114+ Werke 11,136 Mitglieder 71 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 4 Lesern


Todos nós, no fundo, escondemos certos conflitos. Será que existe um jeito de encará-los honestamente? Será que precisamos fazer isso? De Dentro Para Fora é motivação para você olhar francamente para sua própria realidade e deixar que Deus faça de você uma pessoa que não precisa mais fingir. Encontre neste livro orientação para viver uma vida autêntica e coerente, e tornar-se uma pessoa corajosa, amorosa, de caráter íntegro.
ariostonog | Feb 25, 2024 |
Como satisfazer o desejo de integrar uma comunidade de cristãos, que se eleve gradualmente à semelhança de Cristo? Tal comunidade de fato existe? Neste livro, Larry Crabb, não só responde a essas questões, mas afirma que essa comunidade existe. Ele a denomina "o lugar mais seguro da Terra". Neste livro, Crabb apresenta não apenas uma visão inovadora de relacionamento humano, mas trata também de como vivê-lo e da atuação de cada pessoa como agente de Deus na vida uns dos outros. Tudo isso com o propósito de ajudar-nos mutuamente a permanecer no caminho e aprendermos o que significa "ser como Jesus". Para empreender essa jornada é preciso investigar o que torna uma comunidade singularmente "espiritual". Este livro será um grande companheiro em sua jornada ao "lugar mais seguro da Terra".
ariostonog | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 23, 2024 |
žánr : pastorační
Autor vystudoval klinickou psychologii a věnuje se biblickému poradenství.
Proč Bůh dovolí, aby se naše sny zhroutily? Proč dovolí aby nás to bolelo?
Spokojený život není největším požehnáním. Největším požehnáním je poznání Boha a setkání s ním.
ackoprivnice | Feb 23, 2024 |
The Christian counsellor is to bring the integrity of Scripture to the insights of modern psychology. Ultimately, it is only the love and compassion of Jesus which can bring the deepest healing, freedom and purpose to the lives of people in pain.
MenoraChurch | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 3, 2024 |
What does it take to make a relationship work?
MenoraChurch | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 6, 2023 |
What's wrong? Who can help? What will the helper do? What can I hope for? Find the answers in this book.
MenoraChurch | Oct 27, 2023 |
WBCLIB | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2023 |
WBCLIB | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2023 |
As Christians we all need encouragement and we are all called to give encouragement to one another.
MenoraChurch | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 6, 2023 |
Who hasn't experienced shattered dreams - moments when our lives feel as if they are falling off their axis, spinning out of control, crashing down at our feet. Who hasn't found themselves devastated and broken, spilled out and hurting, desperate for restoration and redemtpion. What is happiness- True contentment - Security - Blessing? Where does one find these things in this broken and stained world filled with disappointments and heartaches?

Larry Crabb bodly declares the compassion and immeasurable grace of God our Father who desires above all else to bless His children.

I recommended this title to a friend in crisis - she laughed at the title - saying "This doesn't sound very encouraging". Oh - but this is the essence of life, we must experience the shattering to experience true grace, to appreciate the fullness of God's love, to find ourselves in total surrender to a faith that will forever change us and restore us.

I began reading this book after my husband preached a sermon about being "fully equipped" out of II Timothy. How true that God does equip us for the storms of life that batter us and threaten to destroy us.

I have a new-found respect for Larry Crabb as he teaches the doctrines of Christ and tells of the vast love and grace out of his own experience with shattered dreams. Living in the middle of a world shattered by health issues he has experienced grace and restoration and testifies of it in this powerful, life-changing book.

