27 Werke 74 Mitglieder 7 Rezensionen


Zeige 7 von 7
Amusant petit livre d’humour rigolo sur les métiers de la BD, des plus foufous aux plus concrets.

Amusant aussi de retrouver – à l’heure de la grande controverse de l’expo de Bastien Vivès à Angoulème – un petit Titeuf tout nu avec un gros zizi. Cela pose-t-il problème ? Certes, le dessin est guère réaliste mais le zizi est quand même bien gros, non ?

Un petit moment bien sympa en trois parties. Les vrais-faux métiers, quelques hommages aux grands auteurs de la bande dessinée à la papa et finalement les faux-vrais métiers. Et même si j’aurais bien aimé y retrouver des personnages de comics, mangas ou d’autres plus contemporains, je n’ai pas boudé ces instants drôles
Gekennzeichnet | Jan 25, 2023 |
Goofy indeed. Though this is nonfiction, there are plenty of jokes, and it's up to the reader to tell truth from joke. Not my favorite penguin book.½
JennyArch | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 5, 2019 |
This book is full of goofy fictional facts about penguins. It is a fun way to engage young readers in an easy to follow along text. After all of the goofy facts, this book does provide students with real facts about penguins. Teachers can pair this book with a nonfiction book. They can also have students research real facts about penguins and make their own graphic novel containing true facts.
Katherine.Boykins | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 20, 2018 |
An easy to read fictional text about penguins, which includes the types of clothes they wear. At the end of the book, there is a nonfiction section with true facts. This is a good book to teach early readers their sight words. It is low level with many sight words.
tayburnett | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 19, 2018 |
Have you ever wondered how to tell penguins apart? I mean, they all look the same after all don't they? Heck no! You tell them apart by the color of their snow gear of course! Hats, mittens, boots, what color do they wear? And what type? This book will teach you all of that, plus so many more questions that you probably never thought to ask!

So first question to answer, are these facts true? Of course not! Which is why the book is titled "A Goofy Guide" and "Everything you never, ever asked about penguins." Twin brothers Jean-Luc and Philippe Coudray, best known for their Benjamin Bear series, continue to use their delightful sense of humor to answer questions that many of us probably never thought of, much less ever really wanted to know.In this fun and charming book the brothers tell us everything from "How do penguins stay out of the wind" to "why do they carve bottles out of ice" (to serve drinks of course!) The writing is simple enough to engage young readers to look for the answers to the questions (told through illustrations) while making older readers laugh at the types of questions being answered.

The best part of this book for me is that the brothers never directly answer the question, instead allowing the reader to look for the answer within the illustrations. The illustrations are filled with bright colors and funny antics of penguins trying to stay warm or playing hide and go seek. The colors and actions of the penguins will draw the reader in to the illustrations, noticing the tiny details of the small fish swimming next to the big fish or the rain falling sideways. Oh and how can I forget the baby penguin! The baby penguin (which is as cute and adorable as it sounds) stands outside the frame of the story narrating and asking the reader questions that they want answered. The baby penguin rolls about, catches its feet as it giggles and laughs at us, giggling and laughing at the penguins.

If you're looking for a book to learn true facts about penguins never fear!...this book has a grand total of two pages at the end with real facts. Ermm...basically if you're looking for a book about real penguin facts, look elsewhere. If, however, you are looking for a book that will engage the reader and use critical thinking skills to answer questions (even if they are weird and off the wall) then this is the book for you. And oh yes, if you're just looking for a fun read this is a good book to pick up.

Review Copy provided by Toon Books
zzshupinga | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 4, 2016 |
Voici un recueil de courtes nouvelles qui nous permet de cerner la personnalité irascible du professeur Bouc, un franc-tireur dans le monde scientifique.

Ses théories loufoques (et parfois astucieuses) à contre-courant des méthodes cartésiennes le placent continuellement en situation conflictuelle vis à vis de ses collègues et font les choux gras des journalistes.
C'est un touche à tout, et ses activités sont profondéments méditées, que ce soit l'organisation d'un voyage spacial ou la décision d'avoir un enfant. Même si leur logique sous-jacente peux nous échapper.

Il cherche à établir le culte de son encéphale, qu'il vénère au point d'en faire un argument de démonstration : tout mène à lui et tout vient de lui, tout est justifié par lui ; une théorie peut être considérée vraie dès lors qu'elle est issue du cerveau du professeur Bouc.

Le professeur nous délivre quelques brillantes démonstrations touchant aux domaines les plus divers : astrophysique, paléotonlogie, biologie, philosophie (voir ses considérations sur la nature divine de l'argent et de la science), parsemées de critiques répétées des fondamentaux de la méthode scientifique.

C'est drôle et intelligent. On navigue entre le nonsens britanique et la sagesse des koans zen ou des fables philosophiques.½
aipotu | May 6, 2012 |
Zeige 7 von 7