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Omorrow is the 3rd book in the Ascenders series, and picks up right where the 2nd book left off. The story involves time travel and we experience New York City in several different decades, which makes this book a little different from the previous ones. I enjoyed the time travel aspect of the story and seeing the ties into actual events/people through history. There were definitely some big surprises along the way, and sometimes things are connected in ways you didn’t expect. I enjoy the author’s voice and vivid descriptions, which really pull you into the story. The end of the book seems to lead into what the next book will be about, so I can’t wait to get started. There were grammatical errors throughout the book, which is why I am giving it 4 stars instead of 5.
danitareads | Jun 1, 2024 |
11:11 is the 4th book in the Ascenders series, and probably the most emotional for me so far. After 3 books of following Walker and Daniel, it’s heartbreaking to find Daniel without any memory of Walker. This book actually starts a little before Omorrow ended, giving a little more insight into what happens before the shocking ending of the last book. Despite the tears, I still enjoyed reading this book a lot and can’t wait for the next book to be released so I can see what happens next. The story is definitely not over yet!
danitareads | Jun 1, 2024 |
Skypunch is the 2nd book in the Ascenders series, and basically picks up where the first book left off. The story details the aftermath of Walker and Daniel’s visit to the living realm. I feel like so much happens over the course of the story! We are given a much deeper look into some of the other schools in the realm, and also a deeper understanding of some of the supporting characters from the first story. There’s lots of new characters too! I especially love how famous people are worked into the story as teachers and other supporting characters, showing hints of the personalities we are already familiar with. The whole concept of this series is interesting and the author’s voice flows in a way that makes you want to keep reading. It is obvious at the end of the book that the story is far from over, so I’m looking forward to seeing what will happen in the 3rd book!

I received a free copy of this book from the author, but my review is voluntary and uninfluenced.
danitareads | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – Jessica {Jex} is a seventeen year-old girl that is the product of a broken family. She lives with her mom in New Jersey and her father lives in Nevada. Jex doesn’t have a real relationship with her father and has used many many excuses to not go and spend the summers with him that she is suppose to per the custody agreement that was formulated during her parents divorce. This summer however, she isn’t able to get out of it and is forced by a judge to go to her fathers and spend the summer with him.

Jex is very uncooperative with her father in throughout most of the book. She is against him, she isn’t willing to get to know him or his girlfriend and she isn’t willing to listen to any of the rules that he lays down. One of the main rules he gives her is no sleuthing in the house and of course she does it anyways, however, she has help. The first day at her dad’s she ends up meeting Cissy, Deva and Nat. The four of them start snooping through her dad’s old case files and find the one’s about a girl named Patty Mathews that had disappeared 13 years ago during a fourth of July block party.

They read over the case notes, they get to know Patty’s brother cooper, they have a run in with a pathetic excuse of a reporter, but eventually after breaking many laws they get some answers. I am not saying that I agree with the fact that they attempted to break into Cooper’s house or that they did successfully break into Cooper’s neighbors house Mr.Forester. What I am saying is that a cold case, because of the girls had the potential to be a closed case. The four girls want answers and will stop at nothing to get them. They find clues on their journey and they follow those clues the best they can in an attempt to solve the mystery revolving around the disappearance of Patty.

When the fourth of July rolls around the girls think they know what happened to the girl. They believe that the girl was murdered by Cooper’s neighbor Mr. Forester. This is what the girls tell Cooper and with some other information the five of them go on a quest to try and find the burial site of the assumed dead body of Patty Mathews.

This book is full of suspense, and mystery. It has twists and turns and is well written. It has the building of a long term friendship between the girls and eventually Cooper. It has the solving of the drama between Jex and her father. It’s an emotional roller coaster at times. I agree with it being compared to that of a Nancy Drew mystery. It was just a fantastic read and was really difficult to put down. If you want to know what happens you’ll need to read the book. I promise if you like mystery you’ll enjoy it!

{quotes i liked} –
01} “You know – oh-mi-dios- translation, Oh my God!” the wide eyed girl replies. We keep staring at each other in uncomfortable silence for a few more seconds. “That’s how we say OMG.” – Cissy

02} Its a done deal. Signed. Sealed. Delivered. I like this girl. We have a bond. We hate the Girlfriend. -Jex

03} My mom would so kill me if she knew what I was doing now. Dad would kill me, too, come to think about it. It’s like ripping a scab off a very deep and old wound that would never heal. -Jex

04} My mom blamed the Mathew’s family for their daughter’s disappearance and would say, “They probably had unsavory friends. You lie down with dogs, you get bit by fleas,” Nat says.

05} It turns out a ghost doesn’t get to keep secrets – especially not if you find her paperwork. -Jex

06} My dad is a drunk and I clean up the evidence every night. Sometimes, I reach in and cut myself on a piece of broken glass, but that’s nothing compared to how cut up I feel inside about all of it. -Patty

07} Their problems on TV are totally nothing and their little town seems so cute and everyone is weird but nice. Why isn’t real life like that? -Patty

08} Kat takes her hand and shakes it firmly. Cissy giggles and offers hers too. “It’s so cool to meet and actual television star!”
“Oh Sweetie, I am not the star,” Kat announces. “The stars are the real people who invite me into their lives to tell their stories. Real people. Real stories. That’s what it’s all about.”
Zapkode | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – Jessica {Jex} is a seventeen year-old girl that is the product of a broken family. She lives with her mom in New Jersey and her father lives in Nevada. Jex doesn’t have a real relationship with her father and has used many many excuses to not go and spend the summers with him that she is suppose to per the custody agreement that was formulated during her parents divorce. This summer however, she isn’t able to get out of it and is forced by a judge to go to her fathers and spend the summer with him.

