
Lorri DudleyRezensionen

Autor von Reclaiming the Spy

9 Werke 69 Mitglieder 61 Rezensionen


I am enjoying this Romance at the Gilded Age series. Each book is a stand-alone and takes us away to the summer resorts that the wealthy enjoy. This story finds Amanda Klein seeking consultation for her bruised heart in Newport New Jersey. I loved that Wesley amidst the scandal chose to seek the truth and prove to his love that things are not as they appear. Shrouded in mystery you will enjoy trying to figure out who is behind the deceit and why. A sweet romance with some elements that leave you smiling, secrets that are uncovered, faith that gives strength, and finding where our worth comes from. I loved the banter between the characters and found this to be a solid, quick read. A beautiful cover invites you in to quickly immerse yourself till the last page.
I received a complimentary copy from CelebrateLit. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 6, 2024 |
What I think you should know:
A Summer on Bellevue Avenue by Lorri Dudley is part of the Romance at Gilded Age Resort Series. The books are standalone. This book is set in Newport Rhode Island in the summer of 1895. It features heiress Amanda Klein and her suitor Wesley Jansen.

What I think about this book:
This was such an intriguing story I always enjoy stepping back in time to read about such a romanticized era. Dudley is one of my go to authors so i did not hesitate when given the opportunity to read this book. It exceeded all of my expectations. Amanda was born into the world of the elite, but after scandal she was raised in a simple life by her governess. When she is thrust back into society she struggles to know who to trust. Wesley is determined to prove his innocence and above all his genuine love for Amanda, but when unknown forces are working against them it is an uphill battle. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I look forward to reading more from the series and the author.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit, this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
DonnaC83 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 2, 2024 |
In the enchanting realm of Christian Historical Romance, Lorri Dudley invites readers on a heart-stirring journey with her latest novel, “A Summer on Bellevue Avenue.” Nestled within the pages of this captivating tale is the story of Amanda Mae Klein, a wealthy heiress who discovers her soulmate in Wesley Jansen. Their love is an oasis of tranquility, with Wesley being the anchor that soothes Amanda’s anxiety in social interactions.

However, the idyllic narrative turns dark when an ominous force seeks to shatter the blissful union between Amanda and Wesley. The tranquility of their love is disrupted by a shocking event that leads to Wesley being accused of a grievous crime. As the shadows of suspicion loom over him, Amanda’s world crumbles and the foundation of their love is put to the ultimate test.

What follows is a gripping tale of resilience, faith, and the unyielding power of love in the face of adversity. Dudley skillfully navigates through the intricacies of the plot, unveiling secrets and introducing unexpected twists and turns that keep readers on the edge of their seats. The story captures the imagination and resonates with the profound message of enduring love and the triumph of faith.

One of the standout elements of “A Summer on Bellevue Avenue” is Dudley’s ability to weave a narrative that seamlessly combines a rich historical backdrop with the nuanced development of characters. Amanda’s journey, in particular, is a testament to the strength that lies within as she confronts challenges that threaten to dismantle the love she holds dear. The characters are expertly crafted, their personalities leaping off the pages and imprinting themselves on the reader’s heart.

The author’s mastery of storytelling is evident as she creates a world that is both immersive and poignant. The delicate dance between love and adversity is beautifully choreographed, drawing readers deeper into the characters’ emotions. Dudley’s prose is eloquent, painting vivid scenes that transport readers to a bygone era while still making the characters’ struggles relevant and relatable.

I was engrossed in “A Summer on Bellevue Avenue” from the first page to the last. The magnetic pull of the storyline and the well-rounded characters left me unable to put the book down until I reached a satisfying conclusion. Dudley’s ability to blend romance, historical elements, and Christian faith in a seamless tapestry is commendable and sets this novel apart in the genre.

In conclusion, if you seek a Christian Historical Romance that combines passion, faith, and a riveting plot, “A Summer on Bellevue Avenue” by Lorri Dudley is a must-read. My review is unbiased, as I received a complimentary copy of the book, but rest assured, all opinions expressed are genuinely my own. Embrace the love story that transcends trials and tribulations, and embark on a journey through the corridors of history with Amanda and Wesley as your guides.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 2, 2024 |
What an exciting story this was with intrigue, greed and misunderstandings. I liked how Wesley never gave up on proving his innocence and trying to win the love of his life back. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wesley is working hard at night getting his paperwork completed in order to propose marriage. He is overcome with stress and fatigue and falls asleep at his desk. A shrill scream awakens him as he finds an unconscious woman at the bottom of the stairs to his office. I appreciate his integrity to try to help the woman yet it caused him to bring doubt on his honor. Who is this woman and why was she at his office late at night?

