
Jean CocteauRezensionen

Autor von Kinder der Nacht

335+ Werke 5,871 Mitglieder 78 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 14 Lesern


Cocteau presents a poetic and personal journey of making his fantasy set in reality with Beauty and the Beast. Each entry shows how the director and artist put themselves into the film, even if they are not presented in the finished picture, through his ailments and dedication to producing cinematic perfection and magic. There are some profound reflections on cinema and the process of making within this new-ish and experimental medium.

This edition is translated by Nicholas Elliott and also includes the story of Beauty and the Beast by Mme. Leprince de Beaumont. This translation attempted to revive the peaks and valleys of emotion and experience that might not translate so poetically. This diary supposedly inspired the filmmakers and theorists of Cahiers du Cinéma, like Jean-Luc Godard and François Truffaut.
MattElfStudies | Aug 31, 2023 |
freixas | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 31, 2023 |
. Book. Illus. by Jean Cocteau. Very Good. Quarter Cloth and Hard Cover. New Translation by Margaret Crosland & Sinclair Road)
AliceDbooks | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 27, 2022 |
Tumbling out of the cut pages of this copy came a) a business card of Louis Isaacson, tel. Longacre 7037, ARC Construction Co., engineers, General Contractors, 236 W. 35th Street, New York City; b) a telephone message form, headed Hotel Bristol, 129-135 West 48th Street, 122-124 West 49th Street, 'In the heart of New York', from Mr Brodhead to Miss Cook, May 13, time received 12, on the back a Hotel Bristol stamp, dated telephone 1927 May 13; c) 2 copies of a Voyage excursion villegiature sur les reseau d'Orleans et du Midi flyer, issued by the Agence des Compagnies d'Orleans et du Midi, listing 9 itineraries by train and published in 1926.
jon1lambert | Oct 23, 2022 |
یه اقتباس سوررئال از نمایشنامه‌ی ادیپ شهریار بود و من زیاد باهاش ارتباط نگرفتم.
Mahdi.Lotfabadi | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 16, 2022 |
Prologue by Ramon gomez de la serna, translation by Julio Gomez de la serna. . Bound in cloth with gilt on the spine. Original covers by mauricio amster. Portrait of Cocteau on frontis. 324p . 6 sheets.
AliceDbooks | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 29, 2022 |
El libro blanco es el retrato psicológico de un hombre atormentado a quien cada una de sus aventuras sentimentales abre una dolorosa herida en su alma, pues su drama procede no sólo de su extremada sensibilidad, sino también, y debido a ello, del no poder satisfacer su deseo sin que se vea afectado también el corazón. Como añade en su prólogo, “El corazón es una cosa. El sexo es otra diferente. Ciertos objetos turban al primero, otros despiertan al segundo, sin la intervención del intelecto.” En definitiva, “Un vicio de la sociedad convierte en vicio mi rectitud”, así resume el protagonista la narración desde su infancia hasta su madurez en un mundo de convenciones e injusticias sociales que lo llevan a cuestionarse su identidad por medio de un conflicto entre moral y sentidos, razón y sexualidad.
Natt90 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 18, 2022 |
The auction catalogue of the important collection of paintings amassed by John Quinn, including works by: Cézanne, Derain, Dufy, Fresnaye, Gris, Laurencin, Matisse, Pissarro, Redon, Rouault, Rousseau, and Segonzac. The sale was held on 28 October 1926. A celebrated, and elusive, catalogue.
petervanbeveren | Apr 26, 2022 |
These screenplays w/ stills from 2 of Cocteau's most amazing films will always be dear to me. When I was a kid, one of the only field trips we ever took from school was to go see Cocteau's "Beauty & the Beast" 2 or 3 yrs in a row. Do schools do such things anymore? Or do students go see the Disney version or some-such instead?! B/c of those field trips, Cocteau has probably made a very deep impression on my psyche. My own movies aren't even remotely like his though. Still, I've seen these movies several times each & wdn't mind seeing them again. Talk about atmosphere!
tENTATIVELY | Apr 3, 2022 |
vecchiopoggi | Dec 9, 2021 |
Good. Edge worn jacket
katethomas56 | Sep 15, 2021 |
I have always loved this movie. My favorite scenes are the arms coming out of the wall lighting Beauty's way, the face in the fireplace with smoke coming his nose, the Beast carrying Beauty through the doorway and her clothes changing midway. But best of all is the scene where Beauty and the Beast are walking calmly through the garden arm in arm when a deer bolts by and the Beast says "Pardonez moi," very politely and bolts after it.
Eurekas | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 8, 2021 |
The eroticism and profundity of Tempest of Stars in the midst of my lack of sleep has lost on me. Too brief if not mediocre these poems can be brutishly dreamy with a nice touch of (not even completely explicit albeit fondly phallic) nude illustrations. I can't help but see how some of these poems intersect interestingly with Cocteau The Filmmaker and his bourgeoisie background. His brilliant works like La Belle et la Bête and Orphée particularly come to mind in some of the lines I encountered. I think its opening poem, curiously titled "Amour" / "Love", is magnetic enough to plow through this short collection (included below) and I liked the sentiment of "The Poet at Thirty" which I can't find online and link here:

