
Theo FenravenRezensionen

Autor von Phoenix Rising

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Reviewed on Hearts On Fire...

I was immediately pulled into this wonderful and well written first book in what I am hoping will be a dynamic series. Gray is living in a black hole hating his job, moving from one meaningless fling to another and fighting to avoid his gift of precognition. His grandfather is killed and Gray inherits his grandfather's houseboat and its dazzling handsome boarder Cooper. Although only eighteen and illiterate, Cooper is wise for his age and has a talent all his own. The duo soon take to the river on a journey to learn and discover how to use their particular gifts. A letter left behind by Gray's grandfather urges the older Gray it learn how to use his precognition gift as his grandfather used his precog. The two men soon discover that the gifted are a very secretive group and not everyone wants them around. Gray and Cooper are terrific main characters and their easy companionship and growing love adds a lot of depth to this paranormal mystery story. The secondary characters are colorful and more than a little quirky. Mr. Fenraven did an excellent job of slowly peeling back the layers of both Gray's and Cooper's gifts instead of just plopping them in their laps. The story read very well and went quickly but kept me interested. Being the first in a series, this was the set up book and so was a little light on the mystery and precog information. I expect that Mr. Fenraven will masterfully remedy that in the next installment due out in a few months. The only thing that really bothered me about the book was the "To Be Continued" ending. That is a total turn off for me especially when the next book is not yet available. I heartily recommend this engaging book but would advise potential readers to wait until the second installment is out before beginning this book so that the story line stays fresh.
Connorz | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 4, 2023 |
Reviewed on Hearts On Fire...

This second book in the Precog in Peril trilogy picks up right where the last book ended. Gray and Cooper find the key hidden in Graham's secret hiding spot and head to the bank to find out just what the safe deposit box holds. There is a load of money and a set of what may be priceless tarot cards. Mystery piles upon mystery with the unexpected arrival of Gray's cousin, Harper, who moves onto the Constant Companion. The money disappears from a locked boat and Gray and Cooper find themselves needing to visit the astral plane looking for but only getting vague answers. The guys decide that they need to pay another visit to Jolly Roger which gives Harper a much needed vacation even though she tends to stifle their sexual antics. The book ends on another damnable "To Be Continued" which Mr. Fenraven has assured me will be the last of its kind. The story leaves Gray and Cooper with more questions than a box of trivial pursuit and powers that just keep growing. I lost half of my afternoon to this fun story and don't regret a second of it. Mr. Fenraven has managed to weave another exciting yet easy read full of mystery, romance and the paranormal into a cohesive and fast moving story. Harper and her drama added another dimension to the story line that kept things interesting. The cast of characters from book one are back to either guide or confuse the guys just when they think they have a handle on things. I enjoyed this book more than the last primarily because I know and feel comfortable with the well written characters. I would recommend that fans of paranormal mystery buy the two books now as there is enough of a story to sink your teeth into and the last book in the trilogy is due out in January.
Connorz | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 4, 2023 |
Reviewed on Hearts On Fire...

What a perfect ending to an exciting trilogy this book was. Mr. Fenraven picked right up where Knight Of Wands left off. Cooper and Gray come to in a musty hotel room after their abduction by Jolly Roger in Knight Of Wands. Roger recruits the guys into the PsiOps which is a government organization that studies people with gifts and often uses them in covert work. Cooper and Gray are moved to a small compound in Ely, Mn. where they are trained and meet other gifted people. Gray's abilities are pushed to the maximum when McCollough shows up to collect on their business deal. I cannot recommend this excellent, short trilogy highly enough. I suggest that readers buy all three books as they will not want to stop at one book. The story line flows perfectly from book one to the conclusion of book three. Gray and Cooper are extremely well done and likable characters as are many of the secondary characters. Mr. Femraven manages to skillfully weave the plight of homeless GLBT youth into an engrossing paranormal adventure with a HEA. I'm looking forward to reading many more books by this author.
Connorz | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 4, 2023 |
Reviewed on Hearts On Fire...

