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Über den Autor

Peter R. Breggin, M.D., is a psychiatrist and expert in clinical psychopharmacology. A former teaching fellow at Harvard Medical School and full-time consultant at the National Institute of Mental Health, he has written dozens of scientific articles and more than twenty books, including the mehr anzeigen bestsellers Toxic Psychiatry and Talking Back to Prozac. He has served as a medical expert in criminal and civil cases involving psychiatric drugs, including product-liability suits against drug manufacturers. Dr. Breggin founded the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology (, taught at universities, and is on the editorial boards of several scientific journals. He lives in the Finger Lakes region with his wife, Ginger, and practices psychiatry in Ithaca, New York. weniger anzeigen

Werke von Peter R. Breggin

Psychology of Freedom (1980) 12 Exemplare

Zugehörige Werke



Rechtmäßiger Name
Breggin, Peter Roger
Andere Namen
BREGGIN, Peter Roger
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A shocking account of the damage done by psychiatric medication and shock treatment. As this dates to the early 1990s, you would hope things have improved, but as the author is still appearing as an expert witness at court cases claiming compensation for permanent disability caused by treatment, it seems not.
kitsune_reader | Nov 23, 2023 |

This book is a necessary read if you desire to separate “conspiracy theories” from the “facts”.

You are definitely going to want to read this from a Kindle eBook. It is loaded with 1,107 active links, showing proof to every fact presented. But, you will find a few links are now inactive or broken, and a few web pages have mysteriously disappeared from the internet since the publishing of this book in 2021. There are still a huge amount of working links that get you to those official government websites, newspaper articles, official documents and reports, and links to videos of speeches, proving the author’s arguments...all things that you would never see, read or hear about on mainstream media, or even on your own searches. Dr. Breggin set out to gather all the incriminating facts against Dr. Fauci’s fraud and found much more to this scandal.

If the actions around the world are not making any sense, and mainstream media are all suddenly touting the same message over and over, after reading this book, it will at least make sense if you understand more about The Great Reset and where the globalist predators are wanting to take us. Moles are popping up everywhere, and if you follow the money, they all seem to lead to The Great Reset, with China’s backing.

The COVID-19 “pandemic” and the “new green deal” cannot be separated and are structured to bring about The Great Reset, a global one-world government. COVID-19 was just the catalyst, the kick-start, that gave the movement a great, accelerated push forward. This book does PROVE it without a shadow of a doubt the Great Reset has begun, and that not only is Dr. Fauci involved, but most of our government officials, not only Democrats, but many Republicans as well. The amount of corruption in our own government is overwhelming. Goodreads only allows for 15,000 characters in any given review, so info here is limited. Please take the time to get informed.


If you desire to know more about who the key players are, then I would consider reading “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich helping China Win” by Peter Schweitzer.

And, if you desire to know more about the plan and where our leaders are wanting to take us, I would consider reading “The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of Twenty-First-Century Fascism” (2022) by Glenn Beck; OR, if you want to support Klaus Schwab, a German, the mastermind who has been working on this plan for the past 50 years, you could read in his very own words, his book "COVID-19: The Great Reset” (2020). One Goodreads reviewer, Flutlicht, has a great breakdown of the book, dated November 29, 2020, of all the important points inside Klaus Schwab’s book. Look him up! The global predators are no longer hiding their intent, and it looks like this last “pandemic” will be the very least of our concerns.


