
Colin GunnRezensionen

Autor von Indoctrination

7 Werke 107 Mitglieder 2 Rezensionen


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Join Colin Gunn, a home school father of seven, on the field trip of a lifetime. Driving an old school bus, Colin and family travel across America, asking questions about the origins and social impact of America's public education system.
phoovermt | Jun 3, 2023 |
I feel that this book is controversial simply because it takes an unapologetic stance backed completely by scripture that is used in context. Those who are not ready to face the issues of a broken system called public education will not want to pick it up unless they are ready to view the issue through the lens of the scripture. I began home schooling our children after the school our 5 year old was attending began reading the Koran as inspirational reading and several smaller issues. My husband had been a public school teacher for several years prior to this and struggled with taking with our children out of the system for the same disillusion that many people hold and this book breaks down. This disillusion is that we are not fulfilling the be "salt and light" if we do not allow our children to attend public school. However, one day my husband - after much prayer - came to me and said "You know we would never send one of our missionaries into the field without extensive training and most of the time this includes at least some seminary - why should I expect my unsaved child to be the light in a dark place, and when she is saved will she be trained to fight off the ideas of the secular world in the same way a seasoned and establish Christian could". Thus began our home school journey. This book exposes the very shocking beginnings of public education and follows this with fact and scripture. This will be very offensive to those who have chosen public education either because they feel guilty that they can not do anything different or because they are so caught up in the lie and can not bear to question that which has always been. After reading this book I stopped to really take a look at our church and my own home schooling experience. I was utterly shocked at how much the public school actually drives the world we live in. Our children at church are engaged in countless activities to the point that ministries such as Mighty Men and Faith Girls and Awana has to compete with band, sports, and all the other extra curricular activities. Not only that I noticed that many of our programs were set up based on grades not on spiritual growth, our awards given based on a system much like school systems. Our time tables and calendars are dictated by the public school's schedule of events. Then I personally began to look at how the system had influenced my own beliefs and how that set-up had leaked into my early home school years. I felt that in order to prove home school was good I had to teach my children everything they were learning in public school and set up my day just like the schools. Then came the day that I decided it was best just not to talk to any one about home school so that I did not have to defend what I was doing or explain my reasoning. Still secretly I was in competition. Competition to prove my children were just a smart. This book gives the home school parent a boost where sometimes we just need it. For deep within our hearts most of us have pulled our children for just the same reasons as listed in this book. We have been convicted by the Spirit that we are failing to "train up our children in the Lord" if we allow someone else to take the training up. As a Pastor's wife my husband and I have spent countless hours ministering in prayer and counseling sessions with families who have teens that have gone astray, troubled middle school children. Our greatest heart breaks have been seeing that these families have failed to minister the gospel effectively in their own homes - falsely believing it to be the job of the church and the schools to educate our children in spiritual and educational matters. My husband and I have this one goal and conviction: Our children have immortal souls entrusted to us by an Eternal God who has instructed us - not once but time and time again - to train up our children in the way of the Lord. I stand on this - I refuse to offer up any of my 5 children on the alter of convenience or complacency. I will sacrifice the extra car, the larger house, the nicer clothes, for the peace of mind that my children have hidden the Word in their hearts and they are unshakable in that one thing. So what if they are not socialized in the sewers of public education. This did not stop Jesus from being extremely social with all people no matter where he was. I realize this review has been more of testimonial of my own journey in home schooling - but this is what this book brought out for me. It edified, uplifted, and empowered me as a home school mom. It made me realize that to lose my voice, or refuse to use my voice is to stand by while the public school steals away an entire generation. It has caused me to want to stand up and state every quote worthy statement in the book - to literally fill my face book wall with posts daily to warn against the crumbling foundations of this world system. From this point on I will refuse to stand silent on this issue. If in the end it is an offensive I will leave them with the scriptures and let them take it up with God. No longer will I stand ashamed, afraid, or in the shadows of an institution that I do not support. So in short - I thank the authors for writing a book that I am sure they have gotten mixed reviews on. Thank you for defending the field of home school and giving voice to the very things so many of us have thought but have not researched well enough to fight. This book is the apologetics of home school - arm yourself for the battle - let's take back our nation and save this generation! Thank you Master books for this review copy. My copy is dog-eared, underlined, the binding is worn and certain parts have been reviewed many times. Equally my bible has been marked up with the corresponding scripture and the front and back covers of this book have scriptures marked in it.

You can purchase this book at our eStore. You can find out more about the book and movie at

-Tony Breeden, from the Bookwyrm's Lair

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the New Leaf Publishing Group Book Bible Defender’s Review Team . I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
abbieriddle | Mar 1, 2022 |
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