
Chiesa cattolica

Autor von Katechismus der Katholischen Kirche

1,872+ Werke 16,551 Mitglieder 262 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 4 Lesern

Über den Autor

Beinhaltet die Namen: NCCB/USCC, The Vatican, The Vatican, USCC/Vatican, The Holy See, Roman Catholic, Catholic Church, Catholic Church, Vatican Edition, Vatican Editors, Catholic Church., Chiesa cattolica, Catholic Church., Catholic Church., Catholic Church., Catholic Church., Eglise catholique, ECCLESIA CATHOLICA, Église catholique, Vatican City Staff, Vatican Publishing, Katholische Kirche, Iglesia Católica., Ecclesia Catholica, Église catholique, The Catholic Church, Katolická církev., The Catholic Church, The Catholic Church, U.S. Catholic Church, Vatican Congregaions, Església Catòlica., Holy Catholic Church, Kościół katolicki, [Catholic Breviary]., Vatican Congregations, Vatican Polygot Press, Roman Catholic Church, Monniken van Solesmes, Roman Catholic Church, De La Iglesia Catolica, Catholic Church. Liturgy, Catholic Church Officals, Romersk-katolska kyrkan,, The Roman Catholic Church, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Église catholique.,, Catholic Church Translation, Den Romersk-katolske kirke,, Catholic Church. Antiphonal, Sacrosancta Romana Ecclesia, Catholic church. Catechisms., Italy) Rome Catholic Church., Vatican Liturgical Commission, Roman Catholic Church. Ritual, The Holy Roman Catholic Church, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacrosanctum Concilium Tridentinum, Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana, Breviarium Romanum. Catholic Church, Catholic Church. Ritual (United States), Roman Catholic Church. Breviary. Spanish, Catholic Church (Liturgical Press Staff ), Central Committee for the Jubilee Year 200, Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini, Prayer Book -- Missal -- Greek Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church. Missal (Pre-Vatican II), Catholic Church. Pope (1978-2005 : John Paul II), Catholic Church. Missale Romanum (1970). Spanish, Catholic Church. Collectio rituum. Excerpts. 1957, Office Of Catholic Publications. Catholic Church., Prayer Book -- Missal -- Roman Catholic Church [La, Catholic Church. Graduale Romanum (Pre-Vatican II), Catholic Bishops' Joint Committee on Bioethical Is, Catholic Church. Breviary (pre-Vatican II). Englis, Roman Catholic Church. De Sacris Ordinibus. English & Latin, Prayer Book -- Missal -- Roman Catholic Church -- Franciscan/Seraphic, Henry J. [Gebhard, foreword] Prayer Book -- Missal -- Roman Catholic Church

Bildnachweis: St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City (Photo credit: Wolfgang Stuck, Sept. 2004)


