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This is a finely-crafted, well-reasoned book which challenges popular assumptions about our economic values, pointing out that we don't live on "production," that we need food, potable water, breathable air, fertile soil free from poisons, etc.

Some of Davidson's arguments might reach too far (e.g.--do Americans really have extra children because of the tax deduction? While some people might decide that they couldn't afford a third, fourth child, many people have a specific number of children for reasons largely outside of tax law), but most of his arguments and solutions seem reasonable.

Also, sometimes his cost-benefit analyses seem a bit skewed. He uses the example of reinsulating a church rather than installing a dishwasher and buying reusable mugs for coffee hour, for instance. This seems like a question of scale, though. How much reinsulation could you get done for the cost of a dishwasher?

But this is quibbling. In general, the book is a very gentle, reasonable consciousness-raising text that would be suitable for both public and academic libraries. This would be a good conversation-starter for a book group.½
BenTreat | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 25, 2011 |
A good discussion of just why the environment matters, and why economics should consider ecological issues. The author writes in a readable style, not bound up in lots of economics techno-babble which might turn off the casual reader.
Devil_llama | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 15, 2011 |
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