
Jo Ann FergusonRezensionen

Autor von Time to Share

151+ Werke 1,943 Mitglieder 69 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


I'm not even sure...this'll show you how much my tastes changed from Lexie 10 Years Ago--this book is hard to believe. But I know I enjoyed it oh so long ago because it's recorded in my "Books To Keep" journal and I only wrote books worth giving shelf space to in that.

The stories were entirely too short for what they wanted. As none of the couples knew each other, and the murder being the catalyst, there was no time for it, the romance, to build.
lexilewords | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 28, 2023 |
Surprisingly this book ended in a way completely different from how I thought it would. I thought something was a little fishy, but the truth of Sir Mitchell Renshaw’s murder was far more insidious then I imagined.

The book itself is otherwise a fairly typical historical romance between relative strangers. Despite his indecent proposals towards Jade I don’t think Lord Bannetyne was as dissolute as his reputation warranted (rumors and otherwise) and his actions only prove his rakishness is a ruse. His and Jade’s relationship can only be described as ‘tempestuous’ and heated, passion from their attraction to each other only further igniting their own argumentative behaviors.

I was more interested in Jade’s sisters then Bannatyne’s shrill shrew of a sister and thought only better of him as he tried to make them feel at ease within his home.

In the end I enjoyed this book, but it didn’t excite me as much as I had hoped.
lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
Prior knowledge of the first book, Lost in Shadow, isn’t really needed for this book. Any important information regarding Jade’s adventure is relayed and doesn’t really impact this story at any rate.

I enjoyed this book much moreso then first, but not for the romance. It started out quite promising, but it seemed somewhere in the middle that China just…gave up and gave in. She went from thinking that it was entirely wrong for her to be so intimate with the Major to succumbing and agreeing to a night time meeting! Then also very little was spoken between the two about love or even what their future held. Admittedly China was laboring to keep him alive and the Major was being a pain in the butt, but I would have thought once he began to believe her something would have been said.

The mystery for this book was no less interesting then in the first and even added in some Old Magic problems that both made no sense at all and seemed almost irrelevant. An Old God had a grudge against Quintus so it terrorized a countryside in England to get to his descendants? That part left me confused and I did my best to ignore it.

Who was presenting a very real and very human problem however was up in the air for much of the book and I was pleased with the ending.

In the end while I enjoyed this book, it left me very confused on some (supposedly) important plot points.
lexilewords | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 28, 2023 |
A Hope for Healing by Jo Ann Brown is a poignant and engaging story. I was immediately drawn into the book. I thought the story was well-written with realistic, friendly characters. I enjoyed getting to know Rosemary Mishler and Gideon Wingard. Both Rosemary and Gideon are trying to avoid the local matchmakers. Gideon knows his large, gregarious family means well. Rosemary is still grieving the loss of her husband and is not ready to marry again (if ever). When a little Englisch girl is left in Rosemary’s kitchen, Rosemary learns that her husband had secrets. I enjoyed the surprises in the story. It kept things interesting. Some of them are good and will warm your heart while others will astonish you. I like how Gideon and Rosemary kept getting thrown together. A Hope for Healing is the fourth book in Secrets of Bliss Valley series. It can be read as a standalone for those new to the series. I enjoyed the humor sprinkled throughout the story. A Hope for Healing has romance, forgiveness, family, new beginnings, a touch of mystery, and faith. We also get a glimpse of everyday Amish life. A Hope for Healing is a touching Amish tale with well-meaning matchmakers, a quiet child, a startling revelation, a cryptic past, beautiful leatherwork, and a cheerful future.
Kris_Anderson | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 5, 2023 |
Review of The Amish Widower's Twins by Jo Ann Brown. Gabriel was planning to ask Leanna to marry him. But out of the blue he married someone else. He moves to escape so many griefs and start over. Little does he realize Leanna lives next door to the farm he buys. He now has two children to raise. Leanna offers to watch the children while Gabriel works. Can there be a second chance for them. Or will secrets Gabriel promised not to share always haunt him.
squiresj | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 28, 2023 |
This read pulled me in and didn't let go until I finished the epilogue! A read that will tug at your heartstrings, and smile at the antics at the young one dropped on Rosemary's doorstop, well, actually kitchen. The journey to the kitchen is a story of its own, and it is so sad for such a little girl. Rosemary is reeling from sudden death of her husband when a young Amish man is at her door asking about renting a building.

Gideon is tired of his well meaning family, and he has lots of women in his home, his mom, two grandmothers, aunties and sisters, all who want to marry him off, he wants a breather from them and his Bishop.