Amanda is excited knowing that soon Wesley will ask for her hand in marriage. She adores him and can’t wait to start their lives together. She comes from a wealthy family but she never uses her wealth to gain acceptance. In fact she doesn’t really like the limelight especially after the scandal about her mother. When Amanda is suddenly whisked away by family in the early morning hours, she has no time to really digest what is happening. She is finally told of what transpired between Wesley and the unknown woman. I loved how she knew in her heart that Wesley would never betray her.

The story does take on a mystery when Amanda and Wesley’s lives are in danger. Someone doesn’t want them to get married. What would this person gain if the marriage did not take place ? The author does a good job of leaving little hints throughout the story of who was behind everything yet I was still surprised by who it turned out to be. I loved the time period and how two people showed great resilience in the face of adversity. Rumors and more rumors tried to ruin reputations as greed starts to take over someone’s thinking. The story is a nice illustration of trust and standing up for others. In the end, truth always prevails.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 27, 2024 |
“God has prepared you for this moment. Go and bloom where you are planted, because He has tilled the soil.”

People are the same in any century. Lorri Dudley takes us back to New York City and Newport in 1895. We are invited into the lives of the rich and famous of the time. So many times we think if we just had more money, life would be simple. In her latest novel, A Summer on Bellevue Avenue, Dudley proves that money can’t buy happiness. In the space of a few hours, the future happiness of two of the ultra-rich, Wesley Astor Jansen and Amanda Klein, is tossed up in the air and contorted into suffering by those around them.

The big question becomes, how will each of them behave in these new, undesirable circumstances? Amanda is nearly thrown to the wolves in the summer playground for the wealthy, trying desperately to fit in, avoid the whispers, and the reminders of the past. Wesley tries hard to prove his innocence of sordid allegations, but evidence keeps mounting to the contrary.

I love how down-to-earth and kind both Amanda and Wesley are. They stand in sharp contrast to their social circle, which forbids becoming true friends with the servants or even treating them compassionately.

Katie is my favorite secondary character, as she reluctantly realizes Amanda’s gold heart and decides to trust her. Katie gives very solid, well-considered advice, unlike Amanda’s society mentor.

I love how Wesley rescues Amanda socially, but the biggest rescue was a change to her thinking. Amanda is very fearful of making a misstep in this elite society. Wesley uses an example to open her eyes to how that society really operates, freeing her to be who God made her to be. “The captain who taught me threw the crabs in a bucket—no lid or anything to keep them inside. I asked if they’d climb out, but the captain laughed and said to watch. As soon as one crab looked as though he was going to make it over the edge to his escape, the other little buggers pulled him back down into the bucket. According to the captain, not a single one had ever gotten away.”

“These are the crabs, and this gilded inner sanctum is the bucket. If someone gets too high within its walls, others will tear them down.”

Author’s notes at the end list some of the famous socialites of the time who are mentioned in the book and give a brief bio of each.

I recommend this historical romance for lovers of history, the Gilded Age, and any dealing with inferiority complexes.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. I also bought an ebook copy. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“A person’s value didn’t come from their bank account, bloodlines, or social connections. Their worth was determined by those they loved and who loved them in return and by God, who gave His son so they could have life.”

“I should warn you. Love makes a man weak.” “Vulnerable, yes, but love can also make a person stronger.”

“You’re a rose blooming in a thistle garden.” Katie smiled. “Show them not just the beauty on the outside but surprise them by what’s on your inside. My mama always says, ‘a little sugar makes bitter tea easier to drink.’”
Becky_L | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 25, 2024 |
Bloom where you’re planted because God has tilled the soil.

Who would have thought that the elite would be brought down by a bow and arrow! In 1895 many of those who had the most felt the need to push others down, lest they fall out of grace with the ones at the top. A pet project looked very good to others, so Olivia Van Hassel has taken Amanda Klein on as her protégé. However, things do not proceed as planned.

