5 Werke 8 Mitglieder 1 Rezension


Werke von Sai Fox



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I craved dark chocolate, instead I got vanilla.

This mafia story was definitely on the lighter side so far, maybe in the next installments, it gets heavier. We'll see.

I expected it to be a lot darker; depraved; I expected on-page BDSM; kink; blood and gore. There was only mention of these things, except some spanking right at the beginning.

Nico is the Boss's son, the heir to the Italian mob in New York, and he acts like it too. Not that we saw anything of it. But he's supposed to be ruthless and cruel in front of the Family.
But in private with his right-hand man and lover, Gabriel, he's the exact opposite. He needs the pain. This is the part where we supposed to see the S&M stuff. That did not happen, instead there was some sweet lovemaking.
They do make a good team though, and it's clear that Gabe loves Nico. Unfortunately I can't say the same about Nico. I didn't catch the same strong feelings from him.
Oh yeah, we only got Gabe's POV, which shouldn't have been a problem, but Nico felt detached to me, and maybe if I got a glimpse into his thoughts I would understood him better, or would have felt some connection to him.

Honestly I'm not sure I minded the lack of darkness, but that was what I expected (based mostly on the cover), so it fell a bit flat. But I liked it regardless, and I'm definitely going to read the second book.
But I'm hoping to see some flashbacks to the boys past, how they met as kids and grew up together, how they fell in love, I missed that part.
And give me blood, give me gunfights, fistfights, rough sex, desperation and devastating love. More, give me more! If you decide to write a dark story, then don't stop just before opening that door, but step through the threshold and bask in the darkness. Let Lucifer whisper in your ear.

Especially the first half of the book would've needed more boost, a bit more exploring, more details. Maybe it would've helped if the whole story wouldn't have played out over the span of only two days. It could've been a bit longer.
I hope in the coming books we'll get more.

All in all, the series has potential, and I'm not giving up on it just yet.

Oh and I forgot to mention the secondary characters. Connor, the Irish mobster... well he's actually a club owner. And Paul, Gabriel's ex-boyfriend. They're both great. Can't wait to see more of them. :)
… (mehr)
Gabi90 | Apr 18, 2021 |

