David. Lou and David have shared custody of the three boys which often brings them in uneasy contact with each other. Even though they have divorced, there is a lot of strong feelings between them. Lou grew up on Edisto and when she graduated from high school, she couldn't wait to get away to the 'real world' and continue her education. Yet, here she was back on the island, still unsure of the direction she wanted her life to go. Should she get a job or go back to school? She is not happy with her life but is unsure of where she'll find happiness. The book deals with lots of problems that we all face - in-laws, jealousy and trying to find your place in the world. As Lou struggles, her relationship with her ex-husband continues to grow stronger which causes even more problems for Lou. Will she find out what she wants in life and be able to reach for it without hurting those who love her?

I really liked the main characters of Lou and David. Even though they were divorced, they worked together to provide a good family for their children. Neither was sure what the future held for them but they were both willing to take a chance with their careers and their futures. I hope that this isn't the last we read about these characters on Edisto Island - I hate to say goodbye to them.

Thanks to the author for a copy of this book to read and review. All opinions are my own.
susan0316 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 5, 2019 |
Still Waters is the debut for this author and after reading it, I can't wait to read her new book that publishes in the summer, 2019. She takes us to the LowCountry of SC to Edisto Beach for a story of family, love and redemption.

Cora Ann has just graduated from college and the internship that she hoped for was put on hold so she returns home. She lives a very rigid life and it's difficult for her to cope with changes so when her grandmother asks her to come to Edisto Beach and help her with some projects. Even though she used to love the ocean and the beach house, she is very reluctant to go back due to a tragedy that happened when she was a child - a tragedy that she can't forgive herself for. It's also the place where her grandfather died and her parents marriage ended. She loves her grandmother so she decides to go but is not happy about it and she wants everyone around her to avoid their happiness. Her grandmother, Nan, has a plan for Cora Ann's summer and a plan to get her to fully accept the past and look forward to the future. Will Nan be successful or will Cora Ann continue to live her life based on things that happened in the past? Will Cora Anne choose between a life driven by guilt, or one washed clean by the tides of grace?

This is a lovely well written novel with very likable characters. I especially enjoyed Nan who loved her granddaughter and tried to help her change her life. I also loved the setting of Edisto Beach and made me want to pack up and take a vacation at the beach in a small cottage.

This is a novel about family and love and forgiveness - not forgiveness of others but forgiveness of ourselves.
susan0316 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 15, 2019 |
Still Waters by Lindsey P. Brackett was my book club’s selection this month. I chose this book because of the Southern island setting that I knew would suit our club’s anniversary. A good beach read for a late Summer book getaway is what I was expecting. I certainly got that, but I didn’t realize I would also get a book that as one member put it was way more than fluff. Romance is definitely a part of the book’s appeal, but Still Waters, with its emphasis on family, faith, and forgiveness, is a book that will get you thinking. So sit back in your rocker with a glass of tea and be prepared for a book that will speak to you about reunions and reclamation (in more ways than one).

Cora Anne is fresh out of college with a UGA diploma. Her life has been one of plans and purpose since she was 11 years old. But a storm and a determined grandmother put her back on the road to Edisto Island, a place that claims and breaks her heart at the same time. With the notion of helping her grandmother ready their beach house, Still Waters, Cora Ann confronts her past while clearing a way for a future.

I loved the strong characterization in Still Waters. There are so many great characters to choose from, I found it hard to have a favorite. Cora Anne is a sympathetic character in her turmoil and guilt that has dogged her for 12 years. Her grandmother, Nan, is feisty, strong, insightful, and bold, though her body is frail. If ever there was a swoon-worthy hero, it is Tennessee. His care and concern for Cora Anne surpass his own wants. Secondary characters are fun and create a great compliment for the activities of the main characters. Cora Anne’s triplet brothers provide wonderful comic relief. And there are at least two characters I would love to see get their own book. The setting itself, Edisto Island, is its own character. The essence of the island winds itself through the narrative and the imagination of the reader. It is now on my bucket list of places to visit. Forgiveness is one of the themes in Still Waters. More than one character wrestles with guilt and remorse. The author does a great job of portraying what “living under” forgiveness really looks like.

Still Waters is really a lot of things — southern lit, women’s fiction, family drama, and romance, to name a few. It sounds like a big jumble when stated that way, but that’s not the case at all. It is a well-crafted blend like the spicy gumbo Nan makes. Some sweetness, some spice, and a lot to warm the heart and soul.


Audience: adults.
vintagebeckie | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 19, 2018 |
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