9/25/2015 - The Great Reset began to progress more aggressively with a United Nations 41-page pledge, “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, and adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2015…during the Obama-Biden administration. (p. 405, See footnote 687). Link to download PDF:

Dec 2015 - This report by Vineet D. Menachery & colleagues, of University of North Carolina, shows that leading up to COVID-19, the U.S. was collaborating with and funding two of China’s top gain-of-function scientists making SARS-CoV pathogens. (p. 51) Read it here:

Jan 6, 2016 - A follow-up report appearing in “Proceedings of the American Academy of Sciences”, acknowledges that US and Chinese were continuing to work closely together to create the precursor to SARS-CoV-2. It was also a potential biological weapon, working with Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. She was thanked in the Acknowledgments for providing “...access to bat CoV sequences and plasmid of WIV1-Cov spike protein”. The Chinese were working with us to insert the deadly spike protein into the otherwise harmless coronavirus to enable it to penetrate human cells to cause a SARS-CoV pandemic. (p. 51) Read it here, links are provided to full articles at &]

It also shows this research was supported financially by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), of which Dr. Fauci has been Director since 1984.


11/2016 - In 2017, Bill Gates (founder) and Klaus Schwab (co-founder) unveil Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and it’s business model, date November 2016. It was created to funnel large amounts of government money through the pharmaceutical industries, including ones in China, for VACCINATIONS for gain-of-function viruses potentially released on the populace.


Bill Gates negotiated and included in the business model (p. 23-24), which the World Health Organization (WHO) accepted:

1. No-Loss: Vaccine developers should be reimbursed for their direct and indirect costs.
2. Gates CEPI Foundation would take any extra profits from the pharmaceutical companies to “pay back CEPI funding”.

But even more ominous, this plan essentially EMPOWERS THE FOUNDERS to run and govern the next pandemic, and every pandemic after, for the WORLD.

CEPI will be used “to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan.” (p. 184) Bill Gates will manage vaccine production and profits. The World Health Organization (WHO) will manage the medical and scientific community around the world, with Dr. Fauci on Board of Directors, used as their communications spokesperson.

1/10/2017 - Dr. Anthony Fauci gave his speech at Georgetown University, at a conference called “Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration” (p. 349, footnote 618)…just before Trump’s inauguration. He stresses his concern in new “emerging” diseases that they need to be prepared for. Fauci’s words in that speech:

“…there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases…but also, there will be a surprise outbreak.” Watch 60 min video (WEBSITE PAGE HAS SINCE BEEN REMOVED FROM INTERNET):

A 2016 paper published in the American-based Journal of Virology, titled, “Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Bat Coronavirus Closely Related to the Direct Progenitor of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus”, with many Chinese authors, also confirms NIAID funding for Chinese gain-of-function research (WEBSITE PAGE HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM INTERNET):

“HHS | National Institutes of Health (NIH) provided funding to Peter Daszak and Zheng-Li Shi under grant number NIAID R01AI110964.” This is only one of multiple Wuhan Institute gain-of-function projects that eventually leads to SARS-CoV-2. (p. 81, footnote 92) Link to document PAGE HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM INTERNET):

There’s now enough support in this book to prove that Dr. Fauci did lie under oath. He has been working with the Wuhan Institute in China since, at least, 2013, and continues to funnel funds through EcoAlliance Health, another institute under the NIH.

11/23/2020 - China Daily, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, paid newspapers, magazines, mainstream television and other organizations worldwide BILLIONS towards printing costs pushing their propaganda. A few most popular U.S. newspapers listed here:
(p. 450, See footnote 747 & 748, links to The Tennessee Star news articles, dated 5/4/2020 and 11/23/2020.)

11/20/2021 - The New York Times reported that Hunter Biden “was part owner of a venture involved in the $3.8 billion dollar purchase by a Chinese conglomerate of one of the world’s largest cobalt deposits. The metal is a key ingredient in batteries for electric vehicles.” (ARTICLE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE):


2/17/2022 - Project Veritas has released video tape of a “yearly COVID vaccine” that will become MANDATORY, even for infants as young as 6 months. There will be no consideration of virus mutations, causing the vaccines to be completely ineffective, or even consideration to natural immunity.

3/20/2022 – Fox News shows video of Dr. Fauci already touting on CNN more lock downs and masks may be in order with the new BA.2 variant (a subvariant of the Omicron). He is “predicting” and preparing us for yet another forced “state of emergency”, regardless of herd immunity and the millions who received the “jab”...two times already, plus the booster.

