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How to create and build many experiments.

Located in Science Non-Fiction bin
B-Chad | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 29, 2023 |
Dit boek probeert een overzicht te geven van de kennis die we hebben over water. Alle aspecten worden behandeld, maar niet altijd even helder. Bovendien springt het een beetje qua achtergrond kennis. Maar misschien komt dit ook omdat het onderwerp mij wat minder boeit.
Pieter_Goldhoorn | Sep 15, 2022 |
Water by Jack Challoner is a beautiful and very informative book that can serve as a general reference for a general readership or, I think, as an interesting text for either teaching at home or piquing your child's interest in science.

The science is not at an advanced level and will be readily accessible to most readers. That said, this goes deeper than just a surface level overview. Combined with the beautiful illustrations that makes this an excellent addition to a home library.

While there is no bibliography as such (at least in my review copy) the notes are largely bibliographic in nature and can serve as guides for further reading. The book discusses water from the Big Bang (okay, some time after the Big Bang) and traces it through history, it touches on the history of science as well as human thought in general, the scientific method, the biology of life, and so many other areas including earth science. It is this broad presentation that I think would make this an excellent book to use with your children to teach them, whether homeschooling or simply helping to generate an appreciation for science and how it touches so much (as in all) of our lives.

I'm not reviewing the program I used to read this book, I'm reviewing the book, so I won't whine about things that have nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of the book. I'll let others do that, I'll stay on topic (except for this little whine of my own about such people).

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.½
pomo58 | May 26, 2021 |
dchaikin | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 26, 2020 |
Con un lenguaje sencillo y una estructura clara y asequible tanto para el lector experto como el aficionado, el libro nos acerca a las propiedades asombrosas de los metales, la gran capacidad de combinación de hidrógeno y el carbono, sustentos de la vida, y la versatilidad de los gases nobles, entre otros grupos. También se incluyen los últimos elementos creados en laboratorios, como el nihonio o el teneso, recientemente incorporados a la tabla periódica.
MaEugenia | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 26, 2020 |
Een overzicht van eencellige leven en meercellig leven. Op zich een fatsoenlijk boek, maar het kan mij weinig boeien. In deze serie is dit onderwerp naar mijn idee al voldoende behandeld, dus ik zie niet in wat dit boek nog toevoegt. Maar als dit het eerste boek is dat je over dit onderwerp leest, dan is het best een goed boek.
Pieter_Goldhoorn | 1 weitere Rezension | May 10, 2020 |
OakGrove-KFA | Mar 28, 2020 |
Een keurig boek over alles wat met atomen te maken heeft. Moeilijk voor mij om dit boek goed te beoordelen omdat de inhoud voor meer dan 50% bekende stof is.
Pieter_Goldhoorn | Oct 7, 2019 |
This is a perfect book for summer. Even if you child did only one activity a day, they will be better educated , and have had a lot of fun by the time the new school year roles around. I like how the book was divided into subjects like water, ground, weather, etc. The illustrations and real pictures are plentiful, the instructions easy to understand. And at the end of each activity the cause and effect are explained in How it Works, and they also give a Real World Science example of the concept. Well done.
LibrarianRyan | Jun 4, 2018 |
Great collection of fun projects, most of them quick, perfect for older children and teens.

The book has great photos (it IS a DK book after all) and easy to follow step by step instructions on how to make sugar crystal lollipops, bath fizzies, water filters, baloon powered toy cars, invisible ink, and even a baked Alaska dessert!

Bonus points awarded for
- clearly illustration ingredient sections
- accurate completion time estimations
- level of difficulty meter
- alerts for potentially tricky or dangerous procedures that require adult assistance

I have singled out the sugar crystal lollipops and bath fizzies to try at home. If all turns out well, the next step is to try them with our children's book group.

Very colorful and exciting, well worth a read for anyone interested in fun group projects that highlight science without overwhelming.

Critterbee | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 16, 2018 |
Makerspaces. Have you heard the term before? I'm going to give you the library definition, as that's where my interests lie.