"The twist of a knife is well worth a rose.
Let me kill you slowly,
expertly; your lover
changes you into a dead woman,
metamorphoses you into a beast, an inkpot,
until you shout it.”
— Love

—— Other bewitching excerpts from this collection:

"How is it that time’s deceptive perspectives
take me back to the places where I wrote
Plain-Chant? I find the same sea on these shores
where I seemed to float

dreaming of love, sleep, illustrious things,
whatever youth imagines crazily,
and while this fire activates dormant cells
I drift with memory,"

"The waves, the leaves, the wind
and other faceless creatures
love you, and know you’re still alive,
conjurer of landscapes.
A greengage immolates itself,
its gash bleeds gold;
marble won’t weigh on this man
whose statue is a cloud."

"A kite from your childhood
suddenly without thread you free yourself
sitting on it
With your ursine hand Garros
you point out something to me
and I bend over the edge of the abyss
and I see Paris below
and my city humbler
in its scale
vulnerable alone its jade coloured Seine
and the more I watch it diminish
the greater my sad love grows
For who goes away from what he loves
to destroy his sad love
and its figure
isolates himself divests himself
hides the rest"
lethalmauve | Jan 25, 2021 |
> Jean Cocteau : La difficulté d’être (Morihien).
Se reporter au compte rendu de M. T.
In: Revue Esprit Nouvelle série, No. 141 (1) (JANVIER 1948), pp. 161-162… ; (en ligne),
Joop-le-philosophe | Dec 28, 2020 |
Murtra | Dec 21, 2020 |
starring: Margaret Leighton, Jeremy Brett, Diane Cilento, Alan Webb, Miriam Karlin, Patrick Magee

3 discos
BIBLIOTECATLACUILO | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 10, 2020 |
Two siblings, mixing a large dose of sibling rivalry into an already dysfunctional family spend their lives causing each other a great deal of pain. The book has the virtues of brevity, and high quality french prose. I read it, in part, as a deliberate exercise in broadening my understanding and use of the tongue in a very English dominated environment.
DinadansFriend | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 17, 2020 |
VPALib | Mar 6, 2019 |
I'm sure it was a 5-star in its day, but the acting is histrionic, the effects dated, and the finale rather cheesy.
I did like the interplay of characters in Belle's family (2 sisters and brother) and her boyfriend.
librisissimo | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 2, 2019 |
> Blessé par une pierre dissimulée dans une boule de neige, Paul est condamné à garder la chambre le temps de reprendre quelques forces : il ne la quittera plus. C'est encore un enfant, mais délaissé par une mère mélancolique, il est déjà livré à lui-même, gouverné par sa fantaisie et celle de sa soeur Élisabeth ; à eux deux, ils vont transformer leur chambre en scène permanente et y jouer indéfiniment la comédie de l'enfance. Comédie à peine troublée par la mort de la mère, qui les laisse libres de leur destin, libres d'explorer sans entraves leur univers imaginaire, libres de nier le monde réel, le monde des adultes, de la raison, qui semble ne jamais devoir les rattraper.
Rédigé en dix-sept jours lors d'une cure de désintoxication, Les Enfants terribles condense le meilleur du poète touche-à-tout des Mariés de la tour Eiffel ou de La Machine infernale. Ce fascinant récit poétique est à l'image de Cocteau lui-même : léger et grave à la fois, inclassable, en un mot : magique.
Karla Manuele,

> Roman de l'adolescence, cette oeuvre-clé de Jean Cocteau est un conte fantastique où se célèbre un culte à l'amour et à la mort. Un ouvrage fortement influencé par l'oeuvre de Raymond Radiguet, Le Diable au corps et Le Bal du comte d'Orgel.
Le Livre de Poche
Joop-le-philosophe | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 2, 2019 |
At least it was short. Maybe there is a reason why I was never, ever ever became a Francophile, even a little bit. I just don't get it.
Joanna.Oyzon | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 17, 2018 |