There are so many surprises here, some not good, but others will make you smile, and warm you, there are updates from the previous books, but this can be read alone, but the other books are so good!

There is forgiveness, sweet romance, new beginnings, and in some ways retribution, along with every day Amish life!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Harlequin, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 20, 2023 |
Now a widow, Naomi’s marriage was not a happy one, but she kept that unhappiness a secret. She soon learns that her mother was also good at keeping secrets, especially one that directly affects Naomi. To add to her unsettled life, she discovers that her father’s hired help is a man who made her life a misery growing up. He has changed, but she refuses to trust anyone now. An abandoned baby on his doorstep begins to draw these damaged people together. It’s quite a tale, more than just a romance, and deals with some serious issues in a kind and thoughtful manner. Well written with likable characters, this story will very much appeal to readers of Amish fiction.
Maydacat | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 27, 2022 |
Lauren's Amish parents left their community when she was just 14. She - and they - became English, for reasons that were never explained to Lauren. Now she is back at her Amish community, working for a developer considering building a casino there. When she has car trouble, she meets Adam at the repair shop. Instantly, she is whisked back to her previous life. When they were both children, he was a bully and made her life a misery. Adam has changed, but Lauren is wary. He harbors a secret that is getting harder to conceal. In fact, her parents also have secrets. When these secrets are finally exposed, Lauren must come to grips to with some life-changing events. The story is everything readers want in an Amish romance - intriguing plot. likable characters, problems that are satisfactorily resolved, and a happy ending.
Maydacat | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 20, 2022 |
A Search for Redemption by Jo Ann Brown is the third novel in the Secrets of Bliss Valley. I thought A Search for Redemption was well-written with developed, realistic characters. I enjoyed getting to know Joel and Grace along with their families. I felt for Joel. He made his own choices, but a different upbringing would have made a world of difference. Joel returns to Bliss Valley after getting out of jail. He is not welcomed with open arms. Grace Coffman treats him kindly. We get to see how these two help each other. There are various storylines that all work together for one heartwarming book. Relationships are complicated and fraught with misunderstandings. Assumptions and lack of communication lead to trouble. It is important to have faith and trust. We can always count on God to get us through the rough times. Redemption, second chances, and forgiveness are themes in A Search for Redemption. While A Search for Redemption can be read as a standalone, I believe it would be beneficial to read the series in order. I like that we get to catch up with the characters from the first two stories in the series. I just loved how everything came together at the end of A Search for Redemption. I was hoping for this special conclusion. I liked that the characters had flaws (none of us are perfect). The author dealt with some tough subjects. We get to follow along to see how the characters deal with the issues. You can never run away from your secrets or your past as we see in this story. How we deal with them will determine what path we follow. There are good life lessons in this book. A Search for Redemption is a sweet, emotional story. I am eager for the next novel in the Secrets of Bliss Valley. A Search for Redemption is a touching Amish tale with a stingy supervisor, poorly parents, an imperfect past, sorrowful sons, a bewildering revelation, and a glorious God.
Kris_Anderson | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 23, 2022 |
This is the third book in this series, and yes, it can be read alone. The author does a wonderful job of bringing everything up to date.
This is Grace and Joel's story, and it is very heartwarming, but so many obstacles are thrown in their path. Yes, there is a bit of sweet romance, but there is also some family drama, and a lot of needed forgiveness.
You can't get to comfortable, because there is always something happening around the next corner. Some sad, and others very heart warming. There is a strong theme of forgiveness, and some of it is so hard, especially when the secrets really start to fall, and there are a lot of surprises.
I have read all three books in this series and they are all good, you won't be disappointed with any of them, and I love how they all fit together, and there is one more to come!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Harlequin, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 5, 2022 |
I seriously love this series so, so much and A Search for Redemption helped that love grow deeper and wider!

This novel focuses on Joel and Grace, two people that start out this story about as opposite as you can imagine. Joel has just gotten out of a six year prison sentence, and Grace is a mild-mannered Plain woman that is trying to do all she can to help her ailing parents, while also trying to hold down a job at a local quilt shop that is run by a woman that, crazy enough, reminds me of a nightmare boss that I had once upon a time. The parallels were so uncanny that I think I had a little PTSD while reading some of those scenes and that’s not the only place I felt a personal connection to this story.

Joel grappled with his past sins throughout the novel, and this is something I have first hand knowledge of, and can relate on so many levels, as I’m sure many of us can. Because I could sympathize, it made it hard for me to read his plight. I wanted to scream “forgive yourself!” and “accept God’s grace!” just like I do when I think about my own past. Getting trapped in your head like this, and not letting go, is utterly crippling, and the author does a wonderful job of showing this portrait of grace and forgiveness, not only accepting forgiveness from others but being able to forgive yourself as well.

