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This book is about a teen girl who participates in a reality television show on a deserted island with 20 other teens. The conflict of the novel is when Riley ruins her reputation at school and she goes to a TV show. When looking for treasure she finds secrets about it and its curses.

This book gives you a perspective on life the problem of human curiosity and the consequences of seeking the truth. It knowledge parallels the innate human drive to understand the world around us. As she unravels hidden secrets it's a fine line between curiosity and the potential dangers of uncovering too much. The novel explores themes of knowledge, empowerment, and the impact of information on one's life. it reminds us to balance our pursuit of truth with the awareness of the potential consequences it may bring to our lives.

This book is about the emotions of humans and it might be relatable to some people. Because the character and other characters show a journey of self-discovery and the challenges the main character faces could mirror the complexities of navigating one's own life. The novel representing interpersonal relationships, trust, and the impact of secrets might prompt readers to reflect on their own experiences and connections with others.

The theme of this book is the power of knowledge and the consequences that come with uncovering truths. When you find out the truth about something you find out a lot more about the topic. In the book, Riley finds the truth about the treasure but it leads to many consequences down the road. When the others found out they started turning against each other.

I recommend this novel, The Girl Who Knew Too Much,” because it keeps your mind wondering what's going to happen next. Once you start reading you can't stop. It's a very interesting book. Although some parts of the novel didn't make sense. For example, they couldn't take any photos on the island or have connections outside of it, which didn't make sense to me. So if you like mysteries and drama this book might be for you.
26zahringerc | Dec 20, 2023 |
“Reality Gold” is a fast, fun read. I was surprised by how well-written it was given that it is a debut novel. The novel throws you right in to the action and doesn’t let off the accelerator.
The book is a bit predictable but the characters make up for what is lacking in the plot department. The main character, Riley, is looking for a way to escape from what she thought was a tough life by signing on to a reality TV show. The book takes you along for the ride of being a contestant on the show through the various characters. Just like the shows that inspired the book, you learn to love and hate certain characters as the plot progresses.
As I said, the characters drive the story more than the plot. As the characters’ behaviors and actions are revealed, your view of them changes and keeps you guessing about their motives and drives you to want to finish the book.
The most interesting character, as you might imagine, is the most fully-developed main character—Riley. Her experiences on the TV show open her eyes to the experiences and lives of others that she seems to have been completely sheltered from in her pre-show life. She grows and learns from others’ experiences and gains a better perspective on her own life that quickly wears the annoying, whiny edges off of her character.
Overall, if you enjoy character-driven, YA novels, this one is a fun read. If you enjoy a thick, twisting plot, maybe look elsewhere.
the-librarian | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 11, 2019 |
A stupid mistake, less than a year go, leads Riley Ozaki to be ostracized from her friends and her parents to be disappointed in her. To top it all off, social media has caused quite the stir in her little world, further alienating her from her friends and family. Instead of Murphy’s law, she nicknamed it Riley’s Law. Whatever could go wrong does go wrong. Therefore, she signs herself up for a reality show with 19 other teens, hoping to get her life back on track and out of the public eye. She wants to be seen as a good person and to start her life over again in a new school without the biggest mistake of her life following her around like a dark cloud. This is not the only reason Riley is going, though. She is in search of a treasure that can only be found on Black Rock Island.

The reality show is being hosted on Black Rock Island, which also is home to an Inca treasure that claimed the life of Riley’s Godfather. Many treasure hunters have come and gone and some have even died in search of this treasure. A local curse says that seven people need to die before the treasure can be found. Six hunters have already died while looking for the treasure, will someone from this group of teens and film crew be the seventh victim before the treasure can be found?

Reality Gold is filled with people hiding secrets, lots of intrigue and even some danger. I really loved the mystery of it all and wondered if there really was any treasure or if it was all just a legend. What first pulled me into this story was the reality show aspect. I am a huge fan of reality TV, including treasure hunting shows. Also, I am a huge fan of the Indiana Jones movies. Put them both together and I was practically salivating to read this story. I am happy to say, that it did not disappoint!

There are quite a few characters introduced in this story, but do not fret, most are background characters with a few central based main characters that take up much of this story. We learn their backgrounds and what prompted them to join the reality show in the first place. It was interesting to see and learn why they wanted to be a part of a TV show and what they could gain from being on TV. I felt that each character was well written and I found myself routing for them and hoping they could find the treasure.

The plot was well written, although the beginning did start off a little slow for me. It did pick up once the action started happening on the island and I found myself engrossed in the storyline and the teens. Reality Gold has a lot of aspects that I enjoy in a story. There is mystery, betrayals, backstabbing, alliances formed, and a sprinkle of romance thrown in.

All in all, Reality Gold is a pretty solid light read. Perfect if you are looking for an easy story that you can finish all in one day.
RobynReo | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 15, 2018 |
I am the first to admit I am a sucker for reality TV, so when I saw the description for Reality Gold I was instantly excited for what I hoped was an enthralling read (spoiler alert: I was not disappointed)!

Reality Gold takes on a Lord of the Flies vibe as teenagers are flown to an island with a long-hidden secret treasure, to film a series of “Survivor” type reality TV challenges. This may seem like a lot to pack into 300-plus pages, but I can tell you this book does not disappoint. The drama behind the scenes, to the drama between the show’s characters, and a suspenseful promise of treasure hunting combine to keep the reader hooked to the very last page. It was clear author, Tiffany Brooks, did her research as the accuracy of the behind the scenes look at reality TV immediately captivated me (did I mention I watch a lot of reality TV).

Reality Gold is a quick, exciting read for YA, reality TV junkies and treasure hunt lovers alike as Brooks provides just enough character backstory to keep the skills of each contestant believable, realistic and exciting. The reader will fly through the pages as they hunt for the treasure and root for their beloved contestants, just as they would if they were watching this play out on the television.

Pick up a copy of this book May 2018, then be sure to switch off the Kardashians and dive into Reality Gold, you won’t be disappointed.

For the full review, please visit:

*Disclaimer: A review copy was provided to me by the publisher, Dunemere Books, in exchange for an honest review.
JillRey | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 21, 2018 |
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