3/21/2022 – Fox News shows Joe Biden giving a speech in Europe talking about the New World Order that was put in place right after World War II, when the United Nations was created.


mRNA vaccine – produced by Moderna [Bill Gate’s baby] and Pfizer: Insulated in a nanoparticle polyethylene glycol (PEG) to protect it while it travels throughout blood stream before it begins to enter RNA cells. (p. 261)

DNA vaccine – produced by Janssen, Johnson & Johnson: Uses an animal adenovirus to carry the strand of DNA genetic code to the cells in the body and encourages your body to begin making spike proteins. (p. 261)

- Once vaccinated with this artificial spike protein that replicates COVID-19, your body begins producing more of these spike proteins throughout the body and brain, and not just where the “jab” is given.
- It damages the barrier of cells (the endothelium) between blood vessels and tissue that control the flow of substances and fluid into and out of tissue, causing inflammation, bleeding and blood clotting of the lungs, which only an autopsy would show, and can cause damage to the brain as well. Young people seem to be experiencing more heart problems from this vaccine, sometimes not showing up until months later. Why? Your immune system is turned on and begins attacking, not only these foreign spike proteins, but also the afflicted areas of the body where the spike proteins have entered. The idea is it will “hopefully” give some degree of immunity.
- The spike protein has, in some cases, lead to over stimulating ones immune system into a hyperactive state, “leading to the kind of potentially deadly cytokine storm as seen in COVID-19”. (p. 261)
- Questions true doctors are wanting to know: Where exactly do these spike proteins go in the body? What stops our cells from reproducing these spike proteins? Meanwhile, while your body attempts to fight off these spike proteins, what other damage is occurring inside your body? For now, there are currently no definitive answers to these questions. It is way too soon to know.


The Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a U.S. federal legislation that “empowers the government to finance drug company costs for the development of vaccines and to rush them onto the market at breakneck speed without standard FDA approval as safe and effective”. This legislation is only possible “if there were no safe and effective treatments already in place.” (p. 16) Therefore, the PROVEN treatments of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin had to be dispelled and hidden, and doctors and hospitals forbidden to prescribe as they push Dr. Fauci’s new costly and failed drug, remdesivir (WEBSITE PAGE HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM INTERNET).

EUAs end once the “state of emergency” has ended, OR once a product or unapproved use is approved through normal channels. If they admit to or allow doctors to treat with the known safe and effective treatments, then the funding for all investors of the vaccine would end. This is why they were doing everything in their power to discredit Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin (p. 16) …and this must also be why they were maintaining a “state of emergency” with lockdowns, masks, fake numbers of hospital deaths as long as possible…to keep the funding going.


I am disappointed in the lack of specific health ramifications provided in this book when breathing in your own breath, that is, carbon dioxide, all day long instead of oxygen. If the average person exhales 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide a day, more if exercising, but then wears a mask all day long, and re-inhales all that carbon dioxide, what exactly does that do to your brain, your organs, your body? What kind of real damage has this masking mandate done to us for the past two years, especially to our children? it lowers your immunity to fight off infections. I want specifics!


- Dr. Peter Breggin’s weekly TV/radio show is now posted online at:, as he has been censored and completely removed from YouTube.

- Can sign up for his email alerts at:

- Link to a free guide, “Home-Based COVID Treatment”, from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) website:


This link to a continually updated guide, “Guide to COVID Early Treatment - Options to Stay Out of Hospital and Save Your Life”, from the Truth for Health Foundation website:


VITAMINS: Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, and at least 15 minutes of morning sunshine every single day. Rest, but get up and move around. DON'T just lay down. This will cause pneumonia, then you will end up in the hospital.
… (mehr)
MissysBookshelf | Aug 27, 2023 |
World renown Harvard-trained psychiatrist, author, and researcher Dr. Peter R. Breggin, M.D. unleashes a tour de force in his book Toxic Psychiatry that blows an enormous hole into conventional mainstream medical thought.

