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Interessante e dettagliato.

«Sono fermamente convinto che non esistano sulla faccia della Terra due persone identiche; nessuno che abbia le stesse impronte digitali, labiali o vocali. E neppure due fili d’erba o due fiocchi di neve uguali. Visto che tutti gli individui sono diversi l’uno dall’altro, non ritengo logico che essi debbano nutrirsi allo stesso modo. Poiché ciascuno di noi ‘abita’ un corpo dotato di punti di forza e debolezza differenti e di diversi fabbisogni nutrizionali, per conservare la salute e per combattere le malattie è indispensabile tener conto di tutte queste peculiarità.»
Anshin | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 2, 2024 |
Si alguna vez se ha preguntado por qué una dieta funciona para algunas personas y no para usted, quizás se le haya ocurrido la respuesta correcta: porque no se adapta a su organismo.
Este programa le ayudará a identificar las necesidades biológicas de su cuerpo, seguir la dieta más apropiada para su organismo y realizar los ejercicios que mejor se adaptan a su estructura física.
Daniel464 | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 12, 2021 |
There are so many nutritional theories that when I read a new one, I like to have some footnotes and credible research behind it. Unfortunately this book has neither, so I found this theory hard to swallow.
TheBibliophage | Mar 20, 2018 |
What a colossal waste of reading time. But, on the other hand (she had warts), a great list of herbs, grains, supplements, and food groups. Seriously folks, I don't think papaya is a tropical fruit I am willing to give up!
kaulsu | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 11, 2017 |
Consells d'alimentació en funció del nostre grup sanguini.Receptes útils. Aconsellat pel meu homeòpeta.
Nuriagarciaturu | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 14, 2016 |
Dr. D'Adamo presents an interesting insight into our health.Eating foods based on our bloodtypes.Sounded odd at first, but I have read his books and he is definitely onto something.I felt much better after following his recommendations for my blood type. When I looked at other foods I have had problems with, his explanations made me realize why I had issues.he explains WHY certain foods are better with your own bloodtype. He explains the bloodtypes in simple language.I would also recommend his cookbooks based on bloodtypes.
LauGal | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 16, 2016 |
I have both the hardback and kindle versions of this cookbook. I prefer the hardback, as it is easier to track the recipes. I'm not absolutely sure I believe your blood type designates all your eating habits, but I am 20 pounds lighter and have lost quite a few inches since incorporating the diet into my life. I don't follow it exact, but the longer I eat following it, the easier it is. My husband has lupus and following the diet suggestions for him has resulted in minimizing some of his symptons. Plenty of meal ideas and some really fun replacements for ingredients.
Bettesbooks | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 27, 2016 |
The book which explains - perhaps - why some people thrive on a vegetarian diet, and others on a high-protein one. If the theory is true, the book is a sensible and practical one, with good ideas for increasing health by eating according to blood group. Even if the theory is entirely wrong (as is possible) there are still some good suggestions for general health eating.
SueinCyprus | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 26, 2016 |
This is a great book and one you will want to keep for reference. My doctor tested me for my blood type and recommended it highly, as I have a lot of food allergies. Very good --breakdown of what fitness, foods, and diets you should follow based on your specific blood type (the way God made you).

Now comes the essential reference book to answer all your questions about conditions, herbs, supplements, medication and food. From asthma to sore throat, from cancer to thrombosis, this guide recommends treatment for hundreds of conditions, citing rigorous studies that detail the frequency and severity of the conditions for each blood type
JudithDCollins | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 27, 2014 |
Well... I finally finished reading this book only because my library wouldn't let me keep it any longer. I started reading it because I heard a lot of different opinions about Blood Type Diet and wanted to know more about it. While reading this book, I actually tried to avoid foods which are harmful for my blood type. Since I felt pretty healthy before this diet anyways, I did not experience any significant benefits.

This January, a new study came out, which found no scientific evidence for the Blood Type Diet whatsoever, except the fact that diets recommended for different blood types are pretty healthy in general and would benefit a person of any blood type. Anyways, now I am back at eating my regular diet and enjoying tomatoes, avocados, chicken, peanuts, some wheat etc. (all the forbidden pleasures!) in a moderation.