I absolutely adored Joel and Grace together! Not only do they have a simmering chemistry that builds throughout the story, but each of them being able to be themselves with each other brings about personal growth and change in both of them for the better. Their relationship is able to elevate both of their lives in ways they’d only dreamt of and it was truly a beauty to behold this transformation.

Reading all the Amish fiction I’ve read in my lifetime I haven’t read much about the Asians that settled with the Mennonites, and really appreciated getting to learn more about the Hmong. It was just one more gem to make this read absolutely stellar. The majority of the novel was pretty predictable, but there were a few moments at the end that threw in quite the curveball. I had guessed part of it early on, but man when truths are revealed it changes everything!

Jo Ann Brown is such an immensely talented author that truly paints masterpieces with her words. Though there’s not a lot of drama, and heavily character driven, this was a novel that I could not put down, and hope that this will not be the end of this wonderful series.

**I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher through JustRead Tours. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own.
cflores0420 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 3, 2022 |
The story only barely held together. The plotting was pretty ludicrous.
Luziadovalongo | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 14, 2022 |
The beginning of this book quickly drew me in, surprise after surprise drops then we get to the second chapter and each continuing and the surprises kept dropping, what a page turner.
Forgiveness, is again part of this second book in the Bliss Valley series, and yes, they can be read alone.
I never saw how it would all play out, love how this author’s mind works, it is a gift!
Now I’m looking forward to the next book in this series!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Harlequin, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 7, 2022 |
How can you expect happiness, if you can't forgive others, and you can't forgive yourself? This is an issue for both Naomi Ropp and Samuel King in this new book by Jo Ann Brown that is both heartwarming and heart-wrenching. I could imagine Naomi's hurt as she dealt with the actions of an unfaithful husband, and I suffered as she discovered a secret that could forever change the family life that she had known. I was so touched by her love for her two-year-old twin boys and her unwavering devotion for her ailing father, but it was her willingness to care for a deserted infant that stole my heart. Why did she deserve to be betrayed, and how could she ever overcome it?

Memorable characters, a sweet romance, and a strong faith message are all a part of this story that shares a lesson in letting go of the past, learning to trust and forgive, and looking toward the future. A Promise of Forgiveness is an entertaining book that kept me turning the pages and I recommend it to all who enjoy Amish fiction.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Just Read Publicity Tours through Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
fcplcataloger | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 3, 2022 |
I enjoyed this story. Carolyn is a woman trying to protect children she loves. They lost their home and belongings in a flood. Michael comes to help rebuild the community. Carolyn was Amish but is pretending to be Mennonite for safety. Michael is an Amish man, not yet baptized, who is questioning his faith. Neither is looking for love.
I loved Carolyn and the way she cares for Kevin and Rose Anne. It touched me how she was doing the best she could to raise the children as her own. I like that the author brought out how Carolyn rationalized things in her mind and heart. I like Michael a lot. I enjoyed watching him develop a relationship with the children as well as with Carolyn. They both though are hiding parts of their background that affect their lives. Will they be able to move forward? It was a very touching story.
I received an ebook copy of this title through NetGalley for review consideration. I voluntarily chose to review it. All thoughts are mine.
Wulfwyn907 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2022 |
Naomi Ropp is a recent widow with twin two-year-old mischievous boys. After a recent change in circumstances, Naomi is returning to her father’s home in Bliss Valley. She is shocked to learn that her father has Samuel King working for him and living in the dawdi haus. Samuel and two of his friends were her tormentors when she was a teenager. Samuel started a rumor that sent her straight into the arms of her deceased husband. Still reeling from the fact that Samuel will be living and working nearby, Naomi is confronted by a woman who tells an extraordinary tale. She does not know what to make of the information she has been told and decides to put it on the back burner for now. Then a newborn is found on the porch of the dawdi haus. Thankfully, Naomi is certified as a foster parent and takes in the boppli. Another tragedy forces Samuel and Naomi to work together to care for the members of the family. Feelings begin to develop between them, but Naomi does not trust Samuel. Samuel must find a way to show Naomi that he has changed and is sorry for what happened in the past. Can Naomi forgive Samuel in order to have a bright future? A Promise of Forgiveness by Jo Ann Brown is the second novel in the Secrets of Bliss Valley series. It can be read as a standalone if you have not read A Wish for Home. I thought this touching story was well-written with developed, realistic characters. A Promise of Forgiveness is a multiplot novel. I liked how everything worked together into one complex tale. The story moves along at a good pace and the book held my attention. Bullying and verbal abuse are addressed in the book. Verbal abuse as well as bullying can be devastating to an individual and It can have long term effects. I like how the author addressed this topic. We get to see how Naomi, who remembers everything, deals with both of these topics. The smallest thing can bring it all to the forefront. It can be hard to forgive a person who has caused such lasting damage. I appreciated the epilogue that nicely wrapped up the story and left me smiling. A Promise of Forgiveness is an uplifting tale with an abandoned baby, busy buggy business, a poorly papa, a memorable memory, a lost sister, bad bullies, and finding forgiveness.
Kris_Anderson | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 9, 2021 |
A Wish for Home by Jo Ann Brown is the first book in Secrets of Bliss Valley series. I have read several of Jo Ann Brown’s books, and I have enjoyed each one of them. I thought A Wish for Home was well-written with relatable characters. A Wish for Home is more than “a girl-and-boy who dislike each other and later realize they are in love” story. Someone is setting fires in Bliss Valley that is causing significant damage as well as costing the Amish a large amount of money to rebuild. Also, Lauren receives some unexpected news from her shunned parents. It turns her world upside down. Sylvia Nolt and Grossdawdi Ephraim are delightful characters as well as Adam’s daughter. They provide humor and sweet moments. I appreciated the epilogue that nicely wrapped up book. My favorite phrase from the story is, “To trust God knows the best path for my life, especially when I don’t have the slightest idea what it is.” I am eager to read the next Secrets of Bliss Valley novel. A Wish for Home is a charming Amish tale with a mischievous moppet, a grumbling grossdawdi, an astute aunt, surprising secrets, a cunning cousin, and baffling fires.
Kris_Anderson | Apr 27, 2021 |
I do love a good Amish story, and A Wish for Home grabbed ahold of me and wouldn’t let go until I reached the last page. Lauren and Adam’s story was one of redemption and second chances, letting go of old hurts and forming new memories.