Dr. Breggin completely eviscerates the mainstream ‘chemical imbalance’ garbage that has been spewed for decades, and he does so in a logical, caring, and unprecedented manner.

The book to me is highly reminiscent of Dr. Brogans recent landmark book A Mind Of Your Own – The Truth About Depression. Both authors – Breggin & Brogan – in each of their respective books seeks to do the same: destroy the fallacy of “chemical imbalance causes depression” with mountains of scientific evidence while also showcasing some common sense solutions the individual can seek. For that, each individual should be taken seriously and supported as much as possible.

Moving on, as Dr. Breggins book outlines rather methodically, there is no biological basis for the chemical imbalance theory of depression carried out by the mainstream psychiatric establishment. This is buttressed by endless data supplied by the author.

In addition, Dr. Breggin sifts through examples of drugs like Lithium, Haldol, Halcion, Prozac & Xanax breaking down study after study after study regarding these drugs and their side effects in a way that mainstream media will never do. After all, Big Pharma pays mainstream media’s bills; who else do you think pays for the tsunami of advertisement we see on TV?

Of course, many folks are on a hair trigger when it comes to solving maladies with pills, and there’s a big reason for this. Big Pharma/Big Medica has played a megalithic role in how people view drugs, and how people have access to information regarding them.

While in other countries it is downright illegal for Big Pharma to advertise, in America, such is par for the course. America is one of only two countries in the world that allow this unfortunately.

How does that last fact couple with Dr. Breggin’s book?

As other doctors and investigators have mentioned, it’s no coincidence that there’s been an enormous upswing in how many people take antipsychotic medications over the last few decades. With over 30 Million Americans taking antipsychotic medications, Big Pharma & the media have been highly instrumental in getting those very individuals asking their doctors for medications.

After all, the Big Pharma advertising engine has created an unprecedented upswing in drug use where Americans now end up taking 1.4 Billion prescriptions yearly.

Disturbingly, as the Dr. Breggin attests, “People assume that FDA approval and the widespread distribution of a drug – with many patients taking it for months or years – means that long-term studies have found it safe in regard to side effects, drug interactions, dependency, addition, and withdrawal. Thus FDA approval grossly misleads the public, lulling it into an unfounded security.

The PDR admits that Prozac’s effectiveness has not been tested in controlled trials of “more than 5 or 6 weeks” and that “long-term” usefulness has therefore not been demonstrated.”[1]

Statements such as those should make sensible individuals pause.

Of course, many of those prescriptions are still doled out by psychiatrists/psychologists in the tens of millions.

However, this book does not end up pushing a no-medication type of solution. The author instead strives for a multi-solution approach, where he cites some examples of how other types of alternative care could help individuals if they so chose.

Ultimately, a great component of what the author recommends is fostering an atmosphere of utmost caring, which should have already taken place by now had the system not been so corrupt.

Listening, and doing so patiently would go a much longer way than prescribing most folks more prescription drugs. Such a simple choice would solve so many inherent issues.

The system that Dr. Breggin expounds upon should be adopted, or at minimum elaborated upon.

After all, if the current Big Psych industry was doing its job, people would be getting cured, drug use would decline and not increase, and overall health would also get better. However, we know the opposite is taking place.

Ironically, as some have stated, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the very definition of insanity. To that effect, that’s exactly what the Psychiatric & Medical Establishment have been doing, and health in America has only gotten worse.

Its time for a change. This book helps lay part of that much-needed foundation.