"A library makerspace is an area and/or service that offers library patrons an opportunity to create intellectual and physical materials using resources such as computers, 3-D printers, audio and video capture and editing tools, and traditional arts and crafts supplies. In the field of library science, makerspaces are classified as a type of library service offered by librarians to patrons."

Maker Lab - 28 Super Cool Projects: Build * Invent * Create * Discover by Jack Challoner looked like a great place to find some new ideas!

Maker Lab is divided into four sections: Food For Thought, Around the Home, Water World and The Great Outdoors.

Experiment! I remember making a version of Slime with my son when he was younger. Ingredients needed - everything you already have at home. Invisible ink - ah, yes - my son wanted to be a spy when he was younger. Do you know the science behind Baked Alaska? This one would be great to try - and eat. There's some more food based ideas as well. But my fave is using a lemon as a battery. This is one we've actually tried in the library. Making a kaleidoscope from a few beads, some paper, plastic wrap and a cardboard tube - easy and fascinating. How about a balloon rocket car from used water bottles? Summer is the perfect time to try the water ideas - a waterwheel or soap powered boat. Make your own bath fizzies! But I have to say my personal favourite was Sun Prints. I'm going to make a few myself for some wall artwork at home.

What I liked - full colour shot of each idea - one that will appeal to young maker. Clear concise instructions accompanied by pictures. The time needed to complete and the difficulty level are noted for each. Most of the ideas can be executed using items you already have. And the few you would have to purchase are very inexpensive. And this I really like - the science of how and why it works. Creating and discovering can be a group activity or one you do at home with your children. And the bonus is that they'll start coming up with their own ideas and experiments. There's also a glossary at the with definitions for many of the terms used in the book. Learning can be fun! And remember, creativity isn't just for kids.
Twink | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 11, 2017 |
Indeholder "Preface", "Introduction", "Index of Inventions", "The Ancient World", "From Rome to Revolution", "The Industrial Age", "The Age of Empires", "Birth of the Modern Age", "War and Peace", "Going Global", "The Internet Age", "Glossary", "Index of Inventors", "Contributors", "Picture Credits", "Acknowledgements"

Flot billedbog med opfindelser fra stenredskaber til Large Hadron Collider.
bnielsen | Dec 22, 2016 |
Al principio de nuestras vidas, todo lo que había de nosotros era una única célula, aproximadamente del mismo tamaño que este punto. Permanecimos así unas veinticuatro horas, antes de dividirnos en dos –el primer paso que conduciría a la creación de los organismos pluricelulares y complejos que somos hoy en día–. ¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez cómo es posible que «usted» pudiera estar contenido en una única célula, y cómo es posible que esa célula «supiera» qué es lo que debía hacer? Si eso no le convence del la importancia y el interés de las células, tómese un momento para pensar en la increíble variedad de procesos y materiales que se dan en el mundo natural. El brillo de una luciérnaga, el crecimiento de una planta hacia la luz, el esqueleto de una ballena azul, el olor corporal, el recuerdo del aroma de una ratatouille, la llamada de un mono aullador, las plantas de interior, el pico de un halcón, el veneno de una serpiente. Todos estos fenómenos son el resultado de la actividad de las células.
bibliest | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 7, 2016 |
What a great treatment of this subject! This is excellent in the same way that the old Time-Life history sets were. The material is presented in an easily logical pattern, with lots of interesting facts, photos, and enough tease material to encourage a reader to read further. I've never seen the periodic table presented so simply and clearly to the general public before. Kudos!
1 abstimmen
2wonderY | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 22, 2013 |
It's rare for me to give up on a book, but I have with this one. It's woefully out of date, its predictions are miles off, and it isn't quite old enough to muster any kitch value. Maybe in 20 years time it'll be amusing enough to be worth reading again, but as it is it's un-pop-science.
MinaKelly | Sep 15, 2010 |
OakGrove-KFA | Mar 28, 2020 |
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