From the very beginning, I was drawn into Lauren’s story of an Amish upbringing. Lauren’s parents left the Amish lifestyle when she was a young child, but she was never told the reason why. In the years since, she went to college and became a very successful professional who came back to Bliss Valley to help in the discussions of a local casino development. If not for a freak spring snowstorm putting her car in the shop, Lauren wouldn’t have landed back at her great aunt’s inn, nor have been roped into helping her run it. She also wouldn’t have run into Adam Hershberger, her childhood tormentor.

There was more to this story than just an English girl coming back into an Amish settlement, and I really don’t want to spoil all the surprises that were scattered all through this book. Lauren’s parents have kept a few secrets from her in her life, two of which had enormous consequences. She had to learn to forgive them while also forgiving Adam for his cruelty towards her when they were in school together. Adam had a secret of his own, and when I realized what it was, my heart broke for him.

Two characters that stole the show were cute little Mary Beth and Lauren’s great aunt Sylvia. Mary Beth’s personality was just the balm that both Lauren and Adam’s hearts needed to mend their past, and her desire to spend time with Lauren drew Adam like a moth to a fly toward her as well. Great aunt Sylvia was a no-nonsense lady who never failed to say exactly what she thought. I loved her for it.

With A Wish for Home being the first book in the new trade paperback line from Harlequin Love Inspired, it looks like great things are in store based on this novel alone. I enjoyed my first opportunity to read something by this author, and will be eager to see what happens next with the characters in the sweet community of Bliss Valley.
blissbooksandjewels | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 3, 2021 |
I love the idea of being able to right a past wrong, bless someone else, and be blessed myself with a change of heart and a new beginning. Sometimes second chances come from a place that you didn't see yourself ending up, yet you blink and you're there, the opportunity hitting you in the face.

That's where we find Lauren, a woman that was taken out of the Amish community by her parents at a young age, and who fights forgiveness when it comes to the Lancaster community shunning her parents, three boys that had been in her Amish class that picked on her mercilessly, and her parents for keeping an enormous secret from her.

Instead of focusing on all the pain that permeates her heart, Lauren throws herself into her work, which is why she ends up stranded in Lancaster and face-t0-face with one of her former tormentors, Adam.

Adam isn't the same boy that Lauren once knew. Now grown, he has had his fair share of heartache, and when he reconnects with Lauren he begins to realize a lot about himself and the pain he caused his old schoolmate. I know that Lauren might not have liked him, but I sure did! It takes a real man to look inside himself and find his faults. Adam is a character with a heart of gold, a man strong in character, and is an incredibly hard worker. Lauren's character was one that I felt sympathy for, but at the same time I had hard time connecting to her, despite really wanting to.