Jex is very uncooperative with her father in throughout most of the book. She is against him, she isn’t willing to get to know him or his girlfriend and she isn’t willing to listen to any of the rules that he lays down. One of the main rules he gives her is no sleuthing in the house and of course she does it anyways, however, she has help. The first day at her dad’s she ends up meeting Cissy, Deva and Nat. The four of them start snooping through her dad’s old case files and find the one’s about a girl named Patty Mathews that had disappeared 13 years ago during a fourth of July block party.

They read over the case notes, they get to know Patty’s brother cooper, they have a run in with a pathetic excuse of a reporter, but eventually after breaking many laws they get some answers. I am not saying that I agree with the fact that they attempted to break into Cooper’s house or that they did successfully break into Cooper’s neighbors house Mr.Forester. What I am saying is that a cold case, because of the girls had the potential to be a closed case. The four girls want answers and will stop at nothing to get them. They find clues on their journey and they follow those clues the best they can in an attempt to solve the mystery revolving around the disappearance of Patty.

When the fourth of July rolls around the girls think they know what happened to the girl. They believe that the girl was murdered by Cooper’s neighbor Mr. Forester. This is what the girls tell Cooper and with some other information the five of them go on a quest to try and find the burial site of the assumed dead body of Patty Mathews.

This book is full of suspense, and mystery. It has twists and turns and is well written. It has the building of a long term friendship between the girls and eventually Cooper. It has the solving of the drama between Jex and her father. It’s an emotional roller coaster at times. I agree with it being compared to that of a Nancy Drew mystery. It was just a fantastic read and was really difficult to put down. If you want to know what happens you’ll need to read the book. I promise if you like mystery you’ll enjoy it!

{quotes i liked} –
01} “You know – oh-mi-dios- translation, Oh my God!” the wide eyed girl replies. We keep staring at each other in uncomfortable silence for a few more seconds. “That’s how we say OMG.” – Cissy

02} Its a done deal. Signed. Sealed. Delivered. I like this girl. We have a bond. We hate the Girlfriend. -Jex

03} My mom would so kill me if she knew what I was doing now. Dad would kill me, too, come to think about it. It’s like ripping a scab off a very deep and old wound that would never heal. -Jex

04} My mom blamed the Mathew’s family for their daughter’s disappearance and would say, “They probably had unsavory friends. You lie down with dogs, you get bit by fleas,” Nat says.

05} It turns out a ghost doesn’t get to keep secrets – especially not if you find her paperwork. -Jex

06} My dad is a drunk and I clean up the evidence every night. Sometimes, I reach in and cut myself on a piece of broken glass, but that’s nothing compared to how cut up I feel inside about all of it. -Patty

07} Their problems on TV are totally nothing and their little town seems so cute and everyone is weird but nice. Why isn’t real life like that? -Patty

08} Kat takes her hand and shakes it firmly. Cissy giggles and offers hers too. “It’s so cool to meet and actual television star!”
“Oh Sweetie, I am not the star,” Kat announces. “The stars are the real people who invite me into their lives to tell their stories. Real people. Real stories. That’s what it’s all about.”
CrimsonSoul | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 1, 2024 |
This book is unique to me. I've read a lot of books over the years. I can't think of any book I've read along the lines of this one. Yes, I've read books where characters died but not about the story of their afterlife. And all the possibilities.

Walker Callaghan is a 17 year old living in Chicago with her mom and her aunt. We glimpse from the story that she had been sick with pneumonia before she died but that wasn't the cause of her death. We learn of Walker's passing in the first chapter and then it moves to her afterlife, even though she doesn't know that at first.

She meets several new friends at the Academy, the school for teenagers who aren't delinquents in their previous life. Daniel Reid is a fellow classmate and someone everyone wants to be with but he doesn't notice anyone. Not until Walker comes along anyways.

We learn the story of several of the characters and the surroundings of their deaths through the book. I like the appearance of several of the characters. I will say, it's unique to have all the characters that appear be real people that have passed, minus the students. The adults are all people that have passed in real life and make an appearance at the Academy by teaching one subject or another.
Like I said, this book is unique to me. I was intrigued from the moment I started reading. I read this book as much as I could until I finished it. I was engrossed with this book and wanted more! The characters could pass as everyday people like you and I, except the living vs dead feature though. There's action, adventure and romance in here along with some mischief.

I definitely can't wait to get the rest of the books in this series and finish reading it!
khalsema1988 | Feb 27, 2021 |
This book was really interesting. How cool would it be if this concept was really a thing?? I loved watching Walker’s story unfold. It was also interesting trying to figure out who some of the teachers were, based on the clues we were provided. Overall, it was quite enjoyable and kept me entertained.
medicwife | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 9, 2019 |
This book was really interesting. How cool would it be if this concept was really a thing?? I loved watching Walker’s story unfold. It was also interesting trying to figure out who some of the teachers were, based on the clues we were provided. Overall, it was quite enjoyable and kept me entertained.
medicwife | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 9, 2019 |
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