Generally, I liked the idea of the Blood Type Diet and some points made by the author seemed very reasonable. However, in my opinion, the book is quite out dated and lacks hard proof as most of the conclusions are drawn from the observational studies (which are quite subjective) and generalizations (something like having a theory and trying to fit it everywhere) rather than objective scientific evidence. Since I have some scientific background, the book seems a little bit repetitive and some explanations are over simplified, but it might be good for someone who has no scientific background.

All in all, I think the Blood Type Diet theory is not a complete nonsense but I do not agree with the author that EVERYTHING about us is determined by our blood type, and living, eating, and exercising by our blood type is the only way to go.
1 abstimmen
AgneJakubauskaite | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 4, 2014 |
Interesting concept, not sure if it would suit me, may have to return to this another time, I'm torn between hunter and exporer and suspect I may also have some teacher or nomad traits. I'm aure there are some glimmerings of truth in his concept that one diet doesn't fit all but I'm not sure if it would work for me. May try some of the ideas again, thankfully I don't have to give up meats and some of the concepts about at least one of the genotypes (explorer) having skin breakouts and liver issues does resonate.

Parts of this I did skim but overall interesting ideas.
wyvernfriend | Feb 24, 2014 |
Yeah, we read this back when it came out, and yeah, we sort of follow it. It's hell, though when one is a Type O and the other a Type A. HAven't used the cookbook in decades, but it's still got all the little colored stickers I put in to mark pages as yours, mine, and outs. Not many ours, though.

Packing away now as we declutter the house, preparing to put it on the market.
bookczuk | 2 weitere Rezensionen | May 9, 2013 |
Yeah, we read this back when it came out, and yeah, we sort of follow it. It's hell, though when one is a Type O and the other a Type A.

Packing away now as we declutter the house, preparing to put it on the market.
bookczuk | 10 weitere Rezensionen | May 9, 2013 |
Lists of foods based on Blood Type Diet. The Type O gene is cro-magnon. Enabled our ancestors to thrive on high-protein meat-based diet. The theory is that immunity and digestive systems still maintain a predisposition.

The blood type antigen creates anti-bodies which ward off interlopers by creating a reaction called "agglutination". The clump makes disposal easier.

Lectins are proteins abundantly found in foods, and they have agglutinating properties. They are blood type specific. For example, the wheat germ lectin cross-reacts with Type O blood, and targets digestive enzymes which interfere with insulin production.

The digestive tract of Type Os retains the memory of ancient hunting times. The meat diet and enormous physical demands kept Cro-Magnons in a mimld state of ketosis. The metabolic conversion of proteins and fats into ketones, which are used in place of sugars to keep glucose levels steady. This combination of ketosis, calorie deprivation, and constant physical activity made for a lean hunting machine--the key to survival in the ice age. [4]
keylawk | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 8, 2013 |
If you have spent your life jumping from one diet to another, I believe this book will add some healthy knowledge that will help you in your quest to loose weight.
AmeliaPainter | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 4, 2011 |
Easier to use if you know your blood group first. I could not change my lifestyle to fit to this but I found many helpful hints and ideas that I can easily do and did make a difference.
TownsvilleLib | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 1, 2011 |
This is an interesting take on food choices. It details the foods that one should or should not eat, based on their blood type. D'Adamo believes that our digestion/calorie usage is based on evolution and the dietary choices available as blood types evolved - so, for example, if you're an O blood type, your genetics are 10s of thousands of years old, so your diet should be based on the food-types that would have been available at the time of O's evolution.

It's all very logical. As you read it, it'll make great sense.

But... there is no evidence/proof of his hypotheses. He sounds completely sensible (and maybe he is), but there is no body of proof from any other sources that support his conclusions.
1 abstimmen
crazybatcow | 10 weitere Rezensionen | May 15, 2009 |
Dr D'Adamo's premise is that each blood type should follow their own diet. The ideas seem mostly common sense and general sensible diet instruction, but one or two aspects make me hesitate to follow this plan.½
2 abstimmen
floriferous | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 1, 2009 |
“Eat Right For Your Type” is a book that has crossed my path a few times, so I decided to read it.

