

Super Science Projects About Energy and Motion provides six experiments that gives readers an opportunity to discover the main principles of energy and motion. The book contains a clear table of contents and additional features that lead the reader to further research and reading about this topic. With this said, some of the websites provided are not working. The general introduction and brief chapter overviews solidify the basic concept addressed (e.g., pull of gravity, constant force, converting energy, motion in flight and chemical energy). In terms of the experiments, updated photos are provided that show supplies needed and general steps. The experiment directions are clearly stated and the experiments are doable, as the materials are primarily common and readily available items (such as quarters, books, vinegar, toilet paper, etc.). Author Allan Cobb is a freelance science writer who has written numerous educational materials that cover a variety of aspects of science. This book would be great for intermediate grades and middle school as it takes the reader through the scientific method. The analyzing data portion of the experiment (with pre made tables) is particularly useful in helping readers make sense of their findings. It would be better if the photos of the experimenters depicted a wider range of races (not just Caucasian and Asian). Overall, the text and images are user friendly and provide the appropriate depth of topic for the attended audience. This book makes it easy for readers to do safe experiments that do not require adult supervision.

Age Appropriate: 3rd to 8th grade
Note: Energy and Motion is a physical science standard that is taught in 8th grade making this book a great resource for middle school libraries or for supplemental materials. Yet, the experiments and chapter explanations make this a fun experiment book for intermediate readers who are interested in science.
erineell | Nov 28, 2011 |