Werke von Chiesa cattolica

Katechismus der Katholischen Kirche (1992) — Autor — 7,714 Exemplare
Codex des kanonischen Rechtes (1918) 774 Exemplare
General Directory for Catechesis (1971) — Autor — 328 Exemplare
Missale Romanum 1962 (1964) 226 Exemplare
Book of Blessings (1981) 140 Exemplare
Lectionary for Mass (1970) 123 Exemplare
The Rites of the Catholic Church (1976) 111 Exemplare
Graduale Romanum (1952) 89 Exemplare
Graduale Triplex (In Latin) (1979) 71 Exemplare
The Rite of Penance (1973) 63 Exemplare
Go and Make Disciples (2002) 57 Exemplare
Código de derecho canónico (1983) 52 Exemplare
Liber Hymnarius (1983) 42 Exemplare
Essentials for Christian Living (2008) 31 Exemplare
Homiletic Directory (2015) 30 Exemplare
October Menaion 27 Exemplare
Rite of baptism for children (1987) 24 Exemplare
The Roman Catechism (1985) 24 Exemplare
Roman Missal (2011) 24 Exemplare
Rite of Funerals (1970) 23 Exemplare
Oremus : svensk katolsk bönbok (1981) 23 Exemplare
Pastoral Care of the Dying (2002) 23 Exemplare
Morning and Evening Prayer (2005) 20 Exemplare
Byzantine Book of Prayer (1976) 20 Exemplare
Katolska kyrkans katekes (1996) 19 Exemplare
Parish Mass Book and Hymnal (1965) 19 Exemplare
Hymnal for the Hours (1989) 18 Exemplare
Compendium on the Eucharist (2016) 18 Exemplare
Enchiridion Indulgentiarum (1968) 18 Exemplare
The Small Missal (1924) 17 Exemplare
Rite of Penance (2010) 16 Exemplare
Compendium on the Diaconate (2013) 16 Exemplare
Papal documents on Mary (1954) 15 Exemplare
LITURGIA HORARUM (3) (3) (2000) 13 Exemplare
Liturgia Horarum (2) (2000) 12 Exemplare
Dominican Tertiaries' Manual (1959) 10 Exemplare
Matrimony 10 Exemplare
Baltimore Catechism No. 2 (2010) 10 Exemplare
A Month With the Eucharist (2012) 10 Exemplare
The Vatican and Christian Rome (1970) 10 Exemplare
Compline (1960) 9 Exemplare
The papal encyclicals (1981) 8 Exemplare
From Words to Deeds (1998) 8 Exemplare
Our Lady 7 Exemplare
The new order of Mass (2011) 7 Exemplare
Rituale Romanum (2004) 7 Exemplare
Ordo Missae (1974) 7 Exemplare
Christian initiation of adults (1988) 6 Exemplare
Lectionary (1970) 6 Exemplare
Collectio rituum 6 Exemplare
Holy Week missal (1971) 5 Exemplare
Breviary Psalter (1966) 5 Exemplare
The Liturgy 5 Exemplare
Catholic family daily missal (1961) 5 Exemplare
Concile oecumenique Vatican II (1967) 5 Exemplare
The Catholic Burial Rite (1971) 5 Exemplare
The Church 5 Exemplare
St. Pauls weekday missal (2012) 5 Exemplare
Chant (1994) 5 Exemplare
Penance celebrations (1981) 4 Exemplare
Messale di ogni giorno (1984) 4 Exemplare
Codi de dret canònic (1983) 4 Exemplare
Llibre d'hores (087) (1988) 4 Exemplare
The lay apostolate 4 Exemplare
Corpus iuris canonici (2000) 4 Exemplare
Katolska kyrkans lilla katekes (2006) 4 Exemplare
The human body 4 Exemplare
Rite of Exorcism (2017) 4 Exemplare
Marian Year Prayers (1987) 4 Exemplare
Mass Book (1999) 4 Exemplare
Carmelite missal. (1998) 4 Exemplare
A Special kind of marrying (1980) 4 Exemplare
Word of the Lord 4 Exemplare
The Holy rosary 3 Exemplare
Liber Brevior: 1954 Edition (2017) 3 Exemplare
Missal ferial (2003) 3 Exemplare
A prayerbook 3 Exemplare
The divine office 3 Exemplare
Pray for peace (1992) 3 Exemplare
Gregorian chant (2017) 3 Exemplare
Regla pastoral (1988) 3 Exemplare
Mary and the Popes 3 Exemplare
Code de droit canonique (1983) 3 Exemplare
Pontificale Romanum 3 Exemplare
The Pope speaks 3 Exemplare
Catecismo Romano (1566) — Herausgeber — 3 Exemplare
Sunday Mass book (1987) 3 Exemplare
Latin Mass Companion (2020) 3 Exemplare
Conscience (1998) 3 Exemplare
Missal de diumenges i festes (1976) 3 Exemplare
Ordo cantus Missae 3 Exemplare
St. Luke's Daily Missal (2002) 3 Exemplare
Flemish calendar (1985) 3 Exemplare
Celebrate in song (2011) 3 Exemplare
Acta Sanctae Sedis 3 Exemplare
Ordo lectionum Missae (1981) 3 Exemplare
The body of Christ 3 Exemplare
Ordo missae 2006-2007 (1986) 2 Exemplare
The Scapular (2015) 2 Exemplare
María, Evangelio vivido (1999) 2 Exemplare
¡Vayan a servir! 2 Exemplare
Sarajevo 2 Exemplare
Missale Romanum 2 Exemplare
Buk Misa 2 Exemplare
Directori general de catequesi (1998) 2 Exemplare
Rite of Baptism Booklet (1991) 2 Exemplare
Enchiridion delle encicliche (1994) 2 Exemplare
Daily Compline 2 Exemplare
The Apostolic See and the Jews (1988) 2 Exemplare
New Baptism Book (1970) 2 Exemplare
The New Catholic Family Missal (1966) 2 Exemplare
Nutrition and Hydration (1992) 2 Exemplare
De Benedictionibus 2 Exemplare
Dir Formation Relig Inst (1990) 2 Exemplare
The celebration of marriage (1984) 2 Exemplare