Mikal has just had his heart broken by his cheating boyfriend and doesn't want to deal with the Fire Island scene this summer. Still wanting a weekend escape from Manhattan's summer heat, he finds a rental in N. Y. state. The house is beautiful but it already has an occupant, the ghost of the first owner, Thomas. Mikal's best friend puts him in touch with a hot ghost chaser, Seth, and things start heating up in the house.
Mr. Fenraven has the innate ability to drop the reader right into the center of his stories. Told from Mikal's POV, I found myself feeling the hurt of his recent break up to his utter despair over Thomas's situation. The characters are rich, real and well developed. The political and societal message that the GLBT community needs to be totally accepted was beautifully illustrated by Thomas's tragic life and death. I was glad to see that Thomas had one moment of true happiness in being himself. The movements from the past with the diary to the present with Mikal and Seth's budding romance flowed well. Due to be released on March 1,this charming short ghost story is guaranteed to leave any fan of the paranormal smiling and feeling good.
Connorz | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 4, 2023 |

This was not your everyday romance story and I have to commend Mr. Fenraven for tackling the subject of gender fluidity with skill and integrity. Sky is a beautiful woman in everyone's eyes except her own. Zach is a budding television star who is keeping his bisexuality hidden. They meet through a friend of Zach's who knows Sky as an herbalist. Sky and Zach begin seeing each other socially and Sky is blown away that her being transgender is a non-issue with Zach. All hell breaks loose when the tabloids pick up the story that the two are dating. Secrets are revealed by the tabloid vultures that almost ruin the couple. I have to admit that this story made me angry at the narrow minded individuals in society. I was touched by the bravery shown by Sky and disgusted that she had to turn to tricking just to live because of prejudices prevalent in the United States today. Zach and Ricky were heroes in this book. Zach knew that there was a lot to lose by loving Sky but did anyway. Ricky was awesome for the way he had the nerve to embrace his own desires. The way the realtor reacted to Richy was appalling. I hope that more and more places like T-One spring up across the country with strong people like Liza to run them. This story is an engrossing read that hits you right where you live. The emotions that Mr. Fenraven was able to evoke in me through this amazing roller coaster ride ran the gamut from happy to sad to anger. A good book touches me in some way and leaves me thinking and this book did just that. I whole heartedly recommend this excellent story to anyone who has ever taken a chance on love.
Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
Mr. Fenraven can bat out the sweet shorts but I'm really waiting for a novel. Having vacationed in Naples many times, the casual city for the wealthy and famous was captured perfectly. I liked Tristan but anyone with the head for business that he had would have had a will. Mal was the perfect gay man just coming out of the closet questioning his life. I can imagine the greedy murderer but as a Floridian who has gone through a few hurricanes, you just don't open a door or window in a category three storm but this is fiction. Forgive a few flaws and you'll have an enjoyable sweet romance story.
Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
This was a fun short. I liked the premise and the characters but the ending was pretty weak.
Connorz | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 4, 2023 |
I skipped stories from authors that rate all their books. It's not the case with those that only rate antologies; I still don't like it but I can understand it like a recognition to their co-authors.

Ninety-nine Problems by Becky Black - 3 stars

Bread and Butter Pudding by Jules Jones - 3 stars

Chanctonbury Ring by Sarah Madison - 3,5 stars

Wrong Number by Megan Redd away - 2,5 stars

In the Doghouse by Chris Quinton - 2,5 stars

The Benefits of Hindsight by MA Ford - 2 stars

Misadventures of Mislaid Men by Penny Hudson - 3 stars

Best Vacation Ever by Rob Rosen - Skipped

Rough Tackle by Annabelle Jacobs - 2,5 stars

Illumination by Sam Evans - 2,5 stars

The Jacobite by Bette Browne - 2 stars

Wag, Not a Dog by Theo Fenraven - 2 stars

Tops Down, Bottoms Up by Jay Northcote - 3,5 stars

First Contact by Rhidian Brenig Jones - 1 star

Apollo, Heathcliff, and Hercules by S.A. García - 2, 5 stars
Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |
4.5 stars.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this story. I've never read anything by this author before and I wasn't sure where it would go. Well, needless to say, considering I started this one late last night and finished it this was pretty darn good lol.

Any story where the characters grab me, and won't let me go is a good one. And these grabbed me so strongly that I've already rushed out and bought the next two books, because I have to know what happens next. I loved the hint of suspense, although I'll admit to wanting to hit Gray upside the head at one point and tell him to open his eyes...

