
Andere Autoren mit dem Namen Lauren Graham findest Du auf der Unterscheidungs-Seite.

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Lauren lets us get a glimpse of what life is like throughout an acting career. She illustrates just how much both busting your ass and luck are involved. Or as she calls it Kismet.

She takes us through her early days mispronouncing song lyrics. Her midyears on Gilmore Girls and Parenthood, and the odd movie or show in between. And finally through returning to Gilmore once more. This memoir is short, sweet, and to the point. If you have her jacket, please return it.

I totally agree that the last words are way more cliffhanger than ending.
thebacklistbook | 129 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 31, 2024 |
3.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

It took me a little bit to get into this book…actually for the first time ever, thought about not finishing it, at least in audio format. (She referred to pictures throughout the book that I obviously couldn’t see and she’s not joking about talking fast!). But as it went on, I remembered why I like her as an actress. She’s fun and lighthearted and someone I think I’d like to be friends with. I would have loved to be on set with her and her “families” and to have been a part of something so special.

So do I recommend? I do. Sometimes it’s nice just to have fun. And that is what this was.
snewell2 | 129 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 24, 2024 |
Always fun to fuel my GG addiction. Love Lauren Graham for her no-nonsense style and straight talking.
elizasani | 129 weitere Rezensionen | May 14, 2024 |
It took me a while to get into it, but by the end, I genuinely liked Franny, and wished Lauren Graham wrote even more chapters about Dan. Also, did they officially end up together? Did Dan move to LA to be with her & pursue his screenwriting career? What happened with her dad and Mary?? Did James Franklin finally get the kick in the head that he deserved?

So many unanswered questions.

Also, what was up with that weird run in with Joe Melville? What a shmuck.
mrsandersonreads23 | 83 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 14, 2024 |
A pleasant collection of essays, entertaining to listen to. Most of the Gilmore Girls stories were in her previous collection, Talking As Fast As I Can, so these essays cover other topics, from wellness retreats to working (and shopping) at Barney's to adopting a pandemic puppy. "Old Lady Jackson" makes a delightful reappearance.½
JennyArch | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 8, 2024 |
I just love Lauren Graham. Her wit and point of view on things are fun to read. I really enjoyed this book for it's fun, honest, and carefree account of her career thus far. I found myself smiling, and even laughing out loud, as I read her words. If you enjoy her in her acting roles then you will not be disappointed with this book.

Full review:
RochelleJones | 129 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 5, 2024 |
She writes exactly like she talks and that is not necessarily a good thing.
gonzocc | 129 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 31, 2024 |
While the core message is a good one, an encouragment to enjoy small moments in life and not strive for an unattainable perfection, it's honestly just also not original or particurally insightful. Graham talks a lot about her own personal theatre experiences, and then kind of says, "Oh, don't worry if you don't get the big roles in life!", glossing over any true depth. Even as a revised commencment speech this is quite lacking, and sounds more life advice to give to freshmen coming into highschool rather than seniors leaving. Just very basic overall.
deborahee | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 23, 2024 |
Boy, I did not like this. What a surprise! I guess I don't like her style of humor? It just wasn't humorous to me, if it was meant to be. A lot of these were annoying, and frankly a lot of the topics felt superficial and shallow and that's not always terrible, but in this case it just didn't work for me. I ended up skimming several of the stories, and in completely skipping one or two of them.

Then there were other sections that made me wonder why they were included at all, like the list of advice about directing that did not feel applicable and seemed more like a page she ripped out of her journal to fill up some more space in the book even though it wasn't really relevant or entertaining. 
Jenniferforjoy | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 29, 2024 |
This is a nice little book and interesting if you like Lauren Graham but it's not as good as other celebrity memoirs. I like her and feel like we'd get along in person but I don't quite feel like I want to be her best friend like I did after reading other books.

hmonkeyreads | 129 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 25, 2024 |
3.5 Nice story about an actress in New York trying to make it before her self imposed deadline to give up on her dream and find a "real" career. It's entertaining but there's no substance here but I'm not sure there's supposed to be.
hmonkeyreads | 83 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 25, 2024 |
Someday, Someday, Maybe is a novel of finding yourself, of finding others, and of finding love, in its various and complicated forms. The premise, I'll give you, sounds clichéd and I am certain you've heard this story before. Franny Banks is a 20-something trying to make it as an actress in New York City. She has the obligatory spunky roommate/best friend; the terminal friend-zone guy friend; the brooding, bad boy love interest; and a relationship with her father that is changing in ways neither of them can control as she asserts herself and enters adulthood. But though the story, the setting, and the characters may be something you've seen before, I guarantee you will fall in love with Franny's personality, her friends, her story, and ultimately with Graham's storytelling.

It was no surprise to me to find out that Graham holds a bachelors degree in English Literature (from Barnard College/Columbia University no less). This book is incredibly well written for being your basic story of a girl growing up in the big city, finding romantic love, a love of family, a love of friends, and, eventually, a love of self. Graham's writing is engaging and witty, and she is just as funny on the page as she seems on TV.
b00kdarling87 | 83 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 7, 2024 |
It took me far too many years to get on the Gilmore Girls train, but once I finally did, boy did I become an instant fan for life. As such, I was extremely excited to read Lauren Graham’s new memoir, Talking as Fast as I can. I have also read Someday,Someday Maybe which was flawless.