A planned marriage proposal, a merger of two companies and betting on the stock market. Whatever could go wrong? A lovely story reminding us that all are worthy, whether you are born into an elite family or not.

An ARC was received through WIld Heart Books. These impressions are my own and were in no way solicited.
Eamace | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 6, 2024 |
Reclaiming the Spy by Lorri Dudley is a Christian Historical Romance. After ten years of praying for her husband’s return, Lady Abigail unexpectedly finds him again when she falls sick, and he cares for her. But the things of fairytales turn into nightmares when he tells her to forget him and move on with her life.

Nicholas Emerson married the girl of his dreams and then immediately got pressed into service for the Crown. War has ravaged his physical appearance as well as his mental state. He returns home after ten years for his mother’s funeral. He has no plans to see his wife, but that plan fails.

Lorri Dudley creates a story filled with faith, hope, charity, and, most of all, love. I found myself unable to put this book down. The book contains characters that surprise me, including one that I initially disliked but then proved to be one of my favorite characters.

So, if you enjoy Christian Historical Romances, check out Reclaiming the Spy by Lorri Dudley for yourself. I highly recommend it!

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 12, 2023 |
“I didn’t want the world. I just wanted you.”

Set in the broader scope of Regency England, Lorri Dudley’s Reclaiming the Spy is a great novel to read on so many levels. You could read it for the romance. Will Abby and Nick ever get their conflicting, see-sawing emotions and actions on one plain?

On the marriage front, several thoughts emerge. When is enough, enough? How long do you keep hoping and praying for change? Can you assume you know how your partner will respond to your trial?

Who are the true friends? Who are the enemies? You may be surprised!

I loved that Mama Em’s words of faith often come back to Abby, even after Mama Em has passed. Our words of faith can have such power! “Now, it was Mama Em’s words that kept Abby from teetering over the edge into hopelessness. ‘Bring your questions to God. He can handle them.’”

And, our intercession for others can makes all the difference, in Heaven’s economy. “There were times when Abby hadn’t been able to pray. It had been too painful, but Mama and Katherine had prayed in her stead.”

And a thank you to Ms. Dudley. We are dealing with a ongoing, painful, family crisis. I laughed my way through the last part of the book and felt healing for my soul!!

A must-read!! I received a copy of the book from Celebrate Lit. I also bought a copy. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“It’s like I told you, even when He’s silent, He’s working.”

“God hasn’t deserted you.” Her voice pleaded for understanding. “It says in His word that He will never leave you or forsake you. I used to think God had forgotten me, but I grew to realize that He was by my side pulling me though. He’s with you too.”

“…marriage isn’t an emotional thing. People don’t merely fall in and out of love. You make a decision to love, for better or worse. Sometimes you have to make that decision daily—sometimes it’s hourly.”

‘The success of one’s turnaround depends upon the depths of one’s desperation.’
Becky_L | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 7, 2023 |
This is book two in the Agents of Espionage series and although they build on each other I was able to read it as a stand-alone as I had somehow missed book one. I was so glad I did as this was gobsmacking good and left me with heart palpitations. Abigail has waited ten years for her husband to return from the Peninsula War. Unbeknownst to her he has returned a broken man suffering from PTSD that could have him placed in a mental hospital permanently as in those days it was not understood as it is now. It is written with finesse and empathy and you are quickly drawn into Nicholas life and his love for his wife that he wants to protect from himself. Abigail has an undying love for her husband and a faith that gives her strength as well as compassion for the local orphans so you will quickly love her character. The romantic tension is swoon worthy and the storyline well developed and leaves you not wanting it to end. I highly recommend a fainting couch for this one.
I received a complimentary copy from CelebrateLit. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 7, 2023 |
The book's introductory scene happens when Nicholas Emerson and Abigail get married. Everyone is happy up until Nicholas goes off to war. The focus of the story is on this couple and how war affects them and their families. Abigail discovers that her husband has been reported missing in action shortly after kissing him goodbye and telling him she was proud to be his wife. Despite the devastating news, she is loved and supported by her family.