Author Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo is the doctor who helped develop the idea that different blood types should have different types of diets. The first few chapters are about the history of blood, the evolution of blood, and how knowing our blood type is like a blueprint to who we are.

The first blood type was Type O. I am the second blood type, Type A, which appeared around 25,000 to 15,000 B.C. Type A was born in Asia or the Middle East and developed as a response to the changing elements of the environment.

Mutation from Type O, who were hunter-gatherers to Type A, who were grain-agricultural happened rapidly. Type A blood ancestors migrated mostly toward Europe.

“The connection between the blood type of our ancestors and our diet today is because of a protein called lectins,” says D’Adamo. He claims that too many of the wrong type of lectins in the body can cause disease, can cause a person to be overweight, and can cause a general unhealthyness.

The book suggests that if a person avoids certain foods and increases others, the body should naturally be able to fight off diseases (including cancer cells) and be in better shape.

A large portion of “Eat Right For Your Type” is dedicated to the four different types of diets: O, A, B, and AB. Each food group is addressed and suggestions are made as to the foods that are the most beneficial, foods that are neutral, and foods to avoid, as in relation to blood type.

For example, with my Type A blood, I should avoid red meat, wheat, and shell fish. I can indulge in coffee, most vegetables and anything soy. D’Adama also gives suggestions for vitamin supplements and exercises to best handle stress for each blood type.

Another section focuses on medical issues such as vaccinations, allergies, diabetes, infections, reproduction, and cancer. D’Adamo explains why some blood types are more prone to the common cold than others but he also emphasizes the fact that medical research is ongoing in these areas.

D’Adamo explains that certain blood types are at a higher risk for cancer while others have a greater odds for survival. D’Adamo states that lectins act like probes to cancer cells, helping researchers understand the biology of cancer; he believes lectins should be studied more.

I was fascinated by the history of my ancestor’s blood, and I was unaware of the evolution of blood. D’Adamo’s research is reasonable, but I will not be cutting red meat out of my diet anytime soon. I understand now why I should keep a diet that is closely related to my forgoers, but more importantly, I think an overall healthier eating lifestyle keeps a person from disease.
rainbooks | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 13, 2008 |
La Lectine est une méchante molécule qui agglutine nos globules si on ne fait pas attention. Les globules agglutinés crééent de multiples complications et pas seulement la prise de poids. Certains aliments et la lectine qu'ils contiennent agglutinent plus ou moins facilement les globules de certains groupes sanguins. Il faut savoir quels aliments sont "compatibles" avec notre groupe sanguin. C'est le but que se fixe ce bouquin. Dommage pour le groupe A, ils ne vous restent que le soja et le tofu. Pour les B comme moi, c'est le rêve, sauf que les tomates et le pain sont les enne,is jurés;½
nikela | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 15, 2008 |
I carry this pocket book with me all the time. Very good source of foods list for blood type O.
labelleaurore | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 17, 2008 |
Ce livre fournit des pistes intéressantes pour les personnes qui désirent entamer une réforme de leur alimentation et se soigner par les aliments. Le tout grand avantage de ce livre c'est qu'il permet de mieux cerner son "profil" métabolique. A mon avis, il vaut mieux prendre ces recommandations comme des "guidelines" plutôt que comme des commandements immuables.
Un autre avantage c'est qu'il est très pratique d'utilisation. On peut se référer directement aux tableaux des aliments conseillés et déconseillés sans être obligé de lire toutes les explications théoriques. Il faut aussi savoir que l'auteur est naturopathe et que son approche des groupes sanguins est considérée comme fantaisiste par la communauté scientifique. Pour plus d'infos :
mistou | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 17, 2008 |
This book changed my way of looking and eating food.

I read that book about 7 years ago and have applied his theory ever since. Make sense to me, bravo.
labelleaurore | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 5, 2008 |
I was intrigued by the idea that your blood type determines your diet type. I read this book before I knew my blood type and was convinced I was an A . Turns out I am an O . I thought it was especially interesting that the O diet was heavy on red meat. I'm a vegetarian and have been for more than half of my life. I wouldn't change my diet to include red meat.
annarama | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 29, 2008 |