The Holy Bible (Douay Version) (1911) 2 Exemplare
Music and Liturgy 2 Exemplare
Order of Penance (2023) 2 Exemplare
Holy Hour of Reparation (2014) 1 Exemplar
Rediscovering Baptism — Autor — 1 Exemplar
Music in Catholic worship. (1983) 1 Exemplar
Instruksjon om barnedåpen (1981) 1 Exemplar
De la sexualité à l'amour (1998) 1 Exemplar
Wedding Service (1971) 1 Exemplar
Pour célébrer la messe (1900) 1 Exemplar
Velsignelsesritualer (1990) 1 Exemplar
Comment croire aujourd'hui (1999) 1 Exemplar
Messens faste deler (1989) 1 Exemplar
Retningslinjer for katekesen (1999) 1 Exemplar
Mary Day By Day 1 Exemplar
Novena to the Holy Spirit (2000) 1 Exemplar
The Leofric Missal 1 Exemplar
Liber usualis 1 Exemplar
The use of Sarum 1 Exemplar
New Funeral Mass Book (1971) 1 Exemplar
Lyra Catholica (2012) 1 Exemplar
Requiem 1 Exemplar
Processionale Cisterciense (1926) 1 Exemplar
Messale Festivo 2012 (2011) 1 Exemplar
Pars autumnalis 1 Exemplar
L'Església a Europa (2003) 1 Exemplar
Missale vicense 1496 (1978) 1 Exemplar
Ritual de benediccions (1989) 1 Exemplar
Informative Dossier — Autor — 1 Exemplar
Antitotalitní encykliky (2015) 1 Exemplar
Kephas, tome 1 (1999) 1 Exemplar
Education. 1 Exemplar
Matrimony. 1 Exemplar
The human body. 1 Exemplar
The holy rosary. 1 Exemplar
The liturgy. 1 Exemplar
The Church. 1 Exemplar
Benedizionale (1992) 1 Exemplar
4: Celebrazioni dei santi (2010) 1 Exemplar
Iubilate Deo 1 Exemplar
Código de Derecho Canónico (2022) 1 Exemplar
Orationes (Latin Edition) (2020) 1 Exemplar
Catholic Prayers 1 Exemplar
The Fragrance of Family Life (2017) 1 Exemplar
Navega Mar Adentro (2001) 1 Exemplar
Evangelio 2011 (2010) 1 Exemplar
El sagrament de la caritat (2007) 1 Exemplar
2006, l'Evangeli de cada dia (2005) 1 Exemplar
Sancta missa 1 Exemplar
Guia del cristiano 1 Exemplar
Con vosotros está 1 Exemplar
El Misterio trinitario (1986) 1 Exemplar
Daily Prayer 1 Exemplar
Annuario Pontificio 2008 (2008) 1 Exemplar
Maryknoll Sunday Missal (1966) 1 Exemplar
Concili Ecumenici 1 Exemplar
Novum Testamentum 1 Exemplar
¡Canta la Misa! 1 Exemplar
A priest forever 1 Exemplar
Sick call ritual 1 Exemplar
Plainsong hymnal 1 Exemplar
Pocket ritual (1971) 1 Exemplar
La Bible de Jérusalem--Cerf (1999) 1 Exemplar
This is progress 1 Exemplar
Psautier de Saint Louis (1972) 1 Exemplar
Sande Yukaris 1 Exemplar
Daily mass book 1 Exemplar
Ethics in Internet 1 Exemplar
The new raccolta 1 Exemplar
Catholic Bible 1 Exemplar
New Roman Missal 1 Exemplar
New Code of Canon Law — Autor — 1 Exemplar
Latin mass booklet 1 Exemplar
Bullarium Romanum 1 Exemplar
Bendicional (2000) 1 Exemplar
New Community Mass 1 Exemplar
Mass for young people (1973) 1 Exemplar
Quem Reza se Salva 1 Exemplar
Parish mass book (1975) 1 Exemplar
Livre des jours 1 Exemplar
Simple prayer book 1 Exemplar
Short Dominican Breviary (1967) 1 Exemplar
Newsletter 1 Exemplar
Ignatius Pew Missal (2019) 1 Exemplar
Horologion 1 Exemplar
[Antiphonal leaf] 1 Exemplar
Lectionary I 1 Exemplar
Rite of Penance 1 Exemplar
Holy Mass 1 Exemplar
THE JUNIOR CATECHISM (1940) 1 Exemplar
HOLY BIBLE 1 Exemplar
Directives to Lay Apostles — Autor — 1 Exemplar
Proclaiming the Truth of Jesus Christ — Autor — 1 Exemplar
Faithful for Life A Moral Reflection — Autor — 1 Exemplar
Lourdes Pilgrimage, The — Autor — 1 Exemplar
Romos misiolas 1 Exemplar
Encyclical letters 1 Exemplar
Bulla 1 Exemplar
Canones 1 Exemplar
Book of the elect. 1 Exemplar
[Spanish gradual] 1 Exemplar
Western liturgies 1 Exemplar
The Loras gradual 1 Exemplar
Gregorian chants 1 Exemplar
Pastoral de la salud (1999) 1 Exemplar
Bullaire du Pape Calixte II (1979) 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

The Sheed and Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy (2005) — Mitwirkender — 28 Exemplare



Vatican City



The New Order of Mass, tr Rev Martin Patino in St. Blog's Catholic Parish (Dezember 2022)
Seven Core Values of Catholic Social Teaching in Catholic Tradition (Oktober 2020)
Sedevacante & The One True Catholic Church (continued) in Catholic Tradition (November 2015)
Sedevacante & The One True Catholic Church in Catholic Tradition (November 2015)


Das "Handbuch" der "Gottesverwalter".
Motorfisch | 43 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 4, 2013 |
Unentbehrliche Quelle für alle am Kirchenrecht Interessierten. Inhaltlich fünf Sterne, für die staubtrockene vatikanische Aufbereitung gibt's aber nur drei...
DieterBoehm | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 10, 2009 |



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