This story focuses on the difficulties and recovery from PTSD, a condition that was not recognized back then. The conclusion is charming and motivating despite the choices Nicholas and Abby make. This is the second book in the Agents of Espionage series. Even though II haven't read any of the other novels in this series. I never felt lost. This can be read as a standalone.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I requested and received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog
norastlaurent | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 7, 2023 |
It has been ten years since Abigail has seen her husband. They married young and suddenly he was called away to war. Now after losing her mother-in-law she feels very alone. In her heart she still feels that Nicholas is alive and can’t give her heart to someone else. I admire her loyalty and faith which has helped her all these years.

Nicholas has been damaged by the war emotionally and physically. What his wife doesn’t know is that he is very much alive. He has endured so much that it has affected him in ways that many do not understand. Being tortured and having to keep your cover is difficult. I think he may be dealing with PTSD. When he runs into his wife he is happy yet scared for her life. She has no idea that he has been a spy and hold secrets that could put others in danger. How will he explain that he can’t stay? Will he be able to forget about her?

I could not put this book down with its deep faith content and illustration of trust in God. No matter what trials Abigail faced she never gave up hope that her husband was alive. Nicholas continues to tell Abigail that he must leave het. She fights with all she has to let him know that he is safe now.

Emotional scars run deep and are hard to overcome. Nicholas allows his fears to convince him that he can never be happy or have a life with Abigail. There are deep scars that only God can heal for him. The journey in this story is filled with sadness, pain and forgiveness. The truth lies in believing God and allowing him to heal what the enemy tried to use for bad. Will Abigail and Nicholas get their happy ending?

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 4, 2023 |
Another really special, faith filled love story. Full of lessons to rely on God and not on your own understanding. Abby and Nick were just married when he was called into service for the Crown during the war with Napoleon. He became a valued spy and stayed away from home for 10 years until the death of his Mother. Circumstances made him reveal himself to Abby, when he had planned on leaving again. She had never stopped loving him even though she was told he was dead. Wonderful love story with a great deal of struggle for both of them, heart wrenching times. The proof of God's faithfulness shines through. Solid faith, very believable characters to get caught up with. Second book in series, but stands alone (read the first one too, you'll be glad you did!)

I received this book free from the author, publisher and CelebrateLit book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#ReclaimingTheSpy #LorriDudley #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #FiveStarNovel #CelebrateLit #ChristianHistorical #WildHeartBooks
Robin.Willson | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 29, 2023 |
Warning! This book is impossible to put down. Reclaiming the Spy is the second book in the Agents of Espionage series and will definitely tug on your heartstrings. After reading the first book in the series, I was excited to read Abby’s story. Hers is an emotional journey of faith, second chances, and strength as she deals with unimaginable circumstances.

The day after their wedding, Nicholas Emerson left Abby to serve the crown in the Peninsular Wars and is presumed dead. After ten long years of waiting, Abby has nearly given up hope, but when a stranger appears at her mother-in-law’s funeral, she begins to question if Nicholas is still alive. Suffering a bout of food poisoning, she collapses in the woods and is rescued by a man she thinks might be her husband, but is she delirious?

Nicholas is alive but suffering from severe PTSD. He’s temporarily taken shelter in a cabin in the woods waiting for his next assignment. Though he longs to be with Abby and still loves her, his traumatic experiences during the war make him fearful of inadvertently hurting her. When he finds her collapsed in the woods, he risks exposing his identity to save her. But when Abby recognizes him and begs him to stay, will he?

This is a heart wrenching story that’ll have you admiring Abby for her faith, caring, and persistence, and railing at the awful predicament she finds herself in. My heart ached for Nick. It’s clear he loves Abby, but that one misguided comment from her in the beginning of their courtship put him on a treacherous path that’s lead him far away from her. It’s a tender, painful journey as they both try to reclaim their marriage. And just when you think things might work out, danger and more problems threaten their future.

This faith-filled, action packed, angsty story was perfectly balanced with romance and a touch of humor. I enjoyed the local busybody Lady Etheridge who provides some much needed lightness to the story. I also liked the references to werewolves and the town’s superstitions.