Thank you Waterbrook for this review copy
abbieriddle | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 1, 2022 |
Far too many of our daily conversations are filled with tired cliches and trite observations. Morever, relatively few of our conversations with those we love move beyond this level of superficiality. Fortunately, as Larry Crabb teaches in SoulTalk, you can learn to set aside these superficialities and interact with others in a way that nourishes your soul. In SoulTalk you will be introduced to a form of "supernatural conversation" that will enable you to "talk with one another in ways that arouse your passion for God until it becomes the most powerful desire in your soul." Furthermore, Crabb will help you understand how SoulTalk can impact not only your life but the lives of our family, church and school communities as well. This is one spirituality book that you will not want to miss!
StFrancisofAssisi | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 4, 2021 |
當人事業有成,人到中年,要承認自己一些很根本、甚至賴以為生的想法有問題,並不容易。 身為著名基督徒心理學家克萊布,指出教會面對人的問題時採取了兩種出路:用「軟性」心理輔導技巧為問題抽絲剝繭;用聖經經文作嚴肅處理。
作者大膽指出,很多問題不是心理輔導和聖經可以解決;其實出路就在眼前──教會群體本身已具醫治能力,因為她反映了三一上帝的結連性。本書有不錯的神學挖掘, 胡志偉牧師、楊腓力和巴刻博士熱烈推介。
cpcmlib | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 15, 2020 |
O Silencio de Adao. Descrição Um dos traços mais notáveis da personalidade masculina é a omissão. Sempre que as coisas ficam confusas ou apavorantes os homens se contraem, se calam, se afastam... Por que a omissão é uma marca tão forte ente os homens?
BIBLIO-CTM | Jun 9, 2020 |
I received this book through LibraryThing's Early Reviewers program and I wasn't that excited. I find many Christian self-help books to be formulaic and oversimplified. Might I also point out that Christian self-help is a moronic classification since Christianity is all about Christ working in people unable to save themselves. So it was with great trepidation that I cracked open the cover and read the Author's Note and Introduction. "Not bad," I thought, "but I don't hold out much hope for the rest."

The rest blew me away. It was the antithesis of self-help, the flip side of the prosperity gospel, the inverse of American Christianity. There are no steps to follow. There is simply an attitude shift and a different view of problems. This is not a way to become happy but a way to find God.

It reminded me of Revelations 3:17,18 - "Because you say, 'I am rich and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,' and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, that you may become rich, and white garments, that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see."

Ten out of ten bookmarks.
carliwi | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 23, 2019 |
Crabbe presents 3 responses to life: "Will we resist and run, like Jonah? Will we distort and deny, like Saul? or Will we tremble, refusing to turn away from the God whose thoughts and ways are higher than ours and instead wait patiently..." (95) Thoughts are clearly illustrated with examples and illustrations, there is lots of commentary, and the voice of the book is definitely psychological. The author writes with a rather introspective approach and you can see his background coming through loudly. In a book of this subject matter, I want to see more of what the Bible says and less what others say. I wish there was more scripture used throughout. It wasn't that there wasn't any scripture, I just wanted to see more. Nonetheless, there were tons of take-aways and application points. What would have made the book even better would have been thought provoking questions for self-reflection and to help draw out what we are thinking about the subject matter so that those areas of wrong thinking can be changed. I give it 3 stars of 5.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. This has in no way influenced my review. All thoughts are my own.
kkireinaa | Aug 12, 2018 |
Larry Crabb has been a mentor to me over the years. He is an expert at diagnosing the heart and identifying the problem. He does not have pat solutions which can leave you frustrated, but I think is real life. You are left with a great yearning to know the Lord deeply, and understand there is a long, narrow road that we Christian pilgrims stumble along. Larry is a good spiritual director for the journey.
KenMcLain | Jul 18, 2017 |
É muito comum achar que a conversão espiritual é uma passagem de primeira classe para um mundo perfeito, onde a vida é sem dor e não há sofrimento. Afinal de contas, o Senhor é bom, e isto é um fato incontestável. No entanto, mesmo o mais fiel cristão já passou pela experiência de ver um sonho reduzido a pó, um plano aparentemente muito bom esfacelado. Nestes momentos, é impossível não deixar de questionar: como explicar que o Deus Todo-Poderoso não se dignou a usar um pouco de seu poder para ajudar?

Em Sonhos despedaçados, Larry Crabb se dispõe a explicar esta aparente contradição. Com franqueza e objetividade, ele confronta a espiritualidade vazia dos tempos atuais, contaminada pelo individualismo e pelo forte apelo consumista, que apresenta um mundo irreal, no qual só os fracos não conquistam os alvos de suas ambições.

Em contraponto a esta ideologia, o autor mostra que a experiência da desilusão também tem um aspecto extremamente positivo, na medida em que conduz a alma a um conhecimento mais profundo dos mistérios do Deus vivo. Crabb não propõe ao leitor que ignore o sofrimento ou finja que ele não existe – pelo contrário, ele descortina as amplas possibilidades de crescimento espiritual a partir dos Sonhos despedaçados.
Kaili | Jul 9, 2017 |
I think the book has valid ideas--that change can only come from the inside out--but it is rather dry reading.
JenniferRobb | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 17, 2016 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
This is a difficult book for me to review as I haven't had any great tragedies befall me in my life. That being said, what Crabb suggests we do when faced with loss and sadness is sound. He offers no false assurances, no trite and shallow solutions, but instead focusses on the grace of God.

