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Auschwitz steht für ein Verbrechen, das in der Geschichte der Menschheit einmalig ist. Hier fand der größte Massenmord aller Zeiten statt. Warum gerade in Auschwitz die "Todesfabrik" entstehen konnte, dieser Frage geht die sechsteilige BBC-Dokumentation nach. (fonte:
MemorialeSardoShoah | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 9, 2020 |
The history of the Final Solution phase of the Nazi Holocaust, particularly with the most infamous of the death camps. (fonte: imdb)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 9, 2020 |
Auschwitz: I nazisti e la soluzione finale streaming e' una miniserie che parla di Auschwitz - il Campo di concentramento nato inizialmente come una prigione per i dissidenti politici, e successivamente un campo di sterminio in cui sono stati uccisi milioni di ebrei. Grazie ai documenti degli archivi Russi, diventati recentemente disponibili al pubblico, possiamo capire la mentalita' dei capi del campo, e soprattutto le motivazioni e gli obiettivi con la morte degli ebrei. (fonte:
MemorialeSardoShoah | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 9, 2020 |
Combinazione di alcune parti della serie "Auschwitz" di Laurence Rees della BBC con spezzoni da vecchie puntate di Mixer dedicate da Rai Due al tema della Shoah.
MemorialSardoShoahDL | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 27, 2019 |
1. Surprise Beginnings- January 11, 2005 German commanders discover the efficiency of gassing prisoners, and Auschwitz transforms from a small backwater camp for those resisting the Nazi occupation of Poland to a large scale extermination camp for Jews.
2. Orders and Initiatives - January 18, 2005. Hoss deals with complications arising from the makeshift gas chamber and increasing demand as the Nazis begin to scour all of Europe for more people to bring to Auschwitz and kill.
3. Factories of Death - January 25, 2005. The year 1942 is to be the most significant of 'the Final Solution' as the Nazis now begin to comb western Europe, even taking Jews from as far afield as the British Channel Islands.
4. Corruption: February 1, 2005. By 1943, corruption is running rampant at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The camp also gains another source of income - clothes and valuables taken from Jews arriving to be gassed.
5. Frenzied Killing: (February 8, 2005). More people are killed in 1944 than ever before at Auschwitz. The Nazis try to sow seeds of confusion amongst the Allies in the East and Western Allies must make decisions about negotiating with the Nazis about the Jews and bombing the camp.
6. Liberation and Revenge: (February 15, 2005). In 1945, Red Army soldiers liberate the camp at Auschwitz-Birkenuau. As other liberations occur in the following months, the world is appalled. Surviving Jews face horrors
HolocaustMuseum | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 11, 2012 |
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