The ending was definitely a surprise with plenty of twists and turns along the way. It’s a must read regency romance that’ll keep you turning the pages. Though it’s part of a series, it can be read as a standalone. Looking forward to the next book! I received an advanced complimentary copy from CelebrateLit. All opinions are completely my own and voluntarily provided. 4 1/2 stars raised to 5½
Melissas-Bookshelf | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 28, 2023 |
Whisked off to war the day after his wedding, Nicholas is missing in action and presumed dead. Abigail refuses to believe he is gone and it would appear that her faith has stood her in good stead. However, Nick is now a highly sought after spy for the King and thus not free to return to her even after 10 years.

This wonderful story of second chances is not to be missed. There is plenty of mystery to keep you wondering on more than one front. I loved Lady Etheridge - she definitely keeps the reader guessing. The effects of war are shown in more than one area - nightmares are common. Is there any relief?

This early copy was received through WildHeart Books and BookFunnel. These thoughts are my own and were in no way solicited.
Eamace | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 25, 2023 |
Reclaiming the Spy, by Lorri Dudley is the second book in the Agents of Espionage series. Nicholas was sent to war the day after marrying Abigail. After being injured and presumed dead for ten years, he returns home and hides out in a cabin. When she become ill and unable to get home, he carries her and sends for help.

I just loved this story. It has so much hope despite the desperate situation. I was left hoping Abigail could convince Nicholas to stay, while he felt he had to leave and return to his life as a spy. This is a story of unending love and faith. I appreciate how the story show how severely affected Nicholas was from the war and how unknowingly it affected others. The ending of the story was a surprise. I like how the story shows the different ways people look at others.

I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book, this is my honest review.
eccl | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 28, 2023 |
Revealing the Truth by Lorri Dudley is a historical romance. I could not put this book down as I began reading about Katherine and her ruthless guardian. The famous Jenkins Lipizzaner horses add an excellent dimension to this book. When her carriage is run off the road and left for dead, Katherine is rescued by a kind couple.

British spy Stephen Hartington’s assignment to uncover an underground horse-thieving ring brings him home to his family’s manor, and upon climbing through a bedroom window, he finds himself unexpectedly hit over the head by a candlestick.

Katherine worries about who she can trust but finds herself inexplicably drawn to Stephen. I loved the dynamics Lorri Dudley creates between the two characters. Stephen’s sister added an interesting dimension to this book. I loved the twists and turns the plot took until the very end.

So if you enjoy historical romances, check out Revealing the Truth by Lorri Dudley for yourself. I definitely recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 10, 2023 |
“Courage is a habit.”

Lorri Dudley’s historical romance Revealing the Truth leaves me wishing I could just bask in the happiness that comes with reading such a well-written book. I loved it for the romance thread, and for the deceptions that made for great reader angst. The spy aspect added depth, as did the relationships that were either horrific or beauteous and life-giving. Dudley also outdoes herself with some twists that elevate the novel to a new level.

I wished the novel had itself included more about the Lipizzaner horses, but it did include a lot of horse riding, and some horse handling tips. I was interested enough to research the Lipizzaner horses to get a feel for why that breed was important to the novel.

I loved the way that the faith of Stephen, Abby, and his parents, influences Katherine. They are quick to pray when a need arises and urge others to do the same. They can encourage others to trust, because they, esp. Stephen’s mother, have learned how to trust God. However, it is Abby that explains her fear and how she overcame it. “I let fear have its way. Soon, it controlled me. You should have seen it. I would shake uncontrollably just being near a horse, which is dreadful when you live on a horse farm. It spilled over into other areas of my life too. I couldn’t ride in a carriage or go into town. My world shrunk as I became captive to fear.”
“Courage is a habit...My faith grew one step at a time.”

If you like Christian romance, encouragement in your faith, spies of England in the 1800s, horses, or you just enjoy seeing good family relationships, I highly recommend Revealing the Truth!

I was given a complimentary copy of the book from the author through Celebrate Lit. I also bought my own ebook. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“Arrogance is having too high of an opinion in one’s self, otherwise known as putting on airs. Confidence is humbly knowing who you are and what you can do through Christ Jesus. I am confident.”

“We think we can change our behavior to fix our lives...What we really need is to trust God and let Him change our hearts.”