The dynamic between Lauren and Adam is unmistakeable, and of course takes center stage, but what really captivated me were the moments with Adam and his young daughter and his cousins and great-grandfather. The pressure that Adam is under is crushing, but Lauren coming back into his life is a true blessing, and that makes me happy. I also loved Lauren's Mennonite aunt. So charming and witty!

A Wish for Home does have a slower start, but trust me you want to stick with it until the end. I love that the focus isn't all on romance, but rather on relationships, second chances and forgiveness; fresh starts and new beginnings. The author did a great job on adding a hint of mystery, which was enticing, and with satisfying writing, A Wish for Home was quite an enjoyable read, and I hope this sweet series continues!

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher through JustRead Tours. All views and opinions are completely honest, and my own.
cflores0420 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 30, 2021 |
I enjoyed this story, it is really about forgiveness, and there are a lot of surprises that unfold.
Can you go home again? Well, with circumstances from her job and raging snow and ice storm, and a big pot hole, end up bringing Lauren Holt home! To make matters worse her worst nemesis comes to her rescue.
Adam Hershberger a single father raising a four year old daughter, taking care of his aging Great Grandfather, and helping with his orphaned teenage cousins. He also has a small engine repair, and works part time at an auto repair, along with becoming a fire fighter. Talking of fires, there has been an abnormal amount of them lately.
Come and see the love and surprises that open up here. Including where Lauren ends up staying! How Adams’s daughter winds everyone around her thumb, and how Adam deals with all that is on his shoulders.
I am now looking forward to the next book in this series!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Harlequin, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 12, 2021 |
Leanna is surprised when her former beau buys a neighboring farm. After her family moved so far away after their breakup, she thought she’d never see him again. She is even more surprised to discover that he is a widower with twin babies. She agrees to watch the babies, at least temporarily, so Gabe can work. She didn’t count on falling in love with the twins, or that the feelings she still has for Gabe would plague her. Gabe has a longing for her, too, one that he keeps hidden, as well as a secret he believes he can never divulge. This well-written story is one of trust and allegiance. It illustrates how love and devotion sometimes conflicts with what is good and right, and that a promise and a request can be more hurtful than helpful.
Maydacat | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 4, 2021 |
Caleb needs help in getting his bakery started, and he hires Annie, thinking she is her twin sister Leanna. But what’s done is done, and so Caleb and Annie work getting his shop ready. Annie, though drawn to Caleb, is trying to make a match of him and her twin. But Leanna is still pining for her former beau who married another. To further complicate their lives, Caleb’s young unmarried cousin shows up with a baby, and with no where else to go, Annie and her family take them in. Whew! It’s going to take some careful thinking and a miracle or two to get everything back on track. This entertaining and delightful story is well written with interesting characters and a clever plot.
Maydacat | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 4, 2021 |
Sarah is the Amish nanny to four English children whose parents give them everything except time together. The father is busy with his racing horses, and the mother is off to Europe. The kids are starved for hands-on time with someone who cares about them, and Sarah fills that need. But Sarah has a need of her own - to be trained as an EMT, something her brothers won’t allow. When a handsome horse trainer gets injured on the ranch, Sarah is enlisted to help him with his rehab for his badly sprained ankle. Since he was raised Amish, they have a bond of friendship that may blossom into something more. There are obstacles that seem to impede the road to happiness for everyone, but Sarah puts her trust in God that all things will work out for the good for those love Him. The story is well written and the characters are engaging. The elements of romance, intrigue, problem-solving, hope, assertiveness, and forgiveness are well balanced in the plot. It may be a quick read, but this entertaining story still has substance.
Maydacat | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 1, 2021 |
This first book in the series introduces the characters and the Spinster Club that some Amish women organized for get-togethers. It centers on Eli and the nephew he is raising, and Miriam, a single schoolteacher. They are both members of a new developing Amish community. Both characters have a damaged past and are seeking to overcome the difficulties they are dealing with. There is a lot a excitement in this story that compounds the problems the characters must solve before they can achieve their HEA. Well written and engrossing, it a great start to a new series.
Maydacat | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 24, 2021 |
Not very good. Medieval setting. Elspeth has been trained as a female warrior at St. Jude’s Abbey – whose sponsor is Eleanor of Aquitaine. In the midst of carrying out a secret mission for the queen, Elspeth attracts the attention of Tarran ap Llyr – whose family was killed and from which he has never recovered. Tarran is convinced Elspeth needs protecting and the two fall in love while Tarran inadvertently helps Elspeth complete her mission.
klandring | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 9, 2020 |