[1] Peter R. Breggin, M.D., Toxic Psychiatry, P168-169

P.S. For those curious about more avenues regarding health, besides Dr. Breggin, other great doctors that might be of interest to many of you would be as mentioned before Dr. Brogan, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Duzanne Humphries, Dr. Sircus, Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride, Dr. Russell Blaylock, Tetyana Obukhanych Ph.D and the work of Sarah Ballantyne PhD. These people all put out very high quality information regularly and are concerned with various aspects of health. But don’t take my word for it, do your own research so you can be better informed.
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1 abstimmen
ZyPhReX | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 5, 2017 |
Having spent the better part of the last 12 years on a virtual A(tenolol)to Z(oloft) tour of drugs prescribed to treat my symptoms of low self-esteem, generalized and social anxiety, and depression, I began to suspect these pretty, candy-like pills--so quickly prescribed interchangeably by psychiatrists and GP's alike--were not only affecting me in the short-term, but also manifesting long-term (if not permanent!) changes in my body--most notably a reduction in sex drive and function and excessive sweating--all without an appreciable, lasting reduction in my original symptoms. Therefore, when I stumbled across this book on, I was intrigued; what I found in it's pages left me with mixed feelings of horror, relief, knowing, and suspicion. Not only did I recognize the myriad of side-effects and withdrawal symptoms from my own experience, but Drs. Breggin and Cohen portrayed with uncanny accuracy my attempts at enlisting the help of practitioners unwilling to comply with my wishes to de-medicate. Too many times I have entered my psychiatrist's office ready to reduce, if not eliminate, the amount of medications I take, only to emerge twenty minutes later with a prescription for an ADDITIONAL drug, often with the intent to treat the side-effects of the first! This book has given me additional tools and strategies with which to broach the subject at my next appointment. Am I afraid of the probable return of the original emotional difficulties that brought me there in the first place? Absolutely. Am I dreading the all-too-familiar onslaught of dizziness, nausea, restless legs, headaches, depression, and intense emotional suffering that accompanies withdrawal? No question. But I am tired of the endless stream of side-effects and general numbing I experience on each successive drug, which inevitably stops working within a few months only to be replaced by something "better". I'm tired of being afraid of my doctor's disapproval, my mental "illness", and of living.

All this having been said, it's only fair to point out some of the obvious flaws of this book. As mentioned in previous reviews, it is repetitive in places, oddly devoid of any sense of actual experience with emotional suffering, and conspicuously one-sided. To claim that "the degree to which we suffer indicates the degree to which we are alive" is laughably new-agey and useless in a real-world context. Try sharing that bit of fluff with the person so deep in a depression that they can't get out of bed, can't care for themselves or their kids--indeed, can't even cry--and see how it is received. Also, the section on reducing your medications is a bit difficult (even dangerous) to follow if your medication comes in capsule form. Their suggestion that a capsule be opened and its contents separated into smaller doses isn't very helpful--how do you administer the smaller dosages? Couldn't it be risky? All in all, the weakest section of the book is Chapter 13, entitled "Psychological Principles for Helping Yourself and Others Without Resort to Psychiatric Medications". It's rife with mindless psychobabble, offering far too many pat fortune-cookie suggestions without any substantive plan for action. Most disburbingly, Breggin & Cohen tread a dangerous line by zealously condemning ALL use of psychiatric medications (all the while assuring the reader that they don't blame the user). Surely every schizophrenic or bipolar person (and their loved ones) won't find solace in the simple realization "that emotional crises and suffering are opportunities for accelerated personal growth" (p210), nor by focusing "on finding a rational, loving, and confident center in yourself that can rise above your emotional crisis or suffering" (p205). Common sense would suggest that sometimes, for some people, a medication can be the sanest, if not the only answer.

At any rate, this book provides a welcome counterpoint to a nation blindly medicating their children into conformity, eagerly requesting prescriptions for psychotropic drugs they see advertised during "Survivor", and assigning a convenient DSM label (with the inevitable, corresponding "miracle" pill) for every emotional fluctuation. In itself, "Your Drug May Be Your Problem" is best regarded as a jumping-off place for further research rather than the end of the line.
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drakescott | Oct 6, 2009 |

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