
J. K. Franko

Autor von Eye for Eye

8 Werke 100 Mitglieder 60 Rezensionen


Werke von J. K. Franko

Eye for Eye (2019) 42 Exemplare, 14 Rezensionen
Life for Life (2020) 16 Exemplare, 15 Rezensionen
Killing Johnny Miracle (2023) 13 Exemplare, 12 Rezensionen
Tooth for Tooth (2020) 11 Exemplare, 7 Rezensionen
The Trial of Joe Harlan Junior (2019) 11 Exemplare, 8 Rezensionen
Eye for Eye Trilogy Box Set (2020) 1 Exemplar, 1 Rezension



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"Just wrapped up 'Life for Life' by J.K. Franko, the third book in the Talion Series, and let me tell you, it’s like riding a rollercoaster with a blindfold. You think you know thrillers? Think again. Franko masterfully entangles you in a web of crime, revenge, and moral ambiguity that makes you question your own ethical compass.
Roy Cruise and his wife Susie, now expecting, find themselves dodging more than just baby shower gifts. After surviving an assassination attempt, the couple is under police surveillance, and just when you think they might catch a break, in comes Kristy Wise, stirring the pot with secrets that could blow the lid off everything. Talk about a bad day getting worse.
Franko takes us on a wild ride from Miami to Austin, juggling multiple narratives that keep you on the edge of your seat. It’s like watching a high-stakes chess game where every character is a pawn with a secret agenda. The story bounces between perspectives, including that of Susie and Roy's therapist, Catherine Martin, adding layers to an already complex narrative. And just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, Franko hits you with twists that leave your jaw on the floor.
The heart of the story is the age-old question: How far would you go to protect your family? Franko doesn’t just ask the question; he throws you into the deep end of it. The characters grapple with the consequences of their choices, each decision a step further down a path that blurs the line between right and wrong.
But it’s not all doom and gloom. Franko injects enough courtroom drama and preparation to satisfy any legal thriller aficionado. It’s like 'Law & Order' met 'Breaking Bad' in a book. The legal intricacies are so well woven into the narrative, you’ll feel like you’re part of the jury.
In summary, 'Life for Life' is a compelling, heart-pounding crime thriller that’s as thought-provoking as it is entertaining. If you’re new to the Talion Series, do yourself a favor and start from the beginning. Trust me, it’s worth the journey. And for those who have been following along, brace yourselves. Franko isn’t done with us yet – there’s a fourth book on the horizon. Can’t wait to see what he has up his sleeve next."
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hTimSs6 | 14 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 14, 2023 |
This story was absolutely awesome! I loved how everything came together at the end—it was so cool the way the author did it. I was very curious on how Penelope and Ruby were relevant to the story. Without spoiling anything, I loved their relevance.

This was written so well, and seeing how Mary and Johhny went back and forth with one another kept me in suspense. I couldn't stop reading because I was afraid I'd miss something important. I was so curious about what was going to happen to them both and when something was going to happen to them.

Now, of course, I was rooting for Mary all the way. I thought she was such a strong and smart character. What I really liked was that every time it looked like she was in trouble, she had a backup plan ready to go. It made the story even more exciting.

The writing was just right—easy to follow and enjoyable. Overall, it was an amazing read that blended suspense, strong characters, and a really satisfying ending. I not only stayed interested the whole time but also got left with a lasting impression. I am looking forward to reading other books by the same author.
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Aarion0 | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 4, 2023 |
Another J.K. Franko book means another enjoyable read. This author has a way with his books.

Now, it is important to note that I started reading this and I was a little bit confused. When I reached about 60% of the book I realised I had skipped the second book. However, it is also important to note that the missing pieces were patched together in this book so I started to enjoy it nonetheless. Also, since I read the first book in the series a while ago, I didn't remember much until I started reading and patching the character's stories together.

Now let's get into the book itself. I just didn't know who I wanted to win. Everybody deserved it (in my opinion) and everybody deserved redemption. I was particularly fond of the events that happened in court.

Now, it is hard to talk about a book without revealing spoilers, but let's just say I am glad this isn't the end of a series. This trilogy has ended but another one will begin. The author is going to delve into a character I very much can not wait for. The therapist.
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Aarion0 | 14 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 4, 2023 |
This book, the third installment in the Talion Series, threw me back into the turbulent lives of Roy and Susie Cruise, a couple that are knotted in a web of retribution and survival.
I love Franko's writing style, its always blade—sharp, precise, and at times, close to the edge. The characters were etched with a psychological depth that one might worry they'll leap off the page. Roy and Susie are a puzzle; their morality is as fluid as their circumstances, forcing me to question: What would I do?
There's a meticulousness to the plot, each twist is a deliberate step in a sinister dance, so its not a book for the faint of heart. The stakes are high, and the body count even higher. Franko didnt shy away from the consequences of the couple's actions; a trail of bodies and a looming threat of incarceration or death haunt every page​​.
It's a provocative read, rife with tension and moral dilemmas that lingered long after I’d turned the last page.
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FaukDane | 14 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 20, 2023 |


½ 4.7

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