33 Werke 590 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


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The value of what the publisher of this book has done for its readers is immeasurable when it comes to the vast intrinsic cornucopia of knowledge it provides for a fraction of what individual copies of the 50 books contained in this compendium, written by 26 renowned, prominent authors in their fields, would have cost.

Some of the titles included in this compendium in this collection include:

Benjamin Franklin - The Way to Wealth
Dale Carnegie - The Art of Public Speaking
Florence Scovel Shinn - The Game of Life and How to Play it
Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich
P.T. Barnum - The Art of Money Getting
Ralph Waldo Emerson - Self-Reliance
Russell H. Conwell - What You Can Do with Your Will Power

The areas of assistance in improving one’s self, contained within its pages; is not limited to one or two, the expanse of assistance is quite comprehensive, creating a virtual library of knowledge at its readers fingertips, which is why this reviewer has given this book the 5 STARS it has received.
MyPenNameOnly | Feb 24, 2019 |

One of the original thoughts in this study. Really easy lessons to follow and rules to learn.
capiam1234 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 14, 2013 |

One of the original thoughts in this study. Really easy lessons to follow and rules to learn.
smcamp1234 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 14, 2013 |
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