So, on to the next one, because honestly, I need more of these two guys!
ShazOV | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 10, 2021 |
While I really did enjoy this one, for some reason it didn't have the impact the first one did. And that disappointed me a little. Not sure why either, which makes it frustrating lol. Still a good solid read. Although ending on a cliffhanger, one of my pet peeves... luckily I already have the next one on my Kobo ready to read.
ShazOV | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 10, 2021 |
3.75 Stars

Nice little time-travelling short! My copy is a first edition; I'd find it interesting to compare it to the new, expanded 2nd edition.
Bookbee1 | Jun 23, 2020 |
I first became aware of Theo Fenraven through his comments on a blog we both follow. When I learned that he was a writer, I looked into his work. I've now read almost everything he has written, and when he posted on his own blog that his most recent work of fiction, The Haunted Maze, was available to purchase, I did exactly that. This work is shorter than a novel, more of a novella, but more than a short story. As always with Fenraven's writing, the characters come to life, and prove to be people (men) I would like to know and consider friends. Not a mystery, nor a true romance, with no sexual activity and only brief nudity, The Haunted Maze is a good story, well told, and fun to read.
mtbearded1 | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 23, 2014 |
I really enjoyed the mixture in this story. Gray is a regular guy with an unusual talent that he's ignored most of his life. He is now finding he'd better learn how to handle that talent quickly because it has put him in danger. I liked how the otherwise unlikely connection between Gray and Cooper was explained as well. The secondary characters are very colorful.

An extremely quick read. I am glad the rest of the stories in the series are available now or the ending would have made me a bit annoyed! :0)

A great introduction to Theo's writing that definitely made me interested to read more of his work!
aahickman | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 28, 2013 |
I really enjoyed the second book in this trilogy. It was fun to have Harper back as well as some of the other secondary characters. I enjoyed seeing how Gray & Cooper's relationship is deepening and becoming more meaningful to each of them. Great to see how the mystery is playing out and becoming more involved.
aahickman | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 28, 2013 |
I had passed over this originally because I don't particularly care for sports stories and I was worried that I would be forced to plod through baseball games, etc. I should have known better, there is no plodding in Theo Fenraven's stories!

I liked how the relationship between Devin and Jim developed over time. And although it was clear who the bad guy was from the beginning, simply because there aren't very many characters in the story, that part of the story played out well. I felt that Jorge’s unraveling was done very well, having read a lot of books with serial killer plots, including their inevitable deterioration; it felt very true to that type of storyline. I did think that Devin could/should have been more devastated by the loss of his career but perhaps that could be covered in another installment since this is a shorter story.

I enjoyed Jim’s grandfather; although a somewhat minor character he helped flesh out Jim’s personality. I felt like I was in Florida on a beach while I was reading this as well, never a bad thing! And Devin has a dog; I always love dogs in my stories, more than I don’t like sports in them!
aahickman | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 28, 2013 |
I believe this is my favorite of Theo Fenraven’s works so far! Mikal and Seth are very sweet together. Their relationship worked very well in the context of the story. I would love to see more of these characters!

Once again Theo did a wonderful job of setting the location, I felt like I was in the clearing where the house and barn were located, I could feel the sun shining down & the cool of the house. He is amazing at making me feel like I am in the location he is describing! He also writes wonderful secondary characters, I would have liked to have seen a little more of Alice.

Thomas’s story is heartbreaking and I wish he had shared the details of what happened to him although, being a ghost that would have been difficult.

This is a wonderful sweet ghost story that will still manage to give you the chills at times.(less)
aahickman | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 28, 2013 |
Really more like 4.5 stars. The book took the story in a very interesting direction and was, as were the first 2, a very enjoyable quick read.

However, there was a point where the story and the writing in this book went beyond what was apparent in the other 2 books. I was completely enveloped in the story and emotionally overwhelmed. It made me very interested to check out more of Theo Fenraven's writing.

Loved the storyline with Wade (that's all I'll say so as to not give it away) and the resolution of the story. It would be interesting to get another peek into Gray & Cooper's life after the end of this story arc.
aahickman | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 28, 2013 |
I really like this ghost story. The MCs were very appealing. I particularly liked how the author handled the ghost.
JDRuskin1184 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 9, 2013 |
I did have trouble getting into the book at the beginning but it started to pick up the pace about a third of the way through. I did enjoy it after that and the ending was quite chilling (if slightly predictable).

I've read other reviews and the 'non sequitor' thing that was noted struck me as more of a 'thing' couples do, an inside joke, so it didn't bother me at all. 'Piss slit' bothered me more. Seriously. It's so unsexy. Why on earth would you use it in a sex scene?
jules0623 | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 30, 2013 |
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