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I found this book in the gutter beside my car. I felt maybe it was fate that put it there, but if so, it was not only to reinforce my belief that I am not meant to find love ever again, but also to make me feel glad about that fact! This book is comical in how bad it is. I have to admit, I only read a few chapters, out of order, based on how closely their titles seemed to describe my past relationships. I'll leave it at that. Read on for other, more pertinent reviews, if that's your thing.
pqfuller | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 21, 2019 |
I found this book in the gutter beside my car. I felt maybe it was fate that put it there, but if so, it was not only to reinforce my belief that I am not meant to find love ever again, but also to make me feel glad about that fact! This book is comical in how bad it is. I have to admit, I only read a few chapters, out of order, based on how closely their titles seemed to describe my past relationships. I'll leave it at that. Read on for other, more pertinent reviews, if that's your thing.
kowgod | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 8, 2014 |
Worthless for my capricious psyche!!
Praj05 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 5, 2013 |
quiero comprarlo y no lo consigo
lauraporatelli | Oct 14, 2008 |
Good book with some uncommon knowledge. I was, however disappointed with the binding. I bought my copy new and upon first opening it, the binding disintegrated and the cover broke loose from the spine. Poor manufacturing.½
rationalhumanbeing | Jan 5, 2008 |
YIKES! A book like this is a real eye-opener. I didn’t know how sexually inept we 40-somethings were until “international sex and relationship expert” Tracey Cox — author of superflirt and supersex — ripped the rose-coloured spectacles from my eyes.

I hadn’t realised how badly in need of “manipulative seduction strategies” I was in my youth; fortunately, the lads were equally ignorant of my deficiencies so it all worked out fine.

Things are different now with the advent of Cox’s “cheeky, chatty and oh-so-revealing” manuals, and I am making my daughters learn this how-to-flirt guide off-by-heart (there will be exams) so they too can “spot, size up and seduce in a second”. It’s not too late even for me to benefit from Cox’s tips, as this “crash course” promises to “keep you flirting till you’re 90”.

The allure of being “sexier, more popular and irresistibly attractive” tempted even a staid middle-aged matron like myself and, having read and inwardly digested the whole book, I prepared to put this “ultimate reference guide” to the test.

I began my new manifestation as a femme fatale on the smokers’ veranda: as Cox explains, all that touching the mouth, dragging deeply on the fag and exhaling with a moaned sigh of pleasure is sexual sublimation.

Clutching my copy of superdate, I joined the orgiastic and over-sexed crowd and began the routine: flash the wrist; toss the hair; touch the necklace to draw attention to the breast; dip the head and smile shyly à la Princess Di; raise arm behind head to expose the erotic armpit; stand on tiptoe to make the legs look longer; open the eyes really wide, making them look big and sexy …

My next move would have been to sit down, baring a thigh as far as modesty allows, and while running one hand seductively over the exposed flab, I would place my other hand where my waist used to be, with my fingers pointing down suggestively to the groin.

All this while keeping my head dipped; my lips moist and slightly parted in a smile that exposes my tongue; the shoulders drawn back and the elbows tucked in to make the most of a no longer firm bust.

Alas, I had done little more than blink slowly while keeping my wrists and palms sensuously exposed when my colleagues began to roar with laughter and demand what the cluck I thought I was doing. Not quite the reaction Cox had led me to expect.

When I’m 90 and still doing the armpit, thigh and groin move, no one will laugh — they’ll just call the men in white coats to haul me away to a funny farm for senile nymphos.

There are also tips for men, but I don’t suggest any male nonagenarian attempts to unleash the “innermost desires” of a young nubile. Imagine him, sitting with his legs wide and crotch thrust out with a gnarled, arthritic thumb hooked into the waist band, fingers pointing strategically to the gonads, while he gums a cigar with a lot of tongue movement, and leers …

He will not score, he will not pass go, he will not collect R200; instead he will be arrested as a sicko sex maniac and chemical castration might be the least of his worries once his fellow inmates hear what he’s in for.

This book could be highly dangerous in the wrong hands. The only circumstances under which I can imagine this short-cut to creating love-at-first-sight being useful to anyone over 30 is at a speed dating session or a singles bar — Desperation City.

But seriously, the age-old rules still apply and only losers have to flash wrists, pause dramatically when entering a room or resort to the myriad of other stratagems Cox suggests are essential to attract the opposite sex.

Beauty, wit, sexuality and intelligence are some of the factors we have always sought in a partner; body language may be sexually compelling in the short term, but immediate physical attraction is no basis for a long-term relationship.

Good for a sneaky laugh and the odd absurd experiment, superdate is largely useless: if bonking with other people’s heads is your game, Cox is the name, but there is no happy-ever-after ending to be gained by following her advice.
1 abstimmen
adpaton | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 20, 2007 |
Lets add on to my Superflirt review:
I love this book. It is a dating/flirting book based on body language. Some -but not all of it- seems geared towards women...because it is written by one. This book will help you realize who is attracted to you! Before, you just missed the signals. Read this and then Superdate. Watch those eyebrows, bellybuttons, and feet!

Now...for Superdate...there are hotter pictures of Tracey. LOL. If you like Superflirt...this book is the next step.
JasonFG | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 3, 2007 |
I love this book. It is a dating/flirting book based on body language. Some -but not all of it- seems geared towards women...because it is written by one. This book will help you realize who is attracted to you! Before, you just missed the signals. Read this and then Superdate. Watch those eyebrows, bellybuttons, and feet!
JasonFG | Oct 3, 2007 |
Tracey manages to deliver sexy yet sensible advice to those of us who would like to know the answer to the million dollar question - how to make relationships work. For beginners in the first throes of passion to veterans braving cohabitation, marriage or parenthood, her style makes you laugh out loud while her advice makes you think a little harder.
Jawin | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 4, 2007 |
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