“Faith requires trust, not logic.”
Becky_L | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 7, 2023 |
This book has everything a reader who loves historical fiction would want. I loved the setting and learning about horses. I do like horses but they are intimidating to me. Our leading lady Katherine is at home around horses. She is gentle with them and has no fear. I loved reading how she was able to calm even the most demanding horse.

What a shock it is for Katherine after her parents die, to discover that her cousin has decided to marry her and take over her inheritance. The only thing she can do is run away and try to get help before she loses everything her parents worked hard for. I don’t care much for amnesia stories but this one was worth reading. It has secrets, danger, spies and a very good faith thread which points readers to learning to trust Him.

Stephen is a bit suspicious of Katherine when she is brought to his family home. Being found on the side of the road near frozen to death and not knowing who she is makes him wonder if she can be trusted. I liked how he slowly starts to have feelings for her but puts his trust in God before making any decisions about her. Stephen has his hands full trying to catch horse thieves while also wanting to get to know Katherine better.

The author gives us a great adventure with twists in the story that made me wonder just who could be trusted. Some think Katherine could be part of the horse thief ring, but Stephen can’t believe she is that calculating that she would use him and his family in order to steal from them. There are tense moments when danger draws near and causes Katherine to decide if she needs to finally tell the truth of who she is.

The tension mounts when an unexpected person arrives to claim Katherine as his wife. What a surprise that is when Stephen was just about to give his heart to her. I loved how the author keeps us guessing as a plot develops to catch the thieves. I kept wondering if Katherine would finally surrender to God and allow Him to keep her safe. The ending is full of surprises and I’m happy to learn that there will be another book in this series.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 3, 2023 |
Revealing The Truth by Lorri Dudley is book one in Agents of Espionage series. This is a great start to a series. It has suspense, mystery, action and romance. The writing is so clear it is easy to imagine the surroundings and feel the suspense. The story takes the reader back to England in the 1800’s where men pretty much rule the world. When Katherine’s father died, she took care of their farm with Lipizzaner horses by herself, until the day a distant relative arrives at the door and takes over the farm and tells her they are to marry.

I just adored the characters of the Hartington family. Even though they have suffered loss and setbacks their faith is so strong and are so welcoming to strangers. Their Christian faith is very evident. I appreciate how Katherine and Stephen both don’t really know who they can trust. I enjoy the small bits of humor woven into this story as well.

I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book, this is my honest review.
eccl | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 31, 2023 |
Fake memory loss, a conniving deadly relative, a horse thieving ring, and a handsome agent of the crown made Revealing the Truth hard to put down! I thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced, slow build Regency romance. It’s my first book by Lorri Dudley and certainly won’t be my last. The characters and plot completely drew me in and I couldn’t wait to find out what happens next.

Katherine’s world is thrown upside down after the loss of her parents. She’s taken on the sole responsibility for running her family’s estate and caring for their prized horses. When her cousin arrives and tries to force her into an unwanted marriage, she flees but winds up in a carriage accident. When she’s rescued by a kind family, she’s not sure she can trust them. Pretending memory loss after the accident seems like the best option. When she starts to fall for the family’s eldest son, she has to decide how much of herself she can reveal so as not to endanger her sister who’s away at school, and the family she’s come to care for.

Stephen is a secret agent for the crown, currently on the trail of a horse thieving ring. When he meets the beautiful stranger his family has taken in, he can’t decide if he can trust her. Is she in league with the thieves? As he grows closer to the feisty Kate, he’s in danger of losing his heart. But, what of the woman he nearly proposed to back in London? Will he risk everything to fall for Kate?

I loved Kate and Stephen! Their banter and teasing were delightful. Both fight their feelings for different reasons, but the pull is undeniable. I enjoyed the way they grew to trust each other. I also enjoyed Stephen’s family, especially his twin sister Abby. I can’t wait for her story.

The mystery was intriguing with plenty of suspenseful situations. While I thought Kate’s feigning memory loss went on a little too long, it served as a great tool in ratcheting up the suspense and angst. The ending was quite a surprise and I’m still grappling with the twist. I also enjoyed how faith was gently woven throughout the story in a natural, believable way. The setting was fantastic, though Kate does things sticklers of Regency customs might frown on.