There are so many (wonderful) things I want to say about her book that it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly where to begin. Graham’s prose has an effortless, familiar feel to it. Like the soft voice of a friend over a casual cup of coffee. It’s obvious she’s a writer, and an extremely talented one at that.

One of the things I was worried about before I started reading was that it might only focus on her life as it related to Gilmore Girls. While that would have still been a thoroughly enjoyable read, fans (at least fans like me) read memoirs to learn about the real person and their real life. In learning about their lives, we feel as though we’ve left the world of fandom and entered the world of friendship. And Graham’s memoir delivers a perfect blend of personal and professional to us.

Talking as Fast as I can contains two large chapters where Graham recaps the actual filming experience of Gilmore Girls. The first, positioned near the beginning of the book, covers the original series, and the last, positioned near the end of the book, covers the revival. The remainder of the book follows Graham throughout her life from childhood to present. We learn a little about her family, about her upbringing and education, and, of course, about how she became the actress we love today. She’s witty, inspirational, and utterly entertaining.

But it’s more than just a simple sharing of random moments of her life. You can tell that each story, each chapter, each word has been chosen with care and caution. It’s neither too short nor too long; it is just perfect. I have to say after this all I really want to do is watch Parenthood and I just might do that.
b00kdarling87 | 129 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 7, 2024 |
What gets me is how much Lauren Graham reeeeeally sounds like Lorelai Gilmore. What also gets me is crying about Edward Herrmann.
LibrarianDest | 129 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2024 |
I enjoyed Lauren Graham's writing, although I mostly thought of the protagonists characters as a blend of Lorelai Gilmore and Sarah Braverman the whole way through. Felt a little bit guilty reading this, as it would clearly be filed under chick lit, but at the same time it's an incredibly easy and enjoyable read. Read this at the same time as I read Coupland's new output Worst Person Ever and this provided a welcome relief the nastiness and misanthropy of his created world.

I like that this book is set in the 90s, although there's little to no pop cultural context in this tale, all the actors names are changed so not much to anchor it in a reality that you can actually remember. Also the story very much revolves around Graham's character, which is either an extremely astute observation of how self centred women in their twenties can be, or just a bit lazy in terms of padding out the other characters.

Overall, I liked it but it's a bit of a popcorn read. The book equivalent of a rom com I'd watch in secret.
kimlovesstuff | 83 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 31, 2023 |
If you are a gilmore girl fan. You really need to listen to this book. it is super short but also give you so much behind the scene info and gives you a look in Lauren life. I love having her tell me the story!
lmauro123 | 129 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 28, 2023 |
If you are a gilmore girl fan. You really need to listen to this book. it is super short but also give you so much behind the scene info and gives you a look in Lauren life. I love having her tell me the story!
lmauro123 | 129 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 28, 2023 |
what a fun read! well listen.. i listened to this audiobook while working. 4 hours. i love Lauren Graham's voice. it's motherly and charismatic and i enjoy her talking to me. i went back and forth about if i liked it or not.. and in the end decided that overall this collection was touching and real and Lauren Graham is contagious. i'm glad i read this
Ellen-Simon | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 21, 2023 |
i really liked this. there are a couple of essays in here that are really for those in the business or who are students of film making, but other than those (and even those were fine, they just weren't written for me and so weren't as interesting to me) i found this surprisingly well done, funny, and worth reading. her voice is excellent and only enhanced by the audio, but comes across well just in her writing. i don't really have the cultural connection to her work that most people who read this probably do, and i still really enjoyed it.½
overlycriticalelisa | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 17, 2023 |
Short, exuberant book with some life advice from Lauren Graham on how to find joy and satisfaction.
aarondesk | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 11, 2023 |

Lauren Graham - Have I Told You This Already?: A little bit of insight into living as a semi-famous actor in LA, but fairly superficial. #cursorybookreviews #cursoryreviews½
khage | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 26, 2023 |
This short (under 200 pages) collection of 15 essays was extremely tedious and slow to read. Overall, the book was boring. The essays were monotonous and not interesting in the least. The author tried too hard to be funny and amusing, which she was neither. The “humor” was forced as she tried too hard to be funny, and it came off as such and was not funny at all.

I’m glad I won the book in a giveaway and only wasted my time, and not my money to read it.
dwcofer | 11 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 4, 2023 |
Breezed through this. Good for thoughts and behind the scenes on GG. Wanted a little more on the original series and actors, and there's basically no mention of Milo... come aan. But interesting!
feralcreature | 129 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 31, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this. Written by an industry insider it had a ring of truth to it.
secondhandrose | 83 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 31, 2023 |
3.5 I liked this one a lot, but I was expecting something different.
anniesdreaming | 129 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 7, 2023 |