One could wish Crabb had delved more deeply into other Christian traditions - does the ascetical tradition offer any guidance to Christians today? Does the Catholic understanding of uniting our sufferings with those of Christ provide a way for Protestants also to serve God and their neighbour in their suffering? I think the answers to both questions are yes; and while Crabb is sound so far as he goes, there are largely unexplored areas for faithful Christians to explore in relation to the sorrows and sufferings we experience.
gabriel | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 5, 2016 |
This book talks about how to develop a closer relationship to God through prayer. The author had some great points though I don't agree theologically with everything he said.
mtunquist | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 29, 2015 |
This book talks about how to develop a closer relationship to God through prayer. The author had some great points though I don't agree theologically with everything he said.
mtunquist | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 29, 2015 |
Priceless after the death of my son.
Gary_Merriman | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 3, 2014 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I actually didn’t finish this book, and I probably wouldn’t be counting it among my reads for the year and reviewing it if it weren’t an Early Reviewers title. As such, I have the unenviable task of explaining why I didn’t like it.

Personally, I think the concept of Crabb’s book is excellent, and that he does a good job of diagnosing various problems in contemporary churches, specifically as regards views on happiness, suffering, and joy. I really wanted to like the book; when I received it in the mail, I thought it had come into my life at the perfect moment. At the time I was picking up the shards of several shattered dreams: I had flunked out of the school I intended to be my alma mater, my scholarships and high GPA were nowhere to be seen, and I was struggling with understanding my own sexuality.

But enough about me. The book started off well enough, but as I read on the sequins began to fall from my eyes, and I began to see Crabb’s work for what it was rather than what I wanted it to be. To begin with, Shattered Dreams is very repetitive, a typical problem with poorly-written nonfiction books. And as for his citations, they’re practically nonexistent. I don’t expect a scripture reference at the end of every sentence in this sort of book—in fact, that can become tiresome—but Crabb just comes across as lazy. At one point he articulates an idea that he says comes from C. S. Lewis, but doesn’t even bother to mention which book he’s citing.

Finally, the view of Christian life this book presents is a pretty dim one, and not one I subscribe to.

Not recommended.½
1 abstimmen
ncgraham | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 26, 2012 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Larry Crabb's books have become part of a stable core of quality resources for pastors and counselors. With a solid academic foundation and keen insights into matters of psychology and the Christian faith, Shattered Dreams offers direction through the hard paths of disappointment and even devastation. It's not an easy path, and this is not an easy book. It's well written. It is clear. But it calls for no shallow or quick answers as it directs the reader to face their hurts and failures. The path is to walk honestly into suffering in faith that the things that have gone wrong in this world are somehow a means for us to become deeply aware of our need for - and God's desire for - a deep intimacy with Him.

This book refuses to cheapen God and refuses to cheapen His grace, and instead is a call for us to be thankful for our hurts and brokenness because in them we discover our need for God - and that he responds in ways beyond what we could ever ask or imagine. Crabb's purpose in this book is to call us to "an encounter with God that creates community and transforms lives", and the right track for the journey to joy he suggests is offered not merely as information dispensed, but also in an eight lesson 100 page workbook usable by individuals or groups.

There is some risk that a book like this tends to redefine Christian community in rather insular terms and so miss the missional purpose of the church. And yet the missional purpose of the church is one of calling people into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ in the context of the community of his people, and if the community of his people cannot faithfully lead people into the real means of that relationship, then the outwardly focused missional efforts are inevitably limited by the latter failure.

This is a faithful text of quality. Thank you Dr. Crabb.½
PastorBob | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 10, 2012 |
Dr. Larry Crabb has a long history of contributing in practical ways to the emotional and spiritual life of Christians and congregations for decades. Encouragement: The key To Caring, written with Dr. Dan Allender, is another example of his fine work and quality contribution.
Caring for people well requires the ability to encourage, but for many the practical carrying out of that interpersonal work is complicated by personalities and uncertainty about what will really accomplish the encouragement we hope for. This book offers insights and strategies that can help leaders with the basics of recognizing the need, and implementing the practices that will care for their people well.
1 abstimmen
PastorBob | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 17, 2012 |