All in all, a compelling, romantic story inspirational historical romance fans will enjoy. I look forward to reading the next book in the series. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.
Melissas-Bookshelf | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 29, 2023 |
1811 Wiltshire, England ~ Katherine, Countess of Dysart has been taking care of family business since her parents were killed in a carriage accident. It hasn’t always been easy, but with staff that is loyal to her, it has been getting done. Unexpectedly the guardian/cousin arrives and everything seems to go downhill from there.

More accidents, possible amnesia and horse thieves will keep you enthralled with this first book in the Agents of Espionage series. Will the truth be revealed before it is too late? Can Katherine learn to trust God with her future, letting Him change her heart as well as the hearts of others?

This ARC was received through WildHeart Books and BookFunnel. These impressions are my own and were in no way solicited.
Eamace | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 23, 2023 |
Full of mystery and fun dialogue, this novel is not one to miss! I have enjoyed the novels in this series and although I think reading them in order allows you to gain some better background to the characters in each book, they stand well on their own as well. I liked that we got to spend more time with Maggie in this novel (we first met her in The Captain's Quest) and I really liked her feisty spunk. She also has a depth to her with great faith that gives her a positive outlook and courage when faced with trials and hardships. I loved the humorous way her relationship developed with Samuel. I was impressed with the research the author did on the sugar plantations during this time period. The setting was well written and sounded like a place I would like to visit! The twists near the end made the story interesting and kept my attention. I am sad to see this series coming to an end, but I cannot wait to read more by this author!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
lifeofliterature | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 22, 2023 |
What I think you should know:
The Heir’s Predicament by Lorri Dudley is the sixth and final book in the Leeward Island Series. This book features Maggie Prescott, the young girl who was found Shipwrecked in The Captain’s Quest. I do not recommend that you start the series with this book as it gives updates on the characters from previous books in the series, however I highly recommend that you RUN to start the series, you will not be disappointed!

What you might want to know:
This is set when slavery was still an accepted practice on the sugar plantations. The story does not focus on it but it does touch on it.

What I think about this book:
Maggie captivated me from the moment we met her so I was very excited to get more of her story! It is hard to imagine a little girl of unknown origins trying to find her place among The Ton, however her strength that allowed her to survive alone on a deserted island will not allow her to accept society’s judgment without a fight. Samuel was sent to Antigua as a punishment for his temper, but his time there ends up teaching him more than he ever imagined. I LOVED this story, it was a wonderful adventure with mysteries, danger and the search for truth. While I hate to see the series come to an end this book was everything that I wanted and so much more. I look forward to more adventures with Dudley in the future.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit, this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
DonnaC83 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 22, 2023 |
The Heir’s Predicament by Lorri Dudley concludes the Leeward Islands series. Introduced in The Captain’s Quest. After being shipwrecked on the island as a girl, Maggie Prescott becomes rather feral until she finds herself adopted. Years later, she convinces her maid to go to the bearing school in her place so she can go to the island to discover her true heritage.

Lord Samuel Fredrick Harcourt Granville finds himself exiled to the islands after his temper jeopardizes his future after catching his fiance cavorting with his so-called friend. The House of Lords sends him to the island where he attempts to revive a dying sugar plantation and to learn to control his temper.

I loved seeing the interactions between Maggie Prescott and Lord Samuel Fredrick Harcourt Granville. The author did an excellent job developing these characters and the storyline. While you can elect to read this book on its own, I definitely recommend reading the books in order to get the full enjoyment out of this book.

So if you enjoy Christian historical fiction check out this book and the entire series for yourself.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 21, 2023 |
This last book in The Leeward Islands Series certainly does not disappoint. It is difficult to imagine how important peerage was to people during the Regency period. Maggie Prescott was found alone on an island as a young child, obviously an orphan with no information about her family. Since her background was so vital to her future, she snuck away to Antigua where she believed her mother was from. That’s when the excitement began….

Finding myself laughing out loud at times and wanting to tear my hair out at other times, I found it difficult to set this book aside. Between trust betrayed, secrets uncovered and others kept to the guilt associated with those things, you will grow to love these wonderful characters. Learning that God lights the way, one step at a time they finally realize that a supernatural God cannot be limited to the natural. They just have to trust.

An early copy was received through WildHeart Books and BookFunnel. These impressions are my own and were in no way solicited.
